700字范文 > 仁爱版九年级英语教案U3T3Could you give us some advice&n

仁爱版九年级英语教案U3T3Could you give us some advice&n

时间:2022-08-18 08:34:18


仁爱版九年级英语教案U3T3Could you give us some advice&n

topic 3 could you give us some advice on how to learn english well?

section a

ⅰ. teaching aims and demands

1. learn some new words and phrases: dare, at times, grammar, copy, notebook, keep a diary, pardon, repeat

2. learn some useful sentences:

(1)could you make yourself understood in the u.s.a.?

(2)i dare not speak english in public.

(3)i beg your pardon? / pardon?

(4)i’m sorry, i only know a little english.

(5)how do you say … in english?

3. learn the usage of “wh-+to do”:

(1)i don’t know what to do. (2)i don’t know how to say/spell that in english.

4. talk about language learning strategies.

ⅱ. teaching aids

radio /blackboard/ pictures

ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan

step 1 review

1. t:let’s review the last topic. i will ask one student to tell us the differences between british english and american english. who can try?

s1:let me try. generally speaking, american english is different from british english in pronunciation, spelling and expression. but people from the two countries do not have much difficulty in understanding each other.

t:good on ya, mate. now who can tell us how these differences came about?

s2:i know. long ago, many british people were forced to leave their country. they brought the english language to other countries, such as america, australia and canada. so the language changed little by little from one part of the world to another and the english language is changing all the time.

t:great. you’ve learned a lot.

2.t:as you know, with the development of the world, it’s more and more important to learn english well. do you agree with me?


t:do you think it is easy to learn english well?

ss:no, we don’t think so.

t:do you want to get some suggestions?

ss:of course.

t:ok, let’s begin our new lesson to talk about how to learn english well.

step 2 presentation

1. example:

t:what problems do you have in learning english?

s1:i forget new words easily.

t:copy them in a notebook and take it with you.



t:what about you, s2?

s2:i find it difficult to write compositions.

t:keep a diary to practice it.

keep a diary

t:s3, do you have any problems in learning english?

s3:yes, i’m afraid of speaking english in public.

t:you mean you dare not speak english in public. don’t be shy. be confident.


2. t:many students have difficulty in learning english. some forget new words easily. some dare not speak english in public. some are not good at grammar. some even feel like giving up learning english at times …

仁爱版九年级英语教案U3T3Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well_九年级英语教案
