700字范文 > 逆向物流成本 Reverse Logistics cost英语短句 例句大全

逆向物流成本 Reverse Logistics cost英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-14 08:49:26


逆向物流成本 Reverse Logistics cost英语短句 例句大全

逆向物流成本,Reverse Logistics cost

1)Reverse Logistics cost逆向物流成本


1.Study on the Measurement of Government Based on Cost and Income in Reverse Logistics System;基于逆向物流成本收益的政府行为研究

2.Modeling for Reverse Logistics Cost and Benefit Based on Circular Economy;基于循环经济下逆向物流成本与收益模型研究

3.Reverse Logistics Cost Control Analysis of Time-limited Consumer Goods;时效消费品退货逆向物流成本控制分析

4.Cost,Strategic Value Analysis and System Building of Reversed Logistics of Chain Retailers;连锁零售企业逆向物流成本、战略价值分析及体系构建

5.Discussion on the Take-back Strategy of Reverse Logistics based on Low Cost;基于低成本的逆向物流回收策略探讨

6.Reverse Logistics Model for Pharmaceuticals Transport Costs医药品逆向物流的运输成本模型分析

7.Research on the Reverse Logistics Cost Calculation of the Third Party Enterprise;第三方物流企业逆向物流服务成本核算研究

8.Cost-Benefit Analysis of Reverse Logistics and Its Operating Process Design;逆向物流的成本收益分析及运作流程设计

9.Investigations on cost analysis of enterprise reverse logistics system;基于成本分析的企业逆向物流系统研究

10.The Cost-Benefit Analysis Model of Recovery Processing in Reverse Logistics of Assembly Product;产品回收处理逆向物流的成本—效益分析模型

11.Study on Optimization of Multi-level Inventory Considered the Repair Cost考虑修复成本的逆向物流多级库存优化研究

12.Trade-Offs between Cost and Customer Service in Reverse Logistics Network Design;基于成本/服务权衡的逆向物流网络设计问题研究

13.Research on A Dependent-Chance Objective Programming Model for the Cost Optimization of the Remanufacturing Reverse Logistics Networks;逆向物流再造网络成本优化的相关机会目标规划模型研究

14.Data Integration of Reverse Logistics System Based on XML/JSP;基于XML/JSP的逆向物流系统的数据集成

15.The article analyses several measures of the environment of reverse logistics.本文理性地分析了逆向物流绿色化的几个措施。

16.The Essence of the Technology to the Reverse Logistic s Development Obstacles and Strategy;逆向物流发展障碍的技术本质及其策略研究

17.To Analyse on the Integration of Logistics System Based on Circler Economy;基于循环经济探讨正向物流与逆向物流的系统集成

18.Study on the Reverse Logistics Integrated Model Based on Game Theory;基于博弈分析的逆向物流集成模型研究


reverse logistics integrated逆向物流集成

3)reverse logistics逆向物流

1.Dynamic Performance Evaluation of the Third Party Reverse Logistics Service Based on DEA;基于DEA的第三方逆向物流服务动态绩效评价

2.Model for optimization design ofreverse logistics network;逆向物流网络优化设计模型

3.Maintenance and repair supply chain and its inventory model based onreverse logistics;基于逆向物流的维修供应链及其库存模型

4)reverse logistic逆向物流

1.The Essence of the Technology to the Reverse Logistic s Development Obstacles and Strategy;逆向物流发展障碍的技术本质及其策略研究

2.Study on the Vehicle Routing Problems with Backhauls of Reverse Logistics;带回程取货的逆向物流车辆路径问题研究

3.Research on Optimization Model of Reverse Logistics Supernetwork;逆向物流超网络优化模型研究

5)reverse logistics (RL)逆向物流(逆物流)

6)reverse logistics物流逆向化

1.Study on the cluster supply chain and itsreverse logistics-the case study of IT industry in Dongguan;集群式供应链与物流逆向化分析——以东莞IT产业为例


