700字范文 > 高校师资 college teachers英语短句 例句大全

高校师资 college teachers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-24 07:19:38


高校师资 college teachers英语短句 例句大全

高校师资,college teachers

1)college teachers高校师资

1.Of course,no matter which lateral mobility,the tension of lateral mobility ofcollege teachers has a clear main factor-tension action line,that is,the profession motivation of teacher individual,the effective .只有对高校教师的流动类型和流动模式作出科学合理的判断,才能有利于高校及社会相关部门更加合理地通过流动来配置高校师资。

2.Thecollege teachers are the most important and gold part in the college human resource and in the new period the college human resource development should pay attention to change the idea, perfect system and solidify and cooperation and reorganize the resources.目前高校师资建设中存在诸多问题。

3.College teachers have been managed in planed economy system, but with the development of market economy system, the flow of them has become disorder and chaotic, which makes series of negative impacts on the high education of China, and it’s necessary to establish a scientific and effective management system to improve the current situation.高校师资作为高等教育的重要一环,是高校发展的首要资源。


1.E-Learning and the construction of qualified teachers in higher education;E-Learning与高校师资建设

2.Research on "Psychological Contract" in University Teacher Management;高校师资管理中“心理契约”的研究

3.An Exploration of Broadening and Deepening the Pool of Dual-Qualified Teachers in Vocational-Technical Colleges;高职院校“双师型”师资队伍建设探索

4.Thought on the Construction of Double-skilled Teaching Staff in Private-funded Universities;民办高校“双师型”师资队伍建设之思考

5.On Building a Teaching Staff with Double-quality in Vocational College;高职院校“双师型”师资队伍建设的探讨

6.Discussion about "Double-qualification" Teachers Construction of Higher Vocational College;高职院校“双师型”师资队伍建设探讨

7.On Cultivating "Both-professional" Teaching Staff in Vocational Colleges;论高职院校“双师型”师资队伍建设

8.The Analysis of the Building of Dual-Function Teachers in Vocational Colleges;新办高职院校“双师型”师资建设探析

9.Construction of the Duplex Teacher in the Higher Vocational Education;试论高职院校“双师型”师资队伍的培养

10.On Improving Double-Quality Teacher s Group in Higher Vocational Education;高职院校“双师型”师资队伍建设浅探

11.Quality and Training of Teachers with Double Qualifications in Higher Vocational Colleges;论高职院校“双师型”师资的素质与培养

12.Discussion About the Teachers’ Cultivating Mode of Higher Vocational Colleges高职院校“双师型”师资培养的思考

13.The Building of Teachers team and Development of Teachers Profession in Vocational Colleges;高职院校“双师型”师资队伍建设与教师专业发展

14.On the construction of ethics of young teachers at college;教育师资为本,师资立德为本——论高校青年教师队伍师德建设

15.Strengthen the Construction of Teaching Staff Construct the Highland of University Talents;加强师资队伍建设 构筑高校人才高地

16.From the Teachers Latent Lose in University to Talk about the Human Resource Integrity in University;从高校教师隐形流失谈高校人力资源整合

17.The Reflection Pattern of FL Teachers Development in Higher Institutions高校外语师资发展中的"反思论"范式

pare Study of Teacher Training of Special Education Major in University;高校特殊教育专业师资培养比较研究


Teacher resource of the Universities高校师资资源

3)P.E. teachers in higher education高校体育师资

1.With combination of documentary analysis, questionnaire investigations, data statistics and expert interview, this paper provides a comprehensive and extensive analysis on the current situation of psychology, behavio of P.采用文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计、专家访谈等方法对当前我国高校体育师资的心理、行为现状,工作中去激励因素的分析,体育教师的绩效考核,激励,激励机制的制定等方面进行了研究,以期改变当前高校体育师资管理水平不高的局面,促进高校体育师资管理理论的发展。

4)training of college teachers高校新师资培训

5)share of the resource of university teachers高校师资共享

6)Internationalization of teachers in universities and colleges高校师资国际化


