700字范文 > 体育教育训练学 physical education and training英语短句 例句大全

体育教育训练学 physical education and training英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-23 10:07:53


体育教育训练学 physical education and training英语短句 例句大全

体育教育训练学,physical education and training

1)physical education and training体育教育训练学

1.System Building on Comprehensive Quality Education Object for Masters of Physical Education and Training;体育教育训练学专业硕士研究生综合素质教育目标体系的构建

2.By using methods of documentary review,questionnaire,expert interview and logical analysis,this article investigated,analyzed and multiply compared the present curriculum system for graduate students majored inphysical education and training.采用文献资料法、访问调查法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,对我国现行体育教育训练学硕士研究生课程体系进行调查、分析和多层比较。

3.Analysis of the study summed up the problems of sports science graduate training in the process of the existing problems of China\"s sports education and training institutions,and put forward relevant proposals for the culturing of Master of Physical education and training.自1999年高校扩招以来,我国体育教育训练学硕士研究生的数量大幅增长,但在研究生培养过程中也出现了一些问题,尤其是研究生的培养质量受到许多专家学者的质疑,所以,如何确保我国体育教育训练学硕士研究生的培养质量成为当前亟待解决的问题。

2)Theory of Sports Pedagogy and Training体育教育训练学

1.master graduate students makes it strenuous for educational resources;some physical colleges and universities have some problems and insufficiency in graduate students\"selection,training and so on,thus the quality of graduate students in theory of sports pedagogy and training is difficult to get due indemnificatory,which can not fully satisfy the requirements of social develop-ment.近年来随着我国高等教育的快速发展,研究生教育的规模在不断扩大,体育教育训练学硕士研究生的招生人数也在逐年增加,随着扩招研究生的毕业,在一定程度上缓解了社会对体育高学历人才的需求状况,然而,高校体育学硕士研究生的急剧扩张,使得教育资源日趋紧张,体育教育训练学硕士研究生实践能力的培养质量难以得到应有的保障,不能完全满足社会发展的需求。

3)physical education teaching and training体育教育训练学

1.This paper studies the project of cultivating graduate students majoring inphysical education teaching and training from 4 sports colleges and 11 ordinary universities,makes analysis on cultivating target,direction, years of study, curriculum setting, training method, examine ways.对我国的4所体育院校和11所普通高校体育教育训练学硕士研究生培养方案进行研 究,就培养目标、培养方向、学习年限、课程设置、培养方式、考核方式等方面的问题进行了分析。

4)P.E.teaching and training体育教学训练

1.Cultivating sub-consciousness in P.在体育教学训练中培养潜意识是一种自觉的心理调控活动,应从以下几个方面,即正面鼓励、重视情感交流、复述动作和比赛感受、暗示和想象训练以及采用强烈或重复的刺激来培养潜意识。


1.On Developing the Education Function in Sports Training;浅谈开发体育教学训练中的教育功能

2.On the application of sports physioloyy in physical education and training;运动生理学在体育教学训练中的运用

3.How to Prevent Physical Injuries in P.E.Class and Physical Exercises;体育教学训练中运动创伤预防的探讨

4.The Application of Mentality Training in Physical Education;心理训练在体育教学、训练上的应用

5.A microteaching training system for trainees teaching-practice;学生教育实习前的微格教学训练体系

6.Application of extended training in university P.E.;融入拓展训练的大学体育体验式教学

7.Aesthetic training in college student s art sport teaching;论大学生体育舞蹈教学中的美感训练

8.The Method of P.E Educating and Training in College and School-the Method of Target;学校体育教学与训练方法——目标方法

9.Necessity and Feasibility of Spreading and lmplementing ldeomotor Training in College Physical Education;念动训练法在高校体育教学中的应用

10.The Application and Research of Outward Training in Physical Education Teaching;拓展训练在体育教学中的应用与研究

11.On the Combination of "Outward Bound"and PE Teaching;浅谈素质拓展训练与体育教学的结合

12.The Development of Sports Training and PE Teaching in University;高校运动训练和体育教学的发展趋势

13.Out-wardbound--A New Trend in Developing University s Physical Education;拓展训练——高校体育课教学发展新方向

14.On the Function of Attention Quality in Physical Education and Training;论体育教学(训练)中注意品质的作用

15.Medical supervision strengthened promot physical Teaching & Training;加强医务监督 促进体育教学与训练

16.Treat the Physical Education and the Extracurricular Training Correctly in Colleges and Universities;正确对待高校的体育教学和课余训练

17.The Use of The Practice of Imagination In College PE;想象训练在体育课技巧教学中的应用

18.Suggestims on the musical rhythm in the teaching and training of physical dance;体育舞蹈教学训练中的音乐节奏处理


Theory of Sports Pedagogy and Training体育教育训练学

1.master graduate students makes it strenuous for educational resources;some physical colleges and universities have some problems and insufficiency in graduate students\"selection,training and so on,thus the quality of graduate students in theory of sports pedagogy and training is difficult to get due indemnificatory,which can not fully satisfy the requirements of social develop-ment.近年来随着我国高等教育的快速发展,研究生教育的规模在不断扩大,体育教育训练学硕士研究生的招生人数也在逐年增加,随着扩招研究生的毕业,在一定程度上缓解了社会对体育高学历人才的需求状况,然而,高校体育学硕士研究生的急剧扩张,使得教育资源日趋紧张,体育教育训练学硕士研究生实践能力的培养质量难以得到应有的保障,不能完全满足社会发展的需求。

3)physical education teaching and training体育教育训练学

1.This paper studies the project of cultivating graduate students majoring inphysical education teaching and training from 4 sports colleges and 11 ordinary universities,makes analysis on cultivating target,direction, years of study, curriculum setting, training method, examine ways.对我国的4所体育院校和11所普通高校体育教育训练学硕士研究生培养方案进行研 究,就培养目标、培养方向、学习年限、课程设置、培养方式、考核方式等方面的问题进行了分析。

4)P.E.teaching and training体育教学训练

1.Cultivating sub-consciousness in P.在体育教学训练中培养潜意识是一种自觉的心理调控活动,应从以下几个方面,即正面鼓励、重视情感交流、复述动作和比赛感受、暗示和想象训练以及采用强烈或重复的刺激来培养潜意识。

5)P.E. teaching and training体育教学与训练

6)postgraduates specializing in physical education and training体育教育训练学硕士


