700字范文 > 华人文化 Chinese culture英语短句 例句大全

华人文化 Chinese culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-30 06:02:08


华人文化 Chinese culture英语短句 例句大全

华人文化,Chinese culture

1)Chinese culture华人文化

1.By investigating the background of TCM culture propagating in Malaysia,and carding the three development channels of TCM culture in Malaysia,the author believes Malaysian ethnicChinese culture and TCM culture is a two-way interaction,the former provides the devolpment soil for the latter,and the latter further enrich the connotation of the former.考察中医药文化在马来西亚传播的文化背景,梳理马来西亚中医药文化发展的三大途径,认为马来西亚华人文化与中医药文化之间是双向的互动关系,前者为后者提供了发展的土壤,后者则进一步丰富了前者的内涵。

2.The result shows thatChinese culture plays an important role in team management of Chinese organizations.认为,在华人组织中,文化是影响团队领导者管理认知的重要因素,基层团队领导的和谐倾向和群体倾向,是团队管理者内部控制的主要正向解释因素,而华人文化中的等级倾向,则对团队领导者的外部协作倾向有一定的负面影响。

3.Then,it takes on defiant tasks ofChinese culture.海外华人文化作为中国文化在不同境遇中的应变形态,打破了我们以往对中华文化传统命运的狭窄视野,呈现出传统在种种痛苦的现代“分娩”中的各种生命形态,以其种种“异质”表明着它同中华文化传统内在的深层的联系,以其根源于中华文化传统而又自立独立的形态表明着中华文化的强大衍生力。


1.The Poetics of Culture and the Criticism on Overseas Chinese Literature--Views about “Overseas Chinese Cultural Poetics”文化诗学与华文文学批评——关于“华人文化诗学”的构想

2.On the Study of the problem of Cultural Identification of Overseas Chinese in the Era of Globalization;全球化时代的华侨华人文化认同问题研究

3.The Characteristics in the Cultural Identification of Overseas Chinese in the Background of Globalization全球化时代的华侨华人文化认同的特点

4.Polytheism and Cultural Identity of Indonesian Chinese印尼华人信仰的多教混合与华人文化认同

5.An Analysis of the Multicultural Policies Influence on the Culture and Economy of Chinese Australians;论多元文化政策下的澳大利亚华人文化与经济

6.The Cultural Identity of the Younger Generation of Overseas Chinese in Kobe;神户华侨华人二三代的中华文化认同

7.Contemporary Chinese American in Cultural Interaction between China and America;近代旅美华人华侨与中美文化的互动

8.The characteristics of Chinese culture reflected in Chinese enterprises in thailand;泰国华人企业管理中的中华文化特征

9.Tradition of “Nurturing of Humanities” and Humanistic Spirit of Chinese Aesthetics;“人文化成”传统与中华审美人文精神

10.Traditional Huaxia Culture and Growth of Chinese-run Enterprises ──An Analysis of Approaches to "Government by Law" in Chinese-run Enterprises;华夏传统文化与华人企业成长──兼析华人企业“法治化”途径

11.Chinese Literature-A Widened Visual Angle and Space;华人文学:拓展了的文化视角和空间

12.On the Humanity in the Cultural Meta of the Chinese Nationality;试论中华民族文化元典中的人文精神

13.Chinese Political Culture and Scholarship On the Malay World;华人政治文化和关于马来世界的华人学术著作

14."What can be done to make the Chinese language, Both spoken and written, one of the cultural resources that ethnic Chinese in Singapore feel proud of?"如何使华语华文成为新加坡华人社会引以自豪的文化资源?

15.Being able to write Chinese words and engage in simple conversation in Mandarin by no means indicates that a person understands Chinese culture.会写华文字和以简单的华语交谈,并不代表一个人了解中华文化。

16.Cultural Images and the Chinese American s Cultural Identity--The Cultural Issues in Contemporary American Literature of Chinese Origin;文化镜像与华人身份建构——当代美国华裔文学中的文化问题

17.The transmission of Chinese culture to non-Chinese is made more difficult.要把中华文化传送给非华族人士并不容易。

18.On the Relationship between the Communication of Sino-American Culture and the Modern Foreign Citizens of Guangdong, China;近代广东旅美华侨华人与中美文化交流


Chinese cultural sphere华人文化圈

3)ethnic Chinese culture hero华人文化英雄

4)Indonesian Chinese culture印尼华人文化

5)reli gious culture of Chinese华人宗教文化

6)American Chinese people culture美国华人文化


爱德华人格偏好量表爱德华人格偏好量表Edwards personal preference schedule,EPPS爱德华人格偏好t表(E dwards personalpreferenee sehedule,Epps)美国心理学家爱德华(Edwards,A.L.)于1953年编制。以默里(M盯ray,HA)提出的15种人类需求为基础。共有225个题目,每题包括两个第一人称的陈述句,要求受测者按自己的个性偏好从两者中圈选其一,通过个人对题目的选择,鉴别其在15种心理需求上的倾向。(郑日昌撰林传燕审)
