700字范文 > 剩余电流保护 residual current protection英语短句 例句大全

剩余电流保护 residual current protection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-08 04:01:09


剩余电流保护 residual current protection英语短句 例句大全

剩余电流保护,residual current protection

1)residual current protection剩余电流保护


1.Intelligent Residual Current Opreating Protective Relay Base on MCU of P87LPC767;基于P87LPC767单片机的剩余电流保护器

2.Application of RCD in Electrical Fire Fighting剩余电流保护装置在电气火灾防范中的应用

3.Correct Use of Residual Current Protective Devices for Household and Similar Use家用和类似用途剩余电流保护器的正确使用

4.residual current operated protective device剩余电流动作保护器

5.General requirements for residual current operated protective devicesGB6829-1995剩余电流动作保护器的一般要求

6.Preliminary Discussion about the Detection and Maintenance of the Residual Current Operated Protective Devices in the Residential Buildings浅谈住宅剩余电流动作保护装置的检测与维护

7.Discussion on the Installation of Residual Current Operated Protective Devices in Low-voltage Distribution System低压配电系统装设剩余电流动作保护器探讨

8.reset residual current device复位式剩余电流装置

9.Residue Right Allocation of a Scenic Spot and Resource Protection;景区剩余索取权配置与景区资源保护

10.The Selection of HVDC Protection System Redundant Conf iguratio高压直流输电保护系统冗余配置方案选择

11.Reliability research for HVDC transmission control and protection system redundancy高压直流输电控制保护系统的冗余可靠性研究

12.Redundant design of control and protection system for HVDC transmission高压直流输电控制保护系统的冗余设计

13.Applications of USB Technology in Tester of Residual Current Protective Devices;USB技术在剩余电流测试仪中的应用

14.The Residual Rights in United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Protection of China s Sea Rights;海洋法中的剩余权利与我国海洋权益的保护

15.Discussion about Residual Current Fire Alarming System and Relative Standards剩余电流电气火灾报警系统及相关标准的探讨

16.Research on Intelligent Algorithm of Residual Current Monitoring System for Electrical Fire Prevention剩余电流式电气火灾监控系统智能算法的研究

17.Discussion on the design of residual current electric fire monitoring system剩余电流式电气火灾监控系统设计浅析

18.Discussion about Residual Current Fire Monitoring Detector and Its Application浅谈剩余电流式电气火灾监控探测器及其应用


residual current-operated protective devices(RCD)剩余电流保护电器

3)residual current protection devices剩余电流保护电器(RCD)

1.This paper expounds several problems aboutresidual current protection devices(RCD),namely,specific application of RCD to IT,TT,and TN systems,similarities and differences between protection of residual current operated devices and zero sequence and its relationship with additional earthing,and relevant problems of local TT system in TN system as well.论述了有关剩余电流保护电器(RCD)的几个问题:详细讨论了RCD在IT、TT和TN系统中的具体应用;论述了剩余电流保护与零序保护的异同,与重复接地的关系,以及TN系统中的局部TT系统等相关问题;并介绍了建筑物内多级RCD的装设方案。

4)residual current operated protector剩余电流动作保护器

1.Based on bad weather condition of wind power generation and distribution system,the application of ABB GS seriesresidual current operated protector in wind power distribution system was introduced.基于风力发电、配电系统周围气象条件恶劣,介绍了ABBGS系列剩余电流动作保护器在风力配电系统中的应用。

5)residual current operated protective device剩余电流动作保护器

1.Theresidual current operated protective device provides the low voltage power distribution line and the electric load with the zero sequence current protection, it has high sensitive to prevent electric shock and fire from the earthing fault.剩余电流动作保护器为低压配电线路和电气负荷提供零序电流保护,对防范接地故障引起的电击和火灾事故有很高的灵敏度。

2.Under the condition of low-voltage power grid in China,installing theresidual current operated protective device is the important assisted prevention measure for the security technology.在当前中国低压电网的具体条件下,安装剩余电流动作保护器作为安全技术措施的重要后备保护措施,对防止人身触电伤亡事故、防止电气设备损坏事故和接地故障引起的电气火灾事故效果是明显的,因此,是目前低压电网安全用电不可缺少的安全保护措施。

6)protective device of surplus electric current action剩余电流动作保护装置


