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叙述手法 Narrative Techniques英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-10 09:09:02


叙述手法 Narrative Techniques英语短句 例句大全

叙述手法,Narrative Techniques

1)Narrative Techniques叙述手法

1.A Comparative Study of theNarrative Techniques in the Representative Novels of Woolf s Early and Middle Periods;伍尔夫前、中期代表作叙述手法比较研究


1.a writer of great narrative power叙述手法高超的作家

2.He is writer of great narrative power.他是个叙述手法高超的作家。

3.The psychological narrative in Patrick White s fictions;帕特里克·怀特作品的心理叙述手法

4.A Comparative Study of the Narrative Techniques in the Representative Novels of Woolf s Early and Middle Periods;伍尔夫前、中期代表作叙述手法比较研究

5.Narration and Symbolism in Great Gatsby;《了不起的盖茨比》的叙述手法和象征意义

6.Among the women writers of the 19th century, Jane Austen is applauded for her indirections of narration.在19世纪的女作家中,奥斯丁以其间接叙述手法为文论家所称道。

7.A Tragic Song of a Female Seeking Freedom--On the Narrative Technique of The Story of an Hour;一曲女性自由的悲歌——兼析《一小时的故事》的多视角叙述手法

8.Seek the Real Essence from an Absurd Event --On the Narrative Technique of Franz Kafka s Fictions;从荒谬的事件中探求真实的本质——试论卡夫卡小说的叙述手法

9.Pay Attention to the Human Survival Circumstances with the Wise Narration s Method--Explanation for Hong Ying s Wise Narrative Technique;智性叙述下的人类生存境遇——虹影智性化叙事手法解读

10.The Spacialization of Time as a Narrative Technique;小说叙述时间的空间化——电影手法对当代小说的反哺

11.an inaccurate report, statement, description, etc失实的报道、 说法、 叙述等.

12.Pharaoh began to tell about his dream:法老王开始叙述他的梦:

13.Report belongs to a category of narration, mainly making use of narration and description, and it is objective reaction in essence.新闻报道属于记叙文的范畴,主要运用叙述、写手法,本质上属于客观反映。

14.The Strange Narrator:The Manner of Narration and the Space Time Structure of Can Xue;陌生的叙述者——残雪的叙述法和时空结构

15.Objectivity in Flaubert s Madam Bovary by narrations;从叙述模式和叙述语言看《包法利夫人》的客观性

16.Narration is an important means of expression of the literary works of narration.叙事是叙事性文艺作品的一种重要的表述手段。

17.Review of Narrative Psychology;解构并重述生命的故事——叙事疗法述评

18.The sailor told of his many great adventures.水手叙述了他许多不平凡的经历。



1.The image,disguised and personified,has surpassed his concrete real attribute while thenarration itself has great impact upon the readers stylistic expectations.《老人与海》是一部象征性的寓言故事,作品的客体形象被变形化和拟人化并超越了自身具体的现实属性,而叙述手法本身已超出了人们的文体期待,达到了对读者期待视野的冲击。

3)narrative technique叙述手法

1.This paper tries to demonstrate the narrative arts of the novel from three perspectives:the narrator,the analogousnarrative technique and the narrative time.本论文试图运用叙事学理论,从小说的叙述者的交流功能、类比的叙述手法及混乱的叙述时序三方面深入分析斯特恩在《项狄传》中所采用的独特叙事策略,以探讨小说精湛的叙事艺术。

4)multi-angle narrative多角度叙述手法

5)psychological narrative心理叙述手法

1.Thepsychological narrative in Patrick White s fictions;帕特里克·怀特作品的心理叙述手法

6)narrative theater叙述法


