700字范文 > 防洪工程体系 flood control engineering system英语短句 例句大全

防洪工程体系 flood control engineering system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-02 09:49:14


防洪工程体系 flood control engineering system英语短句 例句大全

防洪工程体系,flood control engineering system

1)flood control engineering system防洪工程体系

prehensive security evaluation of valleyflood control engineering systems can serve as an important basis for the security management of valley flood disaster.在流域防洪工程体系安全评价的指标体系及其等级标准的基础上,提出了用集对分析方法构造可变模糊集的相对差异度函数,进而建立流域防洪工程体系安全模糊综合评价的新方法(SPA—FCE)。

2.Considering the disadvantages of using subjective weights in the former studies for the risk assessment of theflood control engineering system,the variable fuzzy pattern recognition model based on the combination of the subjective and objective weights is developed.针对以往防洪工程体系风险评价中多采用主观权重法确定各评价指标权重的不足,提出基于主客观组合权重的模糊可变模式识别模型。


1.Economic benefits of flood control project system in west of Shahe River and Luohe River沙河、漯河以西防洪工程体系防洪经济效益分析

2.Research on Flood-control Risk Management System of Road and Bridge Construction over River;跨河道桥工程防洪风险管理体系研究

3.Modeling and Reliability Analysis of Flood Controlling Project Systems;防洪工程系统建模研究及可靠性分析

4.Information System for Flood Control in Daqing大庆地区防洪工程和引嫩工程数据信息系统

5.Chapter IV Administration of Flood Control Areas and Flood Control Works 第四章防洪区和防洪工程设施的管理

6.However, water projects in China still have such problems as low standards for flood control systems, poor anti-seepage capacity of embankments, and many potential risks. There is still a long way to go.我国水利工程还存在防洪体系标准低、堤身防渗差、隐患多等问题,今后的建设任务还很艰巨。

7.Flood protection evaluation and research to a project in Xiaoqinghe flood diversion area小清河分洪区某工程的防洪评价研究

8.Research on Application of Engineering Fuzzy Sets Theory in Water Resources and Flood Control System;水资源与防洪系统工程模糊集理论的应用研究

9.The Design, Manufacture and Implementation of Flood Control Water System Engineering Map of Yuncheng City运城市防洪水系工程图的设计制作与实现

10.A flood control protected area means an area protected by flood control works according to flood control standards.防洪保护区是指在防洪标准内受防洪工程设施保护的地区。

11.Study on Model of Flood Prevention of City and Application on Flood Prevention Engineering of Zhenjiang;城市防洪模型研究及在镇江防洪工程中的应用

bination of Landscape Rebuilding with Flood Control Project--Scheme Design of Jinling Science and Technology College Water System Rebuilding Project景观改造与防洪工程结合——金陵科技学院水系改造工程方案设计

13.The Evaluation of the Capacity of Flood Control of Water Intake Engineering and Flood Discharge of Watercourse of Ningxia Zhongning Electric Power Plant;宁夏中宁电厂取水工程防洪及河道行洪评价

14.Study on Risk Analysis and Calculation Method of Flood Regulation for Flood Control Projects防洪工程洪水调度风险分析及计算方法研究

15.Some Experiences from Non-flood Control Engineering Projects in River Channel Management Domain河道管理范围内非防洪工程建设项目管理的体会

16.The Study and Development on the Flood Control Information Management System in the Songhuajiang River and Liaohe River Basins Based on ComGIS and GPS;基于组件式GIS及GPS的松辽流域防洪工程信息管理系统的开发研究

17.Flood Control Project Construction Since Last Year去年以来防洪工程建设情况

18.III. Characteristics of flood control project construction since last year.三、去年以来防洪工程建设的特点


flood control system防洪工程体系

1.A tentative study on current situation offlood control system in Xi an and improvement measures;西安市防洪工程体系现状及改善措施初探

2.On the principle of“upperstorage,middledredge,lowerdrainage and water detention with in proper limits”,Haihe river catchment has formed aflood control system which is composed of reservoirs,river course and water storage and detention areas as a result of two large scale improvements.在海河流域“上蓄、中疏、下排 ,适当地滞”的防洪方针指导下 ,经 2次大规模治理 ,形成了由水库、河道和蓄滞洪区组成的防洪工程体系。

3.In the combination of the great change of the Yangtze Riverflood control system for 30 years since Chinese reformation and opening-up, this paper introduces the concrete change of the Yangtze Riverflood control system, such as the Yangtze River levee, reservoir, flood impoundment and detention area, river channel regulation, polder dismantle for flood discharge etc.结合改革开放30年来长江防洪体系发生的巨大变化,阐述了长江堤防、水库、蓄滞洪区、河道整治、平垸行洪等防洪工程体系和防汛指挥调度系统、水情信息系统、防洪通信预警系统、防洪法律法规、防汛组织等防洪非工程措施的变化,提出了加快标准适度、功能合理的长江防洪工程体系建设和继续强化防洪非工程措施建设的思路。

3)flood-control engineering system防洪工程体系

1.Variable fuzzy sets and their application to comprehensive risk evaluation forflood-control engineering system;模糊可变集合及其在防洪工程体系综合风险评价中的应用

2.Matter-element model of integrated risk evaluation forflood-control engineering system;防洪工程体系综合风险评价的物元模型

4)flood prevention system防洪工程系统

1.Risk control and optimization measures offlood prevention system;防洪工程系统的风险调控和优化调度措施研究

5)flood control project防洪工程

1.Influence of Yangtzeflood control projects on rare aquatic animals and fishes;长江防洪工程对珍稀水生动物和鱼类的影响

2.Progress of calculation methods for economic benefits offlood control projects;防洪工程经济效益计算方法研究进展

3.Application of reinforced earth retaining wall in Huaihe riverflood control project;淮河防洪工程中加筋土挡土墙的应用

6)flood control engineering防洪工程

1.Also author puts forward the some important dimetions of new maerials forflood control engineering.本文分析了防洪工程建设与治理对材料的基本要求与特点。

2.This paper introduced thatflood control engineering,and situation,as well as flood historical in Qiqihar,which is an important city in the west of Heilongjiang,and finally put forwerd the flood control tactics for the city.介绍黑龙江省西部重镇齐齐哈尔市的防洪工程、汛情和历史洪水简况 ,提出城市防洪对策。

3.Watershedflood control engineering system is a complex system consisted of random,fuzzy,unascertainable uncertainties,which has taken up the main part of the flood disaster management.防洪工程体系是由随机、模糊、未确知等众多不确定性因子组成的复杂系统,它至今仍是洪水灾害管理的主体,对该体系综合安全进行定量评价可为洪水灾害管理提供重要依据。


城市防洪工程 flood control works为抵御和减轻洪水对城市造成灾害性损失而兴建的各种工程措施。
