700字范文 > 医用耗材 medical consumables英语短句 例句大全

医用耗材 medical consumables英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-15 21:33:27


医用耗材 medical consumables英语短句 例句大全

医用耗材,medical consumables

1)medical consumables医用耗材

1.Management ofmedical consumables in supermarket style;医用耗材超市化管理探讨

2.Standardization and supervision ofmedical consumables management by ISO9001;用国际标准化质量管理体系规范和监控医院医用耗材的管理

3.Supply ofmedical consumables;医用耗材供应工作研究与实践


1.Medical consumables lay the foundation for clinical diagnosis and treatment.医用耗材是医院医疗诊治工作的物质基础。

2.Application of HIBC Standards in Medical Consumables ManagementHIBC标准在医用耗材管理中的应用

3.Design and Development of Medical Consumbles Qualifications Management System医用耗材资质管理系统的设计与开发

4.Discussion of Management Techniques Regulations Medical Consumable Materials医院医用耗材(库房)管理技术规范的探讨

5.Discussion on Medical Consumable Emergency Safeguard Mechanism in Construction of Military Hospital Emergencies构建军队医院医用耗材应急保障机制的探讨

6.Design and Research of Hospital Medical Supplies Management Information System医院医用耗材管理信息系统的设计和研究

7.Management of high value medical consumable material and analysis of application catalog code高值医用耗材管理与使用目录编码分析

8.The content and method of the economy of medical expendable are discussed from three aspects including its determine, principles and steps.从医用耗材节约的认定、原则和措施三个方面探讨医用耗材资源节约的内容和方法。

9.The Research of the Iatric Material Distribution Information System in Foshan;佛山地区医用耗材配送中心信息系统的研究

10.Investigation on Traceability of Product Barcodes for High Value Medical Consumables高值医用耗材产品条码可追溯性调查分析

11.Discussion of Management Technique Regulations of Medical Consumable Materials医院医学工程科技术管理规范专题五医院医用耗材(库房)管理技术规范探讨

12.Study on the Supply Management of Medical Consumed Materials and Design of Information System Based on Scenario Analysis基于情景分析的医用耗材供应管理研究及系统设计

13.Analysis and Countermeasures of the High Prices of Medical Expensive Equipment;医用高值耗材价格虚高的分析与对策

14.Application of Season Factor Analysis in Medical Consumables Management季节变动分析在医学科研耗材管理中的应用

15.Analysis on Present Situation and Countermeasures in Management of Medical Consumables浅谈医院医疗耗材管理的现状与对策

16.Research of Medical Disposable s Marketing Channels of XX Company;XX公司一次性医疗耗材营销渠道研究

17.New Attempt of the Management of Combat Readiness医院医用消耗品条形码管理的新尝试

18.Conclusion The standardization of management can facilitate the safety of medical consumables effectively.结论:规范化管理有利于医疗耗材的质量安全。


medical disposable materials医用耗材

1.Talking about management ofmedical disposable materials-New thought about secondary management ofmedical disposable materials;浅谈医用耗材管理(四)医用耗材二级库管理新构思

2.Talking about management ofmedical disposable materials-Information analysis based on management system ofmedical disposable materials;浅谈医用耗材管理(三)基于医用耗材信息管理系统的信息分析

3.How to standardize the quality management ofmedical disposable materials;医疗机构如何规范医用耗材供应质量管理

3)medical consumable医用耗材

puter Manage System formedical consumables purchase on network and quality price real time control;医用耗材网上采购和质量价格实时监控系统

2.Research on classification ofmedical consumable;关于医用耗材分类的探讨

3.Medical consumable is important material fundament of diagnosis and treatment in hospital.医用耗材已是医院医疗诊治活动中不可缺少的物质基础,而医用耗材的生产厂家和供应商繁多,供应渠道复杂,用国际标准化质量管理体系规范和监控医院医用耗材的管理,是确保医用耗材的质量,预防不良事件的发生,保护患者权益的有效措施。

4)medical disposable material医用耗材

1.Discuss concentration purchase ofmedical disposable material;医疗机构医用耗材集中采购的探讨

2.Discuss Concentration Purchase of Medical Disposable Material医用耗材集中采购工作的探讨

3.Describes how to develop the management system of online application formedical disposable materials by means of digitalization.本文主要介绍了运用信息化的方式,开发了医用耗材网上申领的管理系统。

5)medical consumable materials医用耗材

1.Objective Thoroughly discussed themedical consumable materials and its storeroom management techniques.目的:详细探讨了医用耗材及其库房管理技术。

2.Objective To discuss themedical consumable materials and its storeroom management techniques.目的:探讨医用耗材及其库房管理技术。

3.By adding properties of allowable lack of storage and non-allowable lack of storage,the information ofmedical consumable materials is composed of four levels.通过增加"允许缺库"和"不允许缺库"属性,将医用耗材信息分为4级。

6)medical consumable material医用耗材

1.This paper introduces the present application situation ofmedical consumable materials in consumption,use,quality control and computer management.从医用耗材用量、使用、质量控制及微机管理等方面介绍医用耗材的应用现状,并从质量保证、完善管理制度、降低成本 等方面提出规范管理的具体内容。

bined with the deficiencies of management ofmedical consumable materials in supply chain and high-value materials, the application of ERP to workflow, fundamental material, operation and high-value material management are explored.介绍了ERP管理系统的概念,结合医院医用耗材管理在供应链和高值耗材管理中的不足,探讨了ERP在管理模式工作流程、基础物品管理、操作使用和高值耗材方面的应用。

bined with the deficiency of management ofmedical consumable materials in supply chain and high - value materials, it explores the application of ERP to workflow, fundamental material, operation and high - value material management.本文首先介绍了我们所采用的ERP系统,它具有稳定性、可伸缩性、安全性、开放性方面的优势和工作流规范、个性化应用丰富、专业的决策支持的特点,结合我院医用耗材管理在供应链和高值耗材管理中的不足,探讨了ERP管理模式工作流程、基础物品管理、操作使用和高值耗材方面的应用。


