700字范文 > 新目标九年级Unit11教案_九年级英语教案


时间:2021-12-11 07:59:53



unit 11 教 案 教师:薛晶春 5月15日 星期二 课题unit 11 could you please tell me where the restrooms are? (section a) 教学

目标1.talk about direction, and how to ask the direction. 2.能够听懂重要句型及语言结构,并能够仿照例子学会有礼貌的问路。” 3.当向他人询问时,应注意礼貌用语。“生活是一面镜子,你给他微笑,他也会他微笑还给你。 重点 难点1、学习词汇:shampoo, drugstore, restroom 2、学习句型: “could you please tell me where … ? ” 3、疑问句在从句中的正确语序。 教具tape-recorder, multimedia 教学 方法task-based, conversation, work in groups and work in pairs. 教

程 task 1: 让学生去回忆并尽可能多的说出地点名词,激发学生兴趣,同时引出新单词,并为下边的导入新课做铺垫。 step 1 talk about the answers in groups (观察学生完成情况) step 2 answer questions in groups, and tell class their words. task 2: lead to the new lesson. step 1、以三组同学表演小品的方式导入新课,发挥学生的主动性,培养学生对英语学习的兴趣,小组合作及探究能力。 task 3: look at the picture,lead the students to match everything with the correct picture。 step 1 ask the students to translate the phrases one by one, and repeat them and be familiar with the phrases. step 2 guide the students to read the picture and then ask them to match the picture with the phrases. step 3 check the answer. task 4: practice oral speaking and conversation. task 5: practice listen ability in 1b. task 6: show a picture and play game. task 7: practice listen ability in 2a、2b.
