700字范文 > 质量监测 quality monitoring英语短句 例句大全

质量监测 quality monitoring英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-13 16:43:29


质量监测 quality monitoring英语短句 例句大全

质量监测,quality monitoring

1)quality monitoring质量监测

1.A laser weldingquality monitoring method is proposed, based on support vector machine.提出了一种基于支持向量机的激光焊接质量监测方法。

2.According to the data of environmental airquality monitoring of Chuxiong during the fifteenth year plan,the paper systematically analyzes and studies the condition and the variation trend of the air quality of Chuxiong,and provides the suggestions to improve the air quality of Chuxiong.根据楚雄市“十五”期间空气环境质量监测结果,对楚雄市空气环境质量状况、变化趋势进行分析、研究,并提出改善空气环境质量的对策、建议。

3.According to concrete conditions of autobody spot welding of FAW, a set ofquality monitoring system for autobody spot welding has been developed by adoption of technology of ANN.根据第一汽车集团公司车身厂车身点焊的具体特点 ,采用人工神经元网络技术 ,研制了一套新型车身点焊质量监测系统。


1.Global Freshwater Quality Monitoring Programme全球淡水质量监测方案(淡水监测方案)

2.A Study on Algorithm and Equipment for Power Quality Monitoring Based on DSP;基于DSP的电能质量监测算法及监测装置的研究

3.The Senior High School Education Quality Monitoring Research "Indicator of Teachers Development Monitoring";普通高中教育质量监测“教师成长监测指标”研究

4.Promoting Scientific Development of Monitoring Based on Strengthening Environmental Quality Monitoring强化环境质量监测 推进监测事业科学发展

5.Research on Measurement Tool for Quality Monitoring and Evaluation of Basic Education;基础教育质量监测与评价的测量工具研究

6.Research on the Technical Criteria for Indoor Air Quality Monitoring;室内环境空气质量监测技术规范研究

7.GPRS Based Power Quality Monitoring System;基于GPRS的电能质量监测系统设计

8.Study on Monitor System of Power Quality Based on DSP and ARM;基于DSP与ARM的电能质量监测系统研究

9.Dynamic Power Quality Monitor Based on Kalman;基于Kalman滤波的动态电能质量监测

10.Research on New Style Power Quality Monitor Based on DSP;基于DSP的新型电能质量监测仪的研究

11.Power Quality Monitoring System Based on LabVIEW and Web;基于LabVIEW和Web的电能质量监测系统

12.Research on Communication of Power Quality Monitoring System Based on CAN Bus;CAN总线电能质量监测系统通信的研究

13.Development of a New Type Embedded Power Quality Monitor System;新型嵌入式电能质量监测系统的研制

14.Review measure report and quality report and quality cost.监控测量报告、质量报告和质量成本。

15.Analysis of Key Points of Supervision Quality Control in Safety Monitoring Item浅议安全监测项目监理质量控制要点

16.Dynamic Monitoring of the Quality of Agricultural Land and Forecast Data Declaration农用地质量动态监测数据申报与预测

17.Project Management and Quality Control in Engineering Surveying;工程测量项目的组织管理与质量监控

18.Application of GPR in the Quality Detection of the Tunnel Liner地质雷达在隧道衬砌质量检测与监测中的应用


quality monitor质量监测

1.Antimalarialquality monitor in Yunnan province;云南省抗疟疾药物质量监测分析

3)monitoring quality监测质量

1.This paper starts with the role and importance of monitoring work of environmental alert,analyzes and discusses some problems,such as professional talents,technical power,monitoring quality and so on.本文从环境预警监测工作的作用和重要性入手,分析了体系的组成部分:人才、技术能力和监测质量。

4)mass detection limit质量监测限

5)monitoring desk质量监测台

6)sound environmental quality monitoring声环境质量监测


