700字范文 > 患者家属 family members英语短句 例句大全

患者家属 family members英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-03 13:46:14


患者家属 family members英语短句 例句大全

患者家属,family members

1)family members患者家属

1.A survey and analysis of thefamily members’ needs to health education in patients with cerebral apoplexy;脑卒中患者家属健康教育需求调查分析

2.Relativity between thefamily members knowledge of rehabilitation and the rehabilitation effect in stroke patients;脑卒中患者家属康复知识水平与患者康复效果的关系研究


1.To study the mental state of family dependents of patients in ICU and carry out psychonursing appropriately.了解ICU患者家属身心状况,有针对性地对患者家属实施护理。

2.Investigation on mental state of family dependents of patients in ICU and psychonursingICU患者家属身心状况调查及护理

3.Investigation of mental health state in relatives of patients with mental disability精神残疾患者家属心理健康状况研究

4.Investigation of the needs and behaviors among dependents of the ICU patientsICU患者家属需求与行为的调查与分析

5.An Observation on the Effect of Psychological Intervention on the Family Members of Patients with Neurosis神经症患者家属心理干预的效果观察

6.Correlation of Family Members" Depression and Peritoneal Dialysis Patients" Depression腹膜透析患者家属抑郁状况与患者抑郁的相关性分析

7.Assessment of Burden in Osteosarcoma Patients Caregiver and the Related Factors Analysis;骨肉瘤患者家属压力测定及影响因素分析

8.The Mental Health Condition and Its Education Intervention among Relatives of Schizophrenic Patients;住院精神分裂症患者家属心理状况及干预研究

9.Investigation of the related knowledge need of the sufferer s family in hospital for first time;首次住院精神疾病患者家属相关知识需求调查

10.Empirical Research on Psychological Crisis Intervention of Relatives of the Dead in the Emergency Department急诊死亡患者家属心理危机干预实证研究

11.Investigation of Anxiety and Influencing Factors Relative to Psychological Needs of ICU Patients"Family MembersICU患者家属焦虑与心理需求的相关性研究

12.Practice and Effects of Popularizing Pre-admission First Aid Know-how对患者家属普及院前急救常识的效果观察

13.Investigation and analysis of the perceived stigma among family members of people with schizophrenia精神分裂症患者家属感知病耻感的调查分析

14.Needs Satisfaction Investigation on Critical Patients" Family Members in the Emergency Department急诊危重患者家属需求的满足情况调查

15.Investigation of mental health of relatives of emergency death cases急诊科急症死亡患者家属心理健康状况调查

16.Needs of the family members of critical patients and their cognition by nursing staff in emergency department护士对急诊重危患者家属需求认知的分析

17.Clinical investigation and effect of psychological intervention on negative emotion for family member of patients with ICUICU患者家属负性情绪的调查及心理干预

18.Defend the right of patients and family and strength the health education;维护患者与家属的权利 加强患者与家属的教育


Patients Families患者家属

1.Methods 50 lineal relative of ICU patients were assessed by some content selected from Molter “Scale of ICU patients families”.结果ICU患者家属最迫切、最关心的是保证患者的安全,了解患者的治疗和预后、护理等与患者生命、利益密切相关的需要。

3)family member患者家属

1.Investigation and analysis offamily members anxiety in patients undergoing hemodialysis and management strategies;血液透析患者家属焦虑状态的调查分析及对策

4)patients and family患者与家属

1.Defend the right ofpatients and family and strength the health education;维护患者与家属的权利 加强患者与家属的教育

5)Stroke patients family dependents卒中患者家属

6)Cancer patients dependents癌症患者家属


《革命烈士家属革命军人家属优待暂行条例》《革命烈士家属革命军人家属优待暂行条例》Provisional Regulations Regarding Preferential Treatment to Family Members of Revolutionary Martyrs and Revolutionary ServicemenGeming Lieshi Jiashu Geming JunrenJIQshu Youdai Zanxing Tiaoli《革命烈士家属革命军人家属优待暂行条例))(尸、、isional Re、ula‘ion“Rega心-1,19尸产谁re凡tiaZZ’rt习atmentto凡lmily八4记mbers口厂R即oltltiona即Martyo andR。耐utiona尽LServieen,en)1 950年11月25日中华人民共私I国政务院批准,同年12月H日中华人民共和国内务部公布施行。共15条。主要规定:在土地改革中,分配上地、农具、耕畜及多余的粮食、房屋,应照顾贫苦烈属、军属;贫苦烈士、革命军人子弟入学,享受公费及助学金待遇;公有十地、房屋、场所和器物的分配、租、借、出卖,公营企业、商店、合作社、机关、学校雇用员工,社会举办救济、贷款等福利时,烈属、军属在与群众同等条件一};,享有优先权;贫苦烈属、军属到公J黔卫生机关治疗疾病时,应lj钩情减免药费。对家居农村的,组织其参加各种农副业生产,采用派人代耕或其他办法帮助其解决生产中的困难,使十地产量不低f当地一般农民的土地收获量;对家居城镇的,帮助其谋取职业,组织进行各种手工业或农副业生产;对生活极端困难的烈属、军属,给子粮食或其他实物补助;在精神上,对烈属、军属进行安慰,采用贺功贺喜,挂光荣匾,节日慰问,开会设烈属、军属席位等办法,提高烈属、军属的社会地位。1988年7月18日,中华人民共和国国务院颁布《军人抚恤优待条例》,该条例即行废止。<徐保根)
