700字范文 > 聋人 Deaf people英语短句 例句大全

聋人 Deaf people英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-03 02:41:45


聋人 Deaf people英语短句 例句大全

聋人,Deaf people

1)Deaf people聋人

1.The exploration of vocational higher education of deaf people;聋人高等职业技术教育人才培养方向探讨

2.Sign language is the mother tongue of deaf people, and the "first language" they acquire naturally.手语是符合聋人思维习惯和认知方式的语言,聋人学习手语具有天然优势,科学规范的手语可以促进口语与书面语的学习。

3.Sign language is the mother tongue of deaf people, and the "first language" they acquire naturally.手语是聋人的“母语”,是他们自幼起在最自然的状态下习得的“第一语言”。


1.World Federation of the Deaf世界聋人联合会(聋联)

2.Of or relating to the Deaf or their culture.聋人的,聋人文化的聋人的;与聋人(或聋人的文化)有关的

3.Deaf people considered as a group.聋子被看作一个群体的所有聋人

4.Development of Reading and Writing for Deaf Students with Deaf Parent;聋人家庭聋生书面语言发展情况研究

5.Deaf people and dumb people are disabled too.聋人和哑人都是残疾人。

6.I am collecting money in aid of deaf people.我筹款以帮助聋人。

7.Correct understanding of the crimes of the deaf &Setting up a preventive mechanism for them;正确认识聋人犯罪 建立聋人犯罪预防机制

8.I was running a project training Deaf people to be sign language tutors.我负责(国聋协的)训聋人当手语教师的项目。

9.They"re going to build a school for the deaf and the blind.他们准备给聋人和盲人盖一所学校。

10.lip language(聋哑人用的)唇语

11."Chinese Blind, Deaf & Mute Association"中国盲人聋哑人协会

12.many of the deaf use sign language.许多耳聋的人用手语。

13.Mrs. Grey was old and deaf,格雷夫人年老耳聋。

14.He is a deaf blind creature.他是一个又聋又瞎的人。

15.International Committee of Sport for the Deaf-Mute国际聋哑人体育联合会

16.the manual alphaBet(聋哑人用的)手语字母

17.Helen Keller became blind and deaf.海伦?凯勒是个聋哑人。

18.deaf-and-dumB alphaBet (manual alphaBet)(聋哑人用的)指语字母


The deaf聋人

1.This article sets forth personal views on current deaf education of our country and acknowledgement of deaf people′s status from the angle of the ways of treating the deaf correctly and regarding human beings as the foundation.本文从如何正确看待聋人和"以人为本"的角度出发,对我国现行的聋人教育及聋人的地位确认阐述了个人的看法。

2.It is the effective way to promote the deaf overall development and exploit their potential in the maximum that constructs the passageway without a barrier for the deaf in the campus.在普通学校的校园里,聋人是一个特殊的群体,由于语言听力的障碍,他们面临着交流与沟通的重大困难。

3.Equally,the deaf s outlet who have also accepted the higher education are not better than the blind s who have the same educational background.但同样接受过高等教育的聋人 ,他们目前的出路就远比不上同学历的盲人。


1.Spoken language - the catalyst for the deaf to return to the main stream;口语是聋人融入主流社会的催化剂

2.Rate Dependence of Visual Cortex Response in theDeaf and Normal Volunteers: An fMRI Study;聋人与正常人视觉频率反应特征的功能MRI研究

3.In recent years,with tightly organized throughout the country,a clear division of the rising crime rate in the deaf groups,deaf students drop out of school participation,and participation in criminal Reading also showed upward trend.近年来,随着全国各地组织严密、分工明确的聋人团伙犯罪率的上升,聋生辍学参与和在读生参与刑事犯罪也呈上升趋势。

4)The deaf culture聋人文化

5)Mother tongue of deaf people聋人母语


1.The Analysis of the CongenitalDeaf-mutes in the South Area of Jiangsu Province;苏南地区先天性聋哑人手纹特征

2.The Characteristics and Countermeasures of CurrentDeaf-mute Crime;当前聋哑人违法犯罪的特点与对策探析

3.XianmeDeaf-mute Football and the Situation of Research厦门市聋哑人足球运动开展现状与对策之研究


