700字范文 > 高考作文押题猜想:我的未来_作文700字_高考作文预测


时间:2020-04-06 10:16:08




i"m not sure about the future.

because i am not really sure what i"ll be doing in the future.

and i think the future is far away from me.

i"m not really sure if i really have a chance in the future.

i guess that i will be working and may be a interpreter or a pilot.

i like english.

i think english is very useful and it is very difficult and exciting.

i"m interested in it.

perhaps it is a good or interesting career for me.

i like travelling too.

i want to travel around the world.

but i"m too busy enjoying my life now.

in the weekdays, i have many subjects to learn.

and in the weekends, i have many friends with me.

sometimes we go shopping and sometimes we do many different things.

i have a good family and i must look after my parents because i have grown up.

i think it is enough for me.

so i don"t worry about the future.

i"m really sure i will have a good and nice future if i work hard at my study.
