700字范文 > 《刑法》 Criminal Law英语短句 例句大全

《刑法》 Criminal Law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-15 16:17:07


《刑法》 Criminal Law英语短句 例句大全

《刑法》,Criminal Law

1)Criminal Law《刑法》

1.Conception of Establishing Security Measure System inCriminal Law;在我国《刑法》中引入保安处分制度的设想

2.On the Grammatical Characteristics of "De Structure" Used in theCriminal Law;论《刑法》使用“的”字结构的语法特点

3.In criminal law,the criminal record of immaturities should be cancelled,and to whose who invade immaturities should be regarded as general,and add community correction for them.我国《刑法》在定罪、刑罚的设置和适用方面对未成年犯罪人都给予了特殊的保护,对以未成年人为侵害对象的犯罪进行严厉的制裁。


1.Appendix: Related articles in the Criminal Law:附:《刑法》有关条文

2.International Association of Penal Law国际刑法协会(刑法协)

3.Association internationale de droit penal国际刑法协会(刑法协会)

4.involving civil law rather than criminal law民法的(非刑法的)

5.Codigo de Procedimientos en lo Crimina刑事诉讼法(法典)

6.(of a law-breaker)undergoing a period of probation(指违法者)服缓刑

7.the code of civil [criminal] procedure民事 [刑事] 诉讼法

8." Yes. The law provides for five kinds principal punishments. They are public surveillance (compulsory restraint ), criminal detention, fixed-term imprisonment, life imprisonment, and the death penalty."是的。刑法规定了5种主刑。它们是管制,拘役,有期徒刑.无期徒刑,死刑。

9.Improvement of China s Criminal Judicial Interpretation under Principle of Legally;罪刑法定下我国刑法司法解释的完善

10.Does the Law Employed in Measuring Punishment for a Crime Cover Non-Criminal Laws?;罪刑法定之“法”应当涵盖非刑事法律

11.On Judges Interpretation of Criminal Law Under Principle Of "no Criminal and Penalty without Law";论罪刑法定原则下法官的刑法解释权

12.On Criminal Mediation & Criminal Settlement In The Criminla Procedural Law Of France;法国刑事诉讼法中的刑事调解与刑事和解

13.A Comparative Study Between Penal Code of Chinese Mainland and Forfeit of Macao Penal Code;中国内地刑法与澳门刑法罚金刑之比较研究

14.United Nations Criminal Justice Information Network联合国刑事司法信息网(刑事司法网)

15.International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy国际刑法改革和刑事司法政策中心

16.American California penal code and our country penal code comparison美国加州刑法典与我国刑法典的比较

17.Principle of Crime and Penalty Defined by Law and the Evolvement of Criminal Law in Modern China;罪刑法定原则与近代中国刑法之变迁

18.The "Ultima Ratio of Penalty" and Present Criminal Legislation;论刑法的谦抑性与我国现行刑事立法


criminal law刑法

1.On the Subject about Crime of Illegal Medical Practice: Comment on the 1st section of "Criminal law" 336th;论非法行医罪的主体——兼评刑法336条第1款

2.A Study on the Time Limit of Legislative Explanation of Criminal Law;论刑法立法解释的时间效力

3)The criminal law刑法

1.This article tries to explain those stated above from three aspects,the principle of punishment proportional to crime and the guarantee of human rights,the principle of punishment proportional to crime and the criminal law,the principle of punishment proportional to crime and the criminal law in.罪刑法定原则的全部精神是通过消极地限制刑罚权,积极地保障人权,核心意义是人权保障。

2.Penal technology of applicability is a new term in the applicable penal theory,which belongs to the category of applicable methodology in the criminal law.刑法适用技术是刑法应用理论中的一个新名词,属于刑法应用方法论范畴。

3.We should enact the law of biological resources rapidly and establish the criminal law systems to protect our biological resources as India and Guyana.生物资源是20世纪末才被纳入刑法保护的范畴。

4)criminal laws刑法

1.On Protection of Non-public Ownership by Criminal laws;论刑法对非公有制经济的保护

2.This thesis illustrates the applicable prerequisite of the transformed robbery and the standard in the measurement of penalty between completed and aborted robbery incriminal laws.本文主要论述了刑法中的转化型抢劫罪的适用条件及既遂与未遂的标准问题。

3.In Xiongnucriminal laws,"Renchi" is the weapon shorter than 30cm,such as short sword,cupreous reamer and ferric knives,etc.在匈奴刑法中,"刃尺"是针对不足汉代一尺的短剑、铜刀、铁刀而言,所谓"拔刃尺者死"是指对以生活必备的刀剑伤人者处以极刑;"轧"是以匈奴随手可得的车辐在小腿到脚踝的部位施刑。

5)penal law刑法

1.On Identification of State Functionary Specified by the93rd Provision of Penal Law;刑法第93条国家工作人员的认定问题探讨

2.It has been 30 years since the effect ofpenal law,which we can say promoted the development of our country s criminal theoretics deeply.从我国刑法典正式颁布实施,到现在已经有将近30年的历史。

3.Article 217 ofpenal law stipulates that four actions are infringement of copyright.刑法第 2 1 7条规定了四种侵犯著作权的犯罪行为。

6)penal code刑法

1.Apenal code analysis of judicial intervention in football “black whistle”;司法介入足球“黑哨”的刑法分析

2.The striking feature of presentpenal code is there basic principles, namely criminals should be judged by law, everyone is equal in law and criminals are equal to each other.现行刑法的突出特点是:明确规定了三个基本原则,即罪刑法定,法律面前人人平等,罪刑相当。

3.In dealing with inefficient punishment, not ascertaining criminal responsibility, then resulting in its getting worse and worse, the author discusses relevant accusations which may breach thepenal code and criminal law concerned.1、对教育乱收费的主要表现及产生原因进行了较为客观、详细的分析 ;2、针对目前教育乱收费查处力度不够 ,有的已经构成了犯罪 ,但仍未追究刑事责任 ,致使教育乱收费久禁不止 ,且越演越烈的状况 ,对该种行为可能触犯的我国现行刑法的有关罪名及相关刑法问题进行了论述 ;3、提出我国应增设一个独立罪名———“非法收取教育费罪”的立法建议 ,并对该罪的构成要件提出了初步构


《德意志联邦共和国刑法典》德意志联邦共和国现行刑法典,是对1871年帝国《刑法典》进行多次修改后,于1969、1974年分别通过总则和分则,1975年1月1日生效。 全文358条,分总则、分则两编。总则5章,规定适用范围、犯罪、行为的后果、亲告和时效。分则28章,规定各种具体罪行和法定刑。这部法典是经过多年准备和反复争论后制定的,对各种犯罪行为规定得相当详细,不仅罪行种类较全,而且在每一罪行中又规定了在不同情节下法院应采取的措施,以减少分散的单行法规,并给法院以裁量的余地。该法典的主要特点有:①采取报应刑与矫正刑相结合的量刑办法;②实行多种多样的保安与矫正措施;③绝对废除死刑;④无期徒刑仅限于个别犯罪(如发动或准备侵略战争、谋杀、以灭绝种族为目的而杀人);⑤严格限制适用短期自由刑(6个月以下),而代之以罚金;⑥实行"日数罚金制"(Tagesbussensystem),即在刑法分则各条中只规定处罚金而不定数额,法院在判决时,根据罪行和被告经济情况,在法定幅度(5~360天,每天2~10000马克)内,宣告被告应处若干日罚金,每日罚金额为若干马克,共应缴纳罚金若干马克。日数罚金制原系19先在瑞典提出的,195月芬兰刑法首先采用,后来墨西哥(1929)、瑞典(1931)、巴西(1935)、古巴(1936)、丹麦(1939)各国陆续采用。联邦德国的采用,使这一制度受到了一些国家的法学家的注意。
