700字范文 > 五脏俞 Shu-points of the five-organs英语短句 例句大全

五脏俞 Shu-points of the five-organs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-22 23:33:52


五脏俞 Shu-points of the five-organs英语短句 例句大全

五脏俞,Shu-points of the five-organs

1)Shu-points of the five-organs五脏俞

1.Purpose: Through electric acupuncture toShu-points of the five-organs on the Guillain-Barre syndrome classic animal model - experimental allergic neuritis (EAN) in rabbit peripheral nerves and nerve pathomorphology electrophysiological function study.目的:通过电针五脏俞对格林-巴利综合征经典动物模型——实验性变态反应性神经炎(EAN)家兔周围神经病理形态学及神经电生理功能影响的研究,揭示了电针五脏俞对格林-巴利综合征的治疗作用及干预机制。


1.Study on the Mechanism of the Treatment of Insomnia by Acupuncture at Five Zang-Organs and Regulation at Five Zang-Soul;“针刺五脏俞调五脏神”针法干预失眠机制的实验研究

2.Study on the Mechanism of the Treatment of Guillain-Barre Syndrome by Electroacupuncture at Shu-Points of the Urinary Bladder Five Zang-Organs;电针膀胱经五脏俞治疗格林—巴利综合征的作用机制研究

3.Clinical Observation and Experimental Study on Neurodermatitis of Wu Zang Shu Pinpricking with Cupping Method;五脏俞刺血拔罐法治疗寻常型银屑病的临床与实验研究

4.Clinical Study on Treatment of Perimenopausal Syndrome by Acupuncture on the Five-Zang Shu-Points of Bllader Meridian;针刺膀胱经五脏俞治疗围绝经期综合征的临床研究

5.The Clinical Researches of Electro-therapy Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndromes;电针五脏背俞穴治疗肝肾阴虚型慢性疲劳综合征的临床研究

6.The Clinical Treatment Observation of Premature Ovarian Failure with 425 Gather the Soup and Shu Mu Xue Buries the Line四二五合汤合俞募穴埋线治疗卵巢早衰的临床观察

7.The Effect of Immediately EKG of the CHD Patients by Acupuncturing Shenmen and Xinshu Belonging to Heart Meridian of Hand-shaoyin of Cadre and Tip手少阴心经之本部神门及标部心俞对缺血性心脏病患者心电图即刻效应的影响

8.Winston"s entrails seemed to have turned into ice.温斯顿的五脏六腑似乎都变成了冰块。

9.Infected lungs are firm, nodular and variegated color.感染的肺脏坚实、结节状、五颜六色。

10.The old tyrant was dead of a heart attack at sixty five.老伯爵死于心脏病发作,终年六十五岁。

11.The five-year-old boy used foul words.那个五岁的男孩满口脏话。

12.Nei jing said "All five-zang organs and six-fu organs lead to cough, not only lung".《内经》提出“五脏六腑皆令人咳,非独肺也”。

13.The fie Zang-organs and all the orifices on the body constitute an inteqrity.8五脏与形体诸窍连接成一个整体。

14.Five Zang-organs and Traditional Chinese Medicine Eye-acupuncture Therapy on Theoretical Foundation五脏与中医眼针疗法理论基础的研究

15."The larger the island of knowledge, the shore line of wonder."知识之岛俞大,未知之海岸线俞长

16.Viscera Words That Imply Human Emotions --A contrastive study of lexical cultural implications of viscera words in Chinese and English;五脏六腑寓真情——英汉语内脏器官词汇文化内涵比较

17.Diversity of Relationship between Five Zang Organs and Five Elements and Course of Medical Development;从五脏五行配属关系的多样性看医学发展的轨迹

18.She"d a roasted his bowels out of him"thout any more feeling than if he was a human!给它灌药烧坏它的五脏六腑,不管它是不是人


five viscera"s Shu-acupoint五脏俞穴

3)five-zang shu-points acupuncture针刺五脏俞

4)five organs五脏

1.Under the relative theory between eye andfive organs,to treat windy sight deviation can get good cure effect.目窍与五脏的密切关系,历代医家多有论述。

2.By expounding the relationship between immune andfive organs in ancient medical works,it deeply discusses the relationship between TCM and immunity sterility,bringing forwards the prospect on sterility treated with TCM.通过论述古代医著中免疫与五脏的关系,深入探讨了中医学与免疫性不孕不育的关系,并提出中医治疗免疫性不孕不育的展望。

3.The formation offive organs concept was closely related with five element theory.认为中医五脏概念的形成与五行密不可分,同意五行源自古人时空意识觉醒的观点;中医现代化研究应将五脏概念中的解剖成分与五行模式划分开来,其五行模式的实质是体内气机变化的趋势,这既是中医五脏概念的特色,也是中医现代化研究的难点。

5)five viscera五脏

1.Study on that five tastes enters intofive viscera;关于五味的五脏所入考察

2.Discussion on the Relationship Between Five Viscera and Body Fluid Immune;论五脏与津液免疫的关系

3.Fromfive viscera to treat cardiac neurosis with syndrome differentiation and treatment;五脏论治心脏神经官能症

6)five zang-organs五脏

1.Discussion of chest obstruction and heartache from combination of syndromes of five Zang-organs从五脏合病论治胸痹心痛

2.Five Zang-organs and Traditional Chinese Medicine Eye-acupuncture Therapy on Theoretical Foundation五脏与中医眼针疗法理论基础的研究


五脏之俞五脏之俞 五脏之俞 五脏之气输注于背部的五俞穴。《灵枢·背腧》:“愿闻五脏之腧。”即肺俞、心俞、肝俞、脾俞和肾俞。些穴位与五脏之气相通,临床上具有诊察和治疗本脏病证的作用。
