700字范文 > 大断面顶管通道 large-sectional jacking pipe passage英语短句 例句大全

大断面顶管通道 large-sectional jacking pipe passage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-30 15:07:01


大断面顶管通道 large-sectional jacking pipe passage英语短句 例句大全

大断面顶管通道,large-sectional jacking pipe passage

1)large-sectional jacking pipe passage大断面顶管通道

2)large sectional pipe-jacking大断面矩形顶管

3)long tunnel large section长通道大断面

4)the pipeline section管道断面

5)Equal section main pipe通直等断面主管道

6)large section tunnel大断面隧道

1.Taking for example of the excavation Pansteel Baima iron ore mine,the construction method and precautions forlarge section tunnel in fracture weak strata were introduced.以攀钢白马铁矿一期工程1600主平硐的开挖为例,介绍了在软弱破碎岩层中大断面隧道的施工方法及注意事项。

2.This paper is based on the construction of linjiangmen station tunnel of the Chongqing Jiaoxin Light Railway, the demolition shock absorption applied to urban shallow coveredlarge section tunnel in hard rocks under complicated conditions is introduced.以重庆轻轨较新线临江门车站隧道为例,介绍了复杂条件下城市浅埋硬岩特大断面隧道减震爆破施工方法,由于采用了一系列综合减震措施,开挖爆破对隧道周边围岩的影响降低到最小程度;在爆破设计中,掏槽眼增加了减震孔,周边眼增加了导向孔,采取隔孔装药方式,对提高炮眼利用率起到了良好的作用。


1.The Technology Research of Large Section Tunnel Flame-retarded Asphalt Pavement特大断面隧道阻燃沥青路面技术研究

2.Construction Technology of the Large-section Tunnel under the Complex Environment in City城市复杂环境下大断面隧道施工技术

3.The Analysis of Stress Concentration Coefficients of a Large Cross-section Tunnel大断面隧道应力集中系数的分析研究

4.Study on Long Term Warning Value of Super Large Section Tunnel特大断面隧道长期运营预警值的研究

5.Structural deformation of overlying subway tunnels induced by tunnelling大断面隧道施工引起的上覆地铁隧道结构变形分析

6.The Research on Blasting Excavation Interaction of Adjacent Tunnel with Extra-large Section;相邻特大断面隧道爆破施工相互影响的研究

7.Research on the Stress Behavior of Surrounding Rock during Construction Adopting CD Method of Large Cross-section Tunnel;大断面隧道CD法施工围岩应力行为研究

8.Research on Construction Mechanics for Highspeed Railway Tunnel with Shallow-Depth and Large-Section in Dachen Railway;达成高速铁路浅埋大断面隧道施工力学研究

9.Exploration of method of determining the construction unit price of large section tunnels;大断面隧道工程补充单价分析编制方法的探讨

10.Disease Harness Technology in Construction of Big Section Tunnel in Swelling Stratum;膨胀型地层修建大断面隧道病理防治技术

11.Optimization of the Forms and Supporting Parameters of Large Cross Section Tunnel;特大断面大跨隧道断面形式与支护参数优化

12.Study on Criteria for Stability of Loess Tunnel with Big Cross Section;大断面黄土隧道稳定性参数指标研究

13.Technical and cost analysis of large-section railway tunneling;大断面铁路隧道施工技术与造价分析

14.The design of blasting control of the hard rock in large cross-section undersea tunnel超大断面海底隧道硬岩控制爆破设计

15.Design and Study on a 3-lane Expressway Tunnel with Large Cross-section Passing through Extremely Soft Rocks极软岩3车道大断面公路隧道设计与研究

16.Seismic Security Analysis of Big Segment Passenger Dedicated Railway Big Long Tunnels大断面客运专线长大隧道地震安全分析


18.Study on Load Mode of Road Tunnel with Extra-large Cross-section and Low Flat-ratio and Its Application;扁平特大断面公路隧道荷载模式及应用研究


large sectional pipe-jacking大断面矩形顶管

3)long tunnel large section长通道大断面

4)the pipeline section管道断面

5)Equal section main pipe通直等断面主管道

6)large section tunnel大断面隧道

1.Taking for example of the excavation Pansteel Baima iron ore mine,the construction method and precautions forlarge section tunnel in fracture weak strata were introduced.以攀钢白马铁矿一期工程1600主平硐的开挖为例,介绍了在软弱破碎岩层中大断面隧道的施工方法及注意事项。

2.This paper is based on the construction of linjiangmen station tunnel of the Chongqing Jiaoxin Light Railway, the demolition shock absorption applied to urban shallow coveredlarge section tunnel in hard rocks under complicated conditions is introduced.以重庆轻轨较新线临江门车站隧道为例,介绍了复杂条件下城市浅埋硬岩特大断面隧道减震爆破施工方法,由于采用了一系列综合减震措施,开挖爆破对隧道周边围岩的影响降低到最小程度;在爆破设计中,掏槽眼增加了减震孔,周边眼增加了导向孔,采取隔孔装药方式,对提高炮眼利用率起到了良好的作用。


异形断面钢材(见异形断面型材)异形断面钢材(见异形断面型材)special section steel,一、u以uu、’“飞豆on gQngC01异形断面钢材(speeial Seetion steel)见异形断面型材。
