700字范文 > 索赔时效 valid period of claim英语短句 例句大全

索赔时效 valid period of claim英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-10 21:04:28


索赔时效 valid period of claim英语短句 例句大全

索赔时效,valid period of claim

1)valid period of claim索赔时效

2)Limitation of Claim索赔时效条款

3)invalid claim无效索赔

4)time limit for filing claims索赔时限

5)time-limit of claims理赔时效


1.Strengthen Marketing and Accelerate Claim Aging to Promote Sound Development of Railway Value-insured Transportation加大营销力度 加快理赔时效 促进铁路保价运输健康发展

2.temporal and geographical limits of liability赔偿责任的时效和地效

3.A class of Erlang(2) risk model with dependence between claim sizes and claim intervals;理赔量和理赔间隔时间相依的Erlang(2)风险模型

4.Extinctive Prescription of Rights for Claiming Damages in Consecutive Infringements;论连续侵权损害赔偿诉讼时效之问题

5.When the reparations that get, ask you to carry official seal, car advocate or the effective certificate such as payee Id undertakes conduction.领取赔款时,请您携带公章、车主或领款人身份证等有效证件进行办理。

6.A Risk Model with Dependence between Interclaim Arrivals and Claim Sizes under A Threshold Dividend Strategy;阈红利边界下理赔时间间隔与理赔额相依的风险模型

7.What are the documents needed to obtain payment?申请理赔付款时,得准备些什么文件呢?

8.Ensure Caterpillar process dealer claims timely and reimburse the claims as fully as possible.加强与卡特合作以确保索赔单能及时处理并尽可能多地赔付.

parative Study on Compensation for Vessel-source Oil Polution between China and the United States中美船舶油污损害赔偿诉讼时效的比较研究

10.The time of prescription of claim for compensation shall resume from the day when the grounds for the suspension are eliminated.从中止时效的原因消除之日起,赔偿请求时效期间继续计算。

11.Analysis of the Causes of Project Contract Claims Based on Multiattribute Utility Function;基于多属性效用函数的工程合同索赔机理分析

12.The Construction of Judicial Compensation Idea and Legal Culture in the Age of Rights权利时代司法赔偿 理念与法律文化的构建

13.Actions for the recovery of damages are barred after an interval oftwo years from the date of the casualty.损害赔偿的起诉权时效两年,自事故发生之日起算。

14.In investigating and dealing with the matter, the patent administrative authorities are empowered to order the infringer to stop all acts of infringement and compensate for any losses.专利管理机关处理的时候,有权责令侵权人停止侵权行为,赔偿损失。

15.Analyze on Relative Questions about the Life Insurance Contract s Validity--Mention a Life Insurance Case;人身保险合同生效之有关问题探析——由一寿险理赔案说起

16.What"s the deadline for claim?索赔的有效期多长?

17.That required a cutoff of American aid if American property was expropriated without fair compensation.它要求在美国财产被没收而未获公平合理赔偿时停止美国的援助。

18.It was true, acknowledgment in most cases of affronts was counted reparation sufficient.的确,大部分的无理举动,只要认罪就时以算做足够的赔偿了。


Limitation of Claim索赔时效条款

3)invalid claim无效索赔

4)time limit for filing claims索赔时限

5)time-limit of claims理赔时效

6)annulling a claim使索赔无效


索赔时效索赔时效(validity time of a claim):受损方向违约另一方或保险公司提出赔偿损失要求的规定期限。超过索赔期限提出的索赔无效。
