700字范文 > 分销物流网络 distribution logistics network英语短句 例句大全

分销物流网络 distribution logistics network英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-28 22:26:03


分销物流网络 distribution logistics network英语短句 例句大全

分销物流网络,distribution logistics network

1)distribution logistics network分销物流网络


1.Research on Logistics Cost Function Optimized Model of a Distribution System分销物流网络物流成本优化模型研究

2.On Distribution Networks and Operational Mode Based on Expanding Demand;基于动态需求的分销物流网络运作模式的研究

3.Strategy Analysis of Chain Businesses in E-marketing Logistic Allocation;连锁商业网络营销物流配送策略分析

4.Study on Planning Method for Logistics Facility in Distribution Network of Supply Chain;供应链分销网络物流设施规划方法研究

5.Research on the Network Distributes Mode and Logistics Industry Development Countermeasure;网络分销模式与物流产业发展对策研究

6.Integration Project of Network Marketing for the Logistics and Express Enterprises in Dalian;大连物流快递企业网络营销整合方案

7.Making Decision for New Product Based on Application of CGCP for Product Network基于复杂网络的产品销售网CGCP分析流程

8.Building New Rural Logistic Systems by Utilizing Existing Networks in the Cooperatives for Supply and Marketing;利用供销社现存网络构建农村新型物流系统

9.Problems in the Network Marketing and Logistics Management of Our Country;论我国网络营销物流管理及其存在的问题

10.The Optimization Study on Multi-level Logistics Network of Sinopec Chemical Products Sales Enterprise中石化化工销售企业多级物流网络优化研究

11.Zero Inventory Control of Logistics Distribution in Network Market网络市场销售下物流配送的零库存控制

12.The National Sugar& Alcohol Group Corp is mainly engaged in domestic sugar buying and selling and owns the most up-to-date logistic network.中糖集团主要开展国内食糖购销业务,拥有现代化的物流网络,实力十分雄厚。

13.Design for Node Location and Demand Allocation in Logistics Network;物流网络的节点分布与需求分配设计

14.Research into the Logistics Network Construction Based on Principle Component Analysis基于主成分分析的物流网络构建研究

15.Distribution Network Design Model for Deteriorating Items Based on Stackelberg Game基于Stackelberg博弈的变质物品分销网络设计模型

16.System Analysis and Optimization Model Research of Remanufacturing Logistics Networks;再制造物流网络分析与优化模型研究

17.Logistics Network and Analysis of Form-driving Factors;物流网络组织及其形成驱动因素分析

18.The Application of the Analysis of Hierarchy Process in Logistics;层次分析法在物流网络布局中的应用


distribution network分销网络

1.Bi-level programming secondarydistribution network model based on price elasticity;基于价格弹性的双层规划二级分销网络模型

2.Arithmetic on optimizing of distributing strategy fordistribution network;分销网络中库存调拨优化的算法研究

3.The analysis ofdistribution network cost with queue theory;分销网络成本问题的排队论分析

3)distribution networks分销网络

1.The networking of distribution channels and the shaping ofdistribution networks are gradually becoming a trend of .现在的分销渠道日益演变成为一个跨越企业边界的网络组织,分销渠道网络化与分销网络的形成也逐渐成为分销渠道演化与变革的一个趋势,这种趋势是渠道系统内部与外部环境因素共同作用的结果。

4)Network Distribution网络分销

1.Beginnig with the history of hotels network distribution,the author analyzes the present situation,and presents the hot topics and trend of what might be good for the researchers and enterprises.随着旅游业的进一步发展,网络与旅游近期成为理论界和实践界关注的焦点,从酒店网络分销的历史出发,通过分析中国酒店网络分销的现状,结合实际的调研,给出酒店网络分销的热点问题和发展趋势,希望对理论界和实践界有所帮助。

5)Logistics Networks Analysis物流网络分析

6)networked distribution网络化分销

1.Based on the analysis ofnetworked distribution systems features, it puts forward an access security MVC developing mode fornetworked distribution system which can prominently improve the reusability and the maintainability of the system.通过对网络化分销系统特点的分析,从提高系统的可重用性和可维护性出发,提出了一种适用于网络化分销系统的基于访问安全性MVC的开发模式;给出了系统的总体架构和主要部分的功能及实现方法,对实现该模式的关键技术进行了深入研究,并将该模式应用到企业网络化分销系统的实际开发中。

2.The Application of ASP Model of Networked Distribution Management System Based on OFBiz Framework;本文通过分析国内中小型企业信息化建设过程中遇到的问题,研究当前全球中小企业信息化建设发展的新模式,结合珍珠兰茶叶有限责任公司迫切需要解决的分销管理方面的重大问题,提出了适用于珍珠兰茶叶企业的基于ASP的珍珠兰网络化分销管理模式,并在此基础之上,为了更好的辅助做好在新型管理模式下企业管理,提出了构建一个基于ASP的珍珠兰网络化分销系统支持平台。

3.The Design and Realization of Networked Distribution Management System Based on OFBiz Framework;本文通过分析国内中小型企业信息化建设过程中遇到的问题,研究当前全球中小企业信息化发展建设的新模式,结合重庆市黔江区珍珠兰茶业有限责任公司对于网络信息化的迫切需求,提出了适合于该企业实际情况的信息化服务模式—应用服务提供商(ASP)模式,并构建了基于OFBiz框架的网络化分销管理系统。


