700字范文 > 认址 Addressing英语短句 例句大全

认址 Addressing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-10 09:34:17


认址 Addressing英语短句 例句大全



1.This paper introduces a realizing method for addressing and monitoring in the automatic warehouse system.本文介绍了一种在自动化仓库系统中实现库位认址与监控的方

2)location identification认址识别

3)accurate addressing精确认址

4)memory address confirmation内存地址确认


1.An Approach to Buffer Overflow Detection Based on Memory Address Confirmation基于内存地址确认的缓冲区溢出检测方法

2.The site was not found. Make sure the address is correct, and try again.未找到站点。请确认地址正确,然后重试。

3.Do you want to save the new return address as the default return address?是否将新的返回地址保存为默认的返回地址?

4.The address bus specifies the memory locations (addresses) for the data transfers.地址总线为数据传输指明内存位置(地址)。

5." Heather told the operator. Then she confirmed her address."希瑟告诉接线员,还确认了自己的地址。

6.If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.如果您已经在地址栏中输入该网页的地址,请确认其拼写正确。

7.The protocol specified in this address is not valid. Make sure the address is correct, and try again.在该地址中指定的协议无效。请确认地址正确,然后重试。

8.The address you have entered is invalid. Verify the spelling of your address and try again.输入的地址无效。请确认地址的拼写是否正确,然后再试一次。

9.A shared memory open failed to open at the originally assigned memory address在最初分配的内存地址处打开共享内存失败

10.The actual address that is placed on the address bus when accessing a memory location or register.当访问内存位置或寄存器时,在地址总线上的真实的地址。

11.%1 is not a valid address. Verify the address and try again.%1 不是一个有效地址。请确认此地址有效,然后再试一次。

12.There is not enough memory available to continue working with this address list.内存不足,无法继续处理此地址列表。

13.There isn"t enough memory to complete this address list action.内存不足,无法完成该地址列表操作。

14.The memory address of the function that was run when the thread started.在启动线程时所运行函数的内存地址。

15.The source of the appended data is a memory location.用于追加的数据的源是一个内存地址。

16.UPS U.S. Address Validation: Ensure that customer-entered shipping addresses for the United States are correct at the time of order.UPS 美国地址确认: 确保在下订单时客户输入的美国运输地址正确无误。

17.Please make sure that the specified identity is a valid e-mail address.请确认指定的标识为有效的电子邮件地址。

18.Verify that the user or group e-mail address or domain name is valid.请确认用户或组电子邮件地址或域名有效。


location identification认址识别

3)accurate addressing精确认址

4)memory address confirmation内存地址确认

5)overlapped address/multi-address重址/多址

1.This article introduces the basis components and its functions of self-reconfigurable robots we have developed, brings for-ward the basis demand of motion control module, designs the motion control module used LM629 as main chip, and improve the capa-bility byoverlapped address/multi-address of components, the experiment has express the design can satisfy the demand excellently.本文介绍了我们开发的自重构机器人系统的基本组成和功能,提出了自重构机器人对移动控制模块的性能要求,设计了以LM629为核心器件的运动控制模块,并采用重址/多址方式来提高运动控制模块的性能,实验表明本文的设计能够很好地满足了应用要求。

6)indexed addressing变址编址


认的1.认得。 2.承认。
