700字范文 > 泛北部湾 Pan-Beibu Gulf英语短句 例句大全

泛北部湾 Pan-Beibu Gulf英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-22 09:31:37


泛北部湾 Pan-Beibu Gulf英语短句 例句大全

泛北部湾,Pan-Beibu Gulf

1)Pan-Beibu Gulf泛北部湾

1.On Constructing Harmonious Culture-Circle inPan-Beibu Gulf Area;论泛北部湾和谐文化圈的构建

2.Construction and Development Room ofPan-Beibu Gulf Zone Marine Economic Synthesis;泛北部湾海洋经济综合体的构建与发展空间

3.Status Quo and Proposition in the Enrollment of Engineering Masters(Chemical Engineering) onPan-Beibu Gulf泛北部湾地区工程硕士化学工程领域招生现状与对策


1.Optimizing industry structure to promote pan north bay economy cooperation;优化产业结构促进泛北部湾经贸合作

2.The summary on Guangxi "Beibu Gulf Finance" Research;广西“泛北部湾金融”理论研究综述

3.Challenges and Breakthroughs in Pan-Beibu Gulf Economic Cooperation泛北部湾区域经济合作的难点与突破

4.The Choice of Leading Industries in Guangxi Base on Pan-North Bay Economic Cooperation Region;基于泛北部湾经济合作区的广西主导产业选择

5.New Exploration of the History of Regional Economic Cooperation in the Pan-North Gulf;泛北部湾区域经济合作史新探(1840年至今)

6.Study on Pan Beibu Gulf Sub-Region Economic Cooperation under the Framework of CAFTA;CAFTA框架下的泛北部湾次区域经济合作研究

7.Discussing the Rroles of Grass-Roots Cooperation in the Pan-Beibu Gulf Regional Cooperation;论地方政府在泛北部湾区域合作中的职能作用

8.Construction and Development Room of Pan-Beibu Gulf Zone Marine Economic Synthesis;泛北部湾海洋经济综合体的构建与发展空间

9.Investigate Problems & Countermeasures To North Gulf (Guangxi) Capital Securitisation;泛北部湾(广西)资产证券化问题和对策探讨

10.Integrating Resources,Giving Play to Advantages and Actively Participating in the Pan-Beibu Bay Economic Cooperation;整合资源发挥优势积极融入泛北部湾经济合作

11.Some Advice To Boost The Tourism Cooperation In Pan-Beibu Bay;加快推进泛北部湾旅游合作的几点建议

12.Researching on Countermeasure of Nanning Participating in the Economic Cooperative Game in General Beibu Bay;南宁市参与泛北部湾经济合作对策研究

13.On How to Carry out the Strategy of Promoting Pan-Beibu Bay Economic Cooperation and Development;实施泛北部湾区域经济合作与发展战略的思考

14.The Pattern Traits and Strategic Value of Beibu Gulf Economic cooperation;泛北部湾经济合作的模式特点与战略价值

15.Strategic thinking of advanced development of logistics base in Beibu Gulf;泛北部湾物流基地高端化发展的战略思考

16.Regional Coordinated Development Strategy and the Direction of Cooperation in the Links Gulf of Tonkin Region;区域协调发展战略与泛北部湾区域合作的方向

17.The Challenges Facing Pan-Northern Gulf Economic Cooperation and Its Future泛北部湾经济合作面临的挑战和发展前景

18.Researching on Construction of Metropolitan Coordinating Region in the Pan-Beibu-Gulf Economic Cooperation泛北部湾经济合作背景下的城市群建设研究


Beibu Gulf泛北部湾

1.Strategic thinking of advanced development of logistics base inBeibu Gulf;泛北部湾物流基地高端化发展的战略思考

3)the Pan-Beibu Gulf泛北部湾

1.The Strategic Analysis of Cooperation and Development of Tourism Business Enterprise inthe Pan-Beibu Gulf;泛北部湾旅游企业合作战略分析

4)Pan-Beibu Bay泛北部湾

1.Taking Guangxi universities\" innovative network teaching and practice of tourism management as the study object,combining the development ofPan-Beibu Bay regional cooperation and its actual needs,this article analyzes the situation of the teaching and practice and makes a bold idea of its innovative teaching and practice.文章以泛北部湾区域经济视野下广西高校旅游管理专业网络化教学模式为研究对象,结合泛北部湾区域合作的发展进程和实际需要,在分析广西高校旅游管理专业教育优势及网络化教学模式现状的基础上,对广西高校旅游管理专业网络化教学模式的创新与实践作出大胆的设想。

5)the tourism circle in Pan-Beibu Bay泛北部湾旅游圈

1.From the basic situation ofthe tourism circle in Pan-Beibu Bay,the article analyzes some problems in the tourism cooperation there,and gives some corresponding advice.文章从泛北部湾旅游圈的基本情况出发,分析了当前泛北部湾旅游合作存在的几个问题,并提出了相应的建议。

6)North Gulf(Guangxi)泛北部湾(广西)


泛唇泛舌1.亦作"泛唇泛舌"。 2.议论纷纷。
