700字范文 > 网络协作 network collaboration英语短句 例句大全

网络协作 network collaboration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-10 13:38:58


网络协作 network collaboration英语短句 例句大全

网络协作,network collaboration

1)network collaboration网络协作

1.Anetwork collaboration framework based on High Level Architecture and Multi Agent System is introduced in this paper.介绍一种基于高层体系结构和多Agent系统的网络协作框架,给出网络协作必须满足的基本性质。


1.Social Network Analysis in CSCL: A Case Study;网络协作学习中的社会网络分析个案研究

2.The Building and Application Research of Web-Cooperative Learning Model;网络协作学习模式的建构与应用研究

3.Research and Realization of the Network Cooperating Learning Resource Database;网络协作式学习资源库的研究与实现

4.Cooperation Model of Reverse Logistics Network for Electronic Returns;废旧电子类产品回收的网络协作模型

5.Construction of the web collaborative learning model based on Blog;基于Blog的网络协作式学习模式的构建

6.A Novel Cooperative MAC Protocol for Wireless LANs适合WLAN网络的新协作MAC协议

7.Study on Cooperation Issues of MAC Layer and Network Layer in Ad Hoc Networks;Ad Hoc网络中MAC层和网络层协作问题研究

8.Discussion about the Service Attribution of the Network Education From the Web Based Collaborative Learning从基于网络的协作学习探讨网络教育的服务性

9.Research on CAD System Base on Cooperative Work Model;基于协同工作模式的网络CAD系统研究

10.A Study on Web Social Network-based Collaborative Filtering Model;基于Web社会网络的协作过滤模型研究

11.Study on Security of Cooperation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks;移动Ad Hoc网络节点协作性的安全研究

12.The Research on the Construction of High-tech Enterprises Cooperative R&D Networks;高技术企业协作R&D网络构建研究

13.On Teaching of Collaboration-Based Study in Network Environment;基于网络环境下协作学习的教学研究

14.Research to Model of Collaborative-self-regulated Learning in Network Environment;网络环境下协作式自主学习模式研究

15.Research on the Network Management of Cooperative Engagement Information System;协同作战信息系统(CEIS)网络管理研究

16.Cooperative Diversity in Wireless Networks: Principles and Applications;无线网络中的协作分集:原理和应用

17.A Study on Collaborative Learning among Interdisciplinary Teachers Through Network;网络环境下教师跨学科协作学习研究

18.The Process Research of Ability Coordination of Cooperative Supply Networks;合作型分包网络能力协调的过程研究


collaboration net协作网络

1.Research on thecollaboration net of small and midium-sized enterprises that belong to Taiwan businessmen;台商中小企业协作网络探究


4)Networked cooperation网络化协作

1.Networked cooperation crossing the borders has become a critical strategic option for modern enterprises.跨边界的网络化协作已成为当代企业重要的战略选择 ,从辩证的观点分析了这种互动式网络构架的明显优势与潜在不足 ,以及我国企业构建网络化协作关系的有利条件与不利因素 ,在此基础上提出了具体的应对措施与规避对策 ,并对如何发挥我国企业的有利条件进行了分析。

5)web-based collaborative learning网络协作学习

1.Analysis of improving the performance ofweb-based collaborative learning activity through integration of secondlife and LMS;SL和LMS整合提升网络协作学习活动绩效的分析

2.Interpersonal interaction is one of the most important components in Web-based collaborative learning(WBCL).人际交互是网络协作学习中最重要的组成部分之一,人际交互的质量直接影响网络协作学习效果。

6)fractal network cooperation分形网络协作

1.The theory offractal network cooperation is established by following the fractal principle of nature to support the quick reconfiguration of the networked cooperative manufacturing system.企业网络协作信息平台是实现行业企业联盟协作活动的基础 分形网络协作遵循大自然的分形法则 ,可以支持企业网络协同制造的快速动态重构 首先构造了具有自相似、自组织及人机耦合等特性的分形Agent ,以有效地表示联盟中各级生产组织单元 ;运用分形Agent理论以及分形L系统构造了网络协作系统 ,根据企业级协作系统以及部门级协作系统的结构和工作流管理的自相似性 ,简化了网络协作问题 ;最后介绍了分形网络协作的应用实例———CSCW信息平台中的液压成套设备网络协同制造系


