700字范文 > 城市交通枢纽 urban traffic hub英语短句 例句大全

城市交通枢纽 urban traffic hub英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-20 18:30:53


城市交通枢纽 urban traffic hub英语短句 例句大全

城市交通枢纽,urban traffic hub

1)urban traffic hub城市交通枢纽

1.With the quick development of national economy and urban traffic, many cities have builturban traffic hub which is multi transport modes crossing part rapidly and on a large scale.随着城市化进程的加快,我国的各大城市开始大规模建设城市交通枢纽,急需相对应的规划理论和方法的支持。


1.Research on Passenger Transfer in Railway Mainly Urban Transportation Terminal;以铁路客运站为主的城市交通枢纽换乘研究

2.Planning and Design of the Urban Underground Transit Hub--Based on the example of the transit hub at Shanghai bund城市地下客运交通枢纽的规划设计——以上海市外滩交通枢纽为例

3.The Study on the Hierarchy Layout of the Urban Passenger Traffic Hub;城市客运交通枢纽的层次化布局研究

4.Thoughts on Highway Informationization Construction in Main Traffic City;主枢纽城市公路交通信息化建设构想

5.Transport Hub and Urban Complex Planning Concept of Shanghai Hongqiao Transport Hub交通枢纽之城市综合体 上海虹桥综合交通枢纽规划理念

6.Research on Design of Transfer Space of Urban Public Transport Hub--With Beijing Xizhimen Traffic Hub as an Example城市公共交通枢纽换乘空间问题分析——以北京西直门交通枢纽为例

7.Study on Levels of Service for Pedestrian Facility in MTR Hubs;城市轨道交通枢纽乘客交通设施服务水平研究

8.Study and Model of the Characteristic of Passengers Flow in Urban Railway Transit Hub;城市轨道交通枢纽乘客流交通特性分析及建模

9.Simulation and Traffic Impact Analysis of City Passenger Transport Hinge;城市客运交通枢纽的交通影响分析及仿真研究

10.Analysis and Evaluation of Passenger Flow Operation State in Urban Railway Transit Hub城市轨道交通枢纽乘客交通流状态分析与评价

11.Passenger and Environment Interaction Theory of Urban Rail Transit Hubs城市轨道交通枢纽乘客与环境交互理论

12.Study on Dynamic Simulation Design of MTR Hubs;城市轨道交通枢纽动态仿真设计方法研究

13.The Layout Integrating and Traffic Interchange Research in Rail Transit Hubs;城市轨道交通枢纽一体化布局及换乘研究

14.Study on Combination and Harmony between Railway Passenger Hub Station and Urban Traffic;铁路客运枢纽站与城市交通的衔接与协调研究

15.Research on the Plan Theory and Method of Urban Public Transport Transit Junction;城市公共交通换乘枢纽规划理论与方法研究

16.A Study of the Pattern of Urban Passenger Terminals: Traffic Integration Oriented;以交通一体化为导向的城市客运枢纽模式研究

17.Study on Locating the Urban Transfer Terminals and Integrating the Traffic Resources;城市换乘枢纽空间布局与交通资源整合研究

18.The Theory and Practice of Urban Transport Network and Hinge Planning;城市公共交通线网、枢纽规划的理论和实践


transportation hub city交通枢纽型城市

3)city comprehensive transportation hub城市综合交通枢纽

1.Objective and impartial evaluation of thecity comprehensive transportation hub has a great influence on programming and development of the city comprehensive transportation system.城市综合交通枢纽评价能否客观有效,将对城市综合交通系统的规划和发展产生重大影响。

4)urban public transportation terminal城市客运交通枢纽

1.The authors discuss the DEA (data envelopment analysis) model,and applying it to evaluate trans- fer efficiency ofurban public transportation terminals.作者探讨了数据包络分析方法在城市客运交通枢纽换乘效率评价中的应用思路和过程,建立了客运交通枢纽换乘效率模型,提出了换乘效率模型中各项指标的计算方法。

2.Aimed at the transfer distribution forecast ofurban public transportation terminal,the theory of traffic distribution in "Forecast Four-stage Method" was introduced.针对城市客运交通枢纽换乘量分布预测的问题,引入"四阶段法"中的出行分布预测原理,将枢纽处各种交通方式的客流影响范围近似看作出行分布预测中的交通小区,各交通方式之间的换乘量相应地看作交通小区之间的交通分布量。

5)urban public transportation hub城市公共交通枢纽

1.From the strategetic point of city planning,the conception of Transit Oriented Development(TOD)was introduced into the design ofurban public transportation hub.随着国内各大城市对公共交通枢纽规划建设的普遍重视,城市公共交通枢纽设计已成为交通领域的重要研究课题。

6)urban railway transit hub城市轨道交通枢纽

1.Study and Model of the Characteristic of Passengers Flow in Urban Railway Transit Hub;城市轨道交通枢纽乘客流交通特性分析及建模


