700字范文 > Life in the future(The Third Period)_高二英语教案

Life in the future(The Third Period)_高二英语教案

时间:2018-12-18 13:34:41


Life in the future(The Third Period)_高二英语教案

the third period

teaching aims:

1.review the words and expressions learned in the last two periods.

2.learn and master the noun clause used as the subject.object and predicative.

teaching important points:

1.how to guess the missing word according to the given sentence.

2.how to master the usages of the noun clause used as the subject,object and predicative.

teaching difficult points:

1.the choice of the connectives.

2.the word order in the noun clauses used as the subject。object and predicative.

teaching methods:

1.review method to consolidate the words and expressions learned in the last two pe-riods.

2. explanation and inductive methods to make the students master the usages of the noun clauses used as the subject,object and predicative.

3.individual or pair work to make every student work in class.

teaching aids:

l. a projector

2.the blackboard

teaching procedures:

step i greetings and revision

greet the whole class as usual.

t:yesterday we learnt a passage about life in the future.who can tell me what the future will be 1ike?

s:let me try.in the future,we will travel by car,taxi,bus or train that won"t pollute the air any more.we’ll buy things on the internet instead of in the shop.

and we’ll be able to enjoy a lon-ger and healthier life…

step ⅱ word study

t:very good.in the text.we also learnt some important words and expres-sions.now let’s have a dictation.take out a piece of paper and write them down on it.

(teacher dictates the words and ex-pressions learnt in the last two peri-ods.

including forcast,trend.urban consumer,tiny,customer,cash,regu-larly.effort,and physician.after that,let the students hand them in.)

t:ok.now look at language study on page 45.first look at ex.i in word study.read the sentences and find a word from what we dicatated just now to complete each.you are given five minutes to do it.read first and then complete the sentences according to the meaning of them.is that clear?


t:ok.first do it by yourselves.then discuss them in pairs.after a while,i’ll ask some of you to say you’re an-swers and give the chinese meaning of each sentence.

(after a while,teacher checks their answers and corrects the mistake if any.teacher can give some explana-tions.)

suggested answers:

1.forecast 你听天气预报了吗? 明天天气会怎么样?

2.trend 在中国许多地方使用信用卡已成为一种趋势。

3.urban 许多人想在都市工作而在农村生活。

4.consumers 根据中国法律,被厂家欺骗的顾客可以得到两倍赔偿。
