700字范文 > 亚非国家 Asian and African countries英语短句 例句大全

亚非国家 Asian and African countries英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-22 10:39:10


亚非国家 Asian and African countries英语短句 例句大全

亚非国家,Asian and African countries

1)Asian and African countries亚非国家

1.The Bandung Conference is a landmark in the relations between China, andAsian and African countries.(本文主要根据外交部新开放档案撰写)万隆会议是中国与亚非国家关系发展史上的重要里程碑。


1.Conference of Asian African Countries (Bandung Conference)亚非国家会议(万隆会议)

2.Soviet Committee for Solidarity with the Countries of Asia and Africa苏维埃亚非国家团结委员会

3.The debt crisis spread beyond Latin America into Asia and Africa.债务危机越出拉丁美洲的范围,蔓延到亚非国家。

4.Many African and Asian countries have economies based largely on agriculture.很多亚非国家的经济基本都以农业为基础。

5.The Bandung Conference and China s Efforts to Establish Diplomatic Relations with the Asian and African Countries;万隆会议前后中国政府打开与亚非国家关系的努力

6.The Asian tsunami hit 14 countries in Asia and Africa.亚洲海啸袭击了亚洲和非洲的14个国家。

7.Equatorial Guineaph.1. 赤道几内亚(西非一国家)

8.Gambia is a country of western Africa on the Atlantic Ocean.冈比亚是临大西洋的一个西非国家。

9.Ethiopia is an important country in Africa.埃塞俄比亚是非洲的重要国家。

10.a country in eastern Africa on the Gulf of Aden; formerly under French control.临亚丁湾的非洲东部一国家;以前被法国控制。

mittee of Five of the Economic Community of West African States on Liberia西非国家经济共同体利比里亚问题五国委员会

12.Asian-African Strategy of The National Security Strategy of the USA();美国《国家安全战略报告》的亚非战略

13.The policy of the USA to Asian-African neutral states in the fifties of the 20th century;20世纪50年代美国对亚非中立主义国家的政策

14.Gulf Indonesia has entered into a distribution agreement with M/ S P T Imani Wicaksana based in Jakarta.海湾正在非洲筹建一家公司,包括尼日利亚、桑尼亚和南非在内的非洲国家。

15.Gulf Indonesia has entered into a distribution agreement with M/S P T Imani Wicaksana based in Jakarta.海湾正在非洲筹建一家公司,包括尼日利亚、坦桑尼亚和南非在内的非洲国家。

16.A country of east-central Africa on the Indian Ocean.坦桑尼亚:非洲中东部一国家,位于印度洋沿岸。

17.A country of northwest Africa bordering on the Mediterranean Sea.阿尔及利亚:非洲西北部滨邻地中海的国家。

18.The developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America and elsewhere constitute the third world.亚非拉和其他地区的发展中国家构成第三世界。


De-industrialization of Southeast Asia东南亚国家的非工业化

3)Central Asian countries中亚国家

1.New Mission of the “Silk Road”:An Energy Strategy Channel——Energy cooperation and security of Northwestern China withCentral Asian countries;“丝绸之路”的新使命:能源战略通道——我国西北与中亚国家的能源合作与安全

2.Upon the comparisons of the design between electrolytic aluminum plants both inCentral Asian countries and in China,the article indicates that there will be a big difference in general layout due to different social,natural and cultural environment and management systems in different countries.通过对中亚国家电解铝厂的设计,并与国内同类项目进行比较,指出因社会、自然环境、人文环境和管理体制的不同,而致使总图设计方案有较大的差异,针对这些差异,提出了改进的措施及应注意的问题,可供国内同行参考。

3.To strengthen the economic and trade cooperation between Xin-jiang andCentral Asian countries is necessary for the stability and development of Asia and Europe.新疆与中亚国家加强经贸合作,是双赢发展的需要。

4)Asian countries亚洲国家

1.The dissemination status of rural domestic biogas technology inAsian countries were surveyed in the paper,especially the experiences and the problems on biogas dissemination in India,Nepal and Vietnam were discussed.本文综述了亚洲国家农村户用沼气技术的推广进展,着重讨论了印度、尼泊尔和越南等一些国家的成功经验与问题。

2.This paper induces classification and service process of international Medical Tourism by reviewing Medical Tourism policy objectives and implementation results of fiveAsian countries-Thailand,Singapore,India,China,and Japan.基于泰国、新加坡、印度、中国、日本5个亚洲国家医疗旅游政策目标、具体推行以及初步成果的综述,本研究归纳了国际医疗旅游的分类和服务流程,论证了中国开展医疗旅游的可行性,并在组织架构、政策制定和具体实施3个方面提出相关的政策建议。

5)East Asian countries东亚国家

1.Bilateralist policies were usually adopted by Chinese authorities to develop foreign relations withEast Asian countries in history.中国传统上基本采用双边主义模式发展与东亚国家之间的关系。

2.This paper makes a systematic analysis of the major risk factors,which are weakening the financial stability ofEast Asian countries.文章对当前东亚国家金融稳定性所面临的主要风险诱因进行了系统分析。

6)IABAHP Inter-African Bureau for Animal Health and Production非洲国家家畜保健与畜产局[肯尼亚]


