700字范文 > 挖方段 Excavation section英语短句 例句大全

挖方段 Excavation section英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-18 06:29:30


挖方段 Excavation section英语短句 例句大全

挖方段,Excavation section

1)Excavation section挖方段

1.Initial analysis on the measurement and locating methods of the toe line and top line in the excavation section挖方段坡脚线及坡顶线的测量放样方法初析


1.Initial analysis on the measurement and locating methods of the toe line and top line in the excavation section挖方段坡脚线及坡顶线的测量放样方法初析

2.Wall-Supporting Method of Clough Soil Section in the Construction of Excavated Pile浅谈坳沟土段挖孔桩施工的护壁方法

3.On the Rock Excavation Rapid Technology of Oil and Gas Pipeline Working Hole油气管道石方段工作坑快速开挖技术

4.Study on building excavation for Pukou open-cut river-crossing tunnel of Nanjing南京过江隧道浦口明挖段基坑降水方案研究

5.Blasting, during project operation, is one of the common ways to solve the excavation of earth or stone"s problems.在建筑工程施工中,爆破是常用的解决石方开挖的手段之一。

6.Treatment Technology for Asphalt Pavement Groundwater Damage of Excavation Section of Expressway in Mountainous Area山区高速公路挖石方段沥青路面地下水损害处治技术研究

7.She was sure that he knew where Chao Po-tao had gone, and she was thinking of some way of worming the truth out of this sly young fellow.她料来韩孟翔一定知道老赵的新地方,她打算用点手段从这刁滑小伙子的心里挖出真话来。

8.The paper mainly discussed technical measure to raise strength of soil base and frost stability in frost area.本文主要论述提高冰冻地区零填与挖方路段土基强度冰冻稳定性采取的技术措施。

9.The Technique of Confident Rule Mining in Data Mining;数据挖掘中可信规则挖掘方法的研究

10.A boat or canoe made of a hollowed-out log.独木舟一段中间挖空的木头制成的船

11.Hollow out a log to make a canoe挖空一段木头来做独木舟

12.He gouged out a cob and loaded it with tobacco他把一段玉米棒子挖空,然后装上烟叶。

13.In the end, FCARM model is applied into the analysis of historical data from practical aromatic hydrocarbon extraction process.在建模阶段,提出了三种数据挖掘模型

14.Deployment and Data Mining of CRM in the Manufacturing;制造业中CRM的阶段实施和数据挖掘

15.Application and Construction Technology of Covered Excavation in Shallow Tunnel隧道浅埋段盖挖法的应用与施工技术

16.Excavation Construction of the Poor Geological Section in ZhuanBao Tunnel赚宝隧道不良地质区段开挖处治施工

17.On construction technique of metro tunnel of subsurface excavation through building group穿楼房群地段暗挖地铁隧道施工技术

18.Discussion on Tapping the Potential Shallowly-Bedded Natural Gas in the Western Section of the Ziliujing Structure自流井构造西段浅层天然气挖潜探讨


long and deep-cut road-chasm section of a highway深长挖方路段

1.At thelong and deep-cut road-chasm section of a highway, the storage and seepage of groundwater may influence the function of roadbed and road surface structure deeply.在深长挖方路段中,地下水的存在状态和输移会严重影响路基路面结构层功能,常常造成边坡垮塌、路基沉陷、路面结构层破坏。

3)a joint section with filling and cutting填挖方结合段

4)Groove line of excavation (of earth or stone) section挖方段坡口线

5)cut,excavation,excavation earth挖土,挖方


1.The water seepage problems ofexcavation section are solved.针对水损坏对沥青路面破坏的严重性进行探讨,分析了渗水处理方式的确定方法,并分类阐述不同情况下的处理措施,较好地解决了挖方段的渗水问题。

2.Inexcavation of basement for high-rise building, passing through different types of rock,based on data from engineering survey and classification of soil and rock,a method for calculating the volume of rock and earthexcavation is presented in this paper.本文旨在探讨高层建筑地下室开挖深度穿过不同类别的岩土层时 ,依工程勘测资料及《土壤及岩石分类表》计算不同类别岩土工程量的方法 ,并导出了在变坡度条件下计算分类岩土方量的递推公式 ,此公式可用于一切挖方放坡的分类岩土工程量计算。

3.The land filling,landexcavation and earth disposal in project site preparation have a direct im- pact on the investment of site earthworks and are the main factors for decision-making on the earthworks.工程建设场地上填方、挖方和外弃土石方的价格直接影响到场地土石方工程投资,并成为土石方工程决策的决定因素。


十报恩 赠段先生 折段字起【诗文】:公物外好生涯。火相逢结大砂。女盘桓看大药。牛哮吼戏灵葩。云铺地丹炉赫,子观天碧眼华。有三生君省悟,中无事步烟霞。【注释】:【出处】:
