700字范文 > 内部装修材料 interior finish materials英语短句 例句大全

内部装修材料 interior finish materials英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-22 09:09:45


内部装修材料 interior finish materials英语短句 例句大全

内部装修材料,interior finish materials

1)interior finish materials内部装修材料

2)Interior Finish Material内装修材料

1.The Study of Combustibility of TypicalInterior Finish Materials and Their Fire Hazard;典型内装修材料燃烧性能及其火灾危险性研究


1.The Study of Combustibility of Typical Interior Finish Materials and Their Fire Hazard;典型内装修材料燃烧性能及其火灾危险性研究

2.Monitoring of Formaldehyde and Its Purifying by Cleaning Plant in Indoor Decoration室内装修材料中甲醛监测及其植物净化

3.Study on the Safety of VOCs Emitted from Indoor Decorative Materials;室内装修装饰材料挥发物的安全性研究

4.They have advantages of light weight, fire resistance, soundproof, damp proof, heat insulation, processing good, convenient, easy to operate (sawn, nailed or milled), disassemble and good decorative effects.石膏板广泛用于各种工业建筑、民用建筑,尤其在高层建筑中可作为内墙材料和装饰装修材料。

5."Upholstery Materials Co., Ltd."室内装璜材料有限公司

6.The Problems and Techniques about the Sample of Fireproof Decorating Materials in Buildings;建筑内装修防火材料见证取样检验工作存在问题及对策

7.Study on the Self-Assembly Material and Conductive Material Used in Repairing Nerve Defect;用于神经修复的自组装材料及导电材料的研究

8.Construction or decoration materials must comply with national standards therefor.建筑和装修材料必须符合国家标准。

9.ornamental article of vegetable carving materials, for interior decoration植物质雕刻材料装饰品,用于室内装饰

10.The developments,successes and problems of decorative and fit-up architectural materials in our country我国建筑装饰装修材料的发展成就和存在问题

11.Materials,Spirit and Design--Analysis of the Decorative Material Configuration in Interior Design材料 精神 设计——浅析室内设计中的装饰材料配置

12.When buying, building or renovating your home, make sure all roofing materials are fire resistant.当你买或装修你的家时,请确定所有屋顶材料都是防火材料。

13.Water proof material is usually used for inner packing.内包装通常采用一些防水材料。

14.padding put in cushions and upholstered furniture.垫子或装软垫的家具内部填充的材料。

15.Inner packaging materials in preservationGB/T12339-1990防护用内包装材料

16.All goods will be packed in wooden cases with shock-proof materials inside.所有货物均用木箱装运,内放避震材料。

17.decorative interior material无机纤维基的装饰室内材料

18.Analyses of Pollution from Decoration Materials to Indoors Environment;建筑装饰材料对室内环境污染的分析


Interior Finish Material内装修材料

1.The Study of Combustibility of TypicalInterior Finish Materials and Their Fire Hazard;典型内装修材料燃烧性能及其火灾危险性研究

3)indoor decoration materials室内装修材料

1.this article introduces theindoor decoration materials,analyzes the indoor air pollutants are brought by theindoor decoration materials and the harm to health.对当前室内装修所用到的装修材料进行了介绍,分析了室内装修材料带来的室内污染物和对人体的危害。

4)indoor decorating and refurnishing materials室内装饰装修材料

5)decoration materials装修材料

1.Influence of the Formaldehyde Concentration is discussed by studying the specval content,outsourcing furniture,the varieties and amount of thedecoration materials,the technology of construction,and the time and efficiency of ventilation.从空间容量,外购家具,装修材料种类、用量,施工工艺,通风时间和效率几个方面讨论了对室内空气中甲醛浓度的影响。

2.The main materials for building anddecoration materials are differentiated.本文明确了建筑材料的定义,界定了建筑主体材料和装修材料的概念,分析了居室中天然辐射的主要来源,及其对人体健康辐射危害的主要途径,综述了国内居室中天然辐射的大体水平,阐述了国内、外控制天然辐射的原则与相关标准,对因建筑材料使用引起的辐射如何控制与防护进行了探讨。

3.Through the understanding of the pollution situation of the harmful substance in the indoor air in the sale place of thedecoration materials,the author analyzes the cause of the bad indoor air quality,discusses the influencing factors of the indoor air quality,puts forward the measures to improve the indoor air quality in the sale place of thedecoration materials.通过了解装修材料销售场所室内空气中有害物质的污染状况,分析了引起室内空气品质问题的原因,探讨了影响室内空气品质的因素,提出了改善装修材料销售场所室内空气品质的措施。

6)decorative material装修材料

1.The results show that the indoor thermal environment is good in Harbin,but for IAQ,the VOCs concentration is high,which has intimate relationship withdecorative materials.实测分析结果表明室内热湿环境基本满足舒适性要求,但从室内空气品质来看,室内VOCs浓度偏高,与室内装修材料关系密切。


内部内部interior囚都t加挽幻份;皿yT那二ocT‘J拓扑空间X的子集A的满足下列条件的所有点x的集合:存在X中的开集U:,使x任U:CA.集合A的内部通常记为IntA,且表示含于A内的X中的最大开集.等式IntA=x\「X\A」成立,这里〔X}表示X的闭包.拓扑空间X中集合的内部是正则开(化孚血r open)集或典范集(。口训jCalset).其典范开集构成拓扑基(b朋e)的空间称为半正则的(~一记gu~lar).所有正则空间都是半正则的.内部有时也称为集合的开核(open ken祀1 of the set). B .H,floH咖apeB撰【补注1亦见集合的内部(泊忱由r of a set).白苏华、胡师度译
