700字范文 > Frightening nature(The Second Period)_高二英语教案

Frightening nature(The Second Period)_高二英语教案

时间:2021-01-10 02:55:21


Frightening nature(The Second Period)_高二英语教案

the second period

teaching aims:

1. learn the useful words and expressions: draw one"s attention, at hand, call for,

urge, upon arrival, calm down, light up, in a panic, more than

2. learn the text “under the volcano” and master the detailed information in it

teaching important points:

1. how to improve the students" reading ability.

2. try to master the usages of the new words and expressions of this period.

teaching difficult point:

the usages of some words and expressions

teaching methods:

1. fast-reading to get the students to grasp the main idea of the text.

2. reading carefully to get the students to master the detailed information.

3. pair work or group work to make the students be active in class.

teaching aids:

1. a computer

2. a tape recorder

3. a projector

teaching procedures:

step i greetings and revision

greet the whole class as usual.

t: in last period, two students described a frightening situation. do you remember?

ss: yes.

t: what is it about?

ss: it"s about a cobra. it is frightening.

t: who will give us another example?

sa and sb we will try.

(a: student a; b: student b)

a: are you afraid of lightening?

b: not very. what about you?

a: when lightening appears, i"m not frightened if i"m at home or at school. but if i am in the open air, it is a different matter.

b: please tell us your experience, will you?

a: yes. that was when i was seven. we lived in the countryside then, you know. one afternoon, when i was in the field with my mother, there was an increase in the winds. we hurried home but that was too late. on our way home, the clouds gathered and the winds increased to a storm. it became darker and darker. suddenly there was thunder and lightening.

b: what was it like?

a: first came the terrible lightening. it was very bright. everything around me and i myself appeared to be white. then came the thunder. crack! it seemed that something exploded. that"s the terrible sound i"ve ever heard. i was frightened to death and threw myself into my mother"s arms. she got into a total panic. carrying me on her back, she ran as fast as she could. later, we heard that the lightening struck a tall tree and some of the branches burnt.

b: that"s terrible. i"m frightened to hear that.

step ii pre-reading

t: please open your books at page 75, pre-reading. read the information in part 1 and have a discussion with your partner. then we"ll ask some students to talk about it.

(after a few minutes" discussion.)

t: who can tell us something about the pictures?

sc: this terrible story happened in italy in the year 79 ad. the volcano"s name is vesuvius. it was quiet for hundreds of years and then it suddenly erupted. the second picture is the volcano vesuvius. in the picture it was erupting.
