700字范文 > 建国后十七年 years after the founding of the Peoples Republic of China英语短句 例句大全

建国后十七年 years after the founding of the Peoples Republic of China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-03 12:31:52


建国后十七年 years after the founding of the Peoples Republic of China英语短句 例句大全

建国后十七年,years after the founding of the People"s Republic of China

1)years after the founding of the People"s Republic of China建国后十七年


1.Leaning-to-one-side:Chinese CE in the Seventeen Years after the Foundation of P.R.C.;建国后十七年中国比较教育状况分析

2.China s Representative Works of Piano Music during the Seventeen Years after the Foundation of PRC;建国后十七年中国钢琴代表作品及特点分析

3.The Criterion of Foreign Literature Classics in the 17 Years After the Founding of PRC;建国后十七年外国文学经典的翻译标准

4.The 17-year Historical Research and Materialistic View Value after New China Was Built建国后十七年历史研究及唯物史观的价值

5.On Social Education in Henan Rural Area during 17 Years after the Founding of the People s Republic of China;试论建国后十七年河南农村的社会教育

parison of the Views on Prose in May the Fourth Period with Those from 1949 to 1966;五四散文观与建国后十七年散文观比较

7.In a word, in the 17 years following the founding of the People"s Republic, our work was basically correct, although there were setbacks and mistakes.总之,建国后十七年这一段,有曲折,有错误,基本方面还是对的。

8.On the Achievements and Experiences of Social Education in Henan Countryside during 17 Years after the Founding of the People s Republic of China;试论建国后十七年河南农村社会教育的成就与经验

9.On experience and lessons of social education in Henan rural area during 17 years after the founding of the People s Republic of China;试论建国后十七年河南农村社会教育的经验与教训

10.The Hierarchical Difference of Criticism on Foreign Literature Classics in 17 Years After the Foundation of PRC;建国后十七年外国文学经典批评的等级差序——以创作方法的考察为中心

11.Cultural Mission in Mistranslation and the Construction of Target Text:A Study of the Translation of English and American Literature during 1949-1966;“误译”的文化使命与文本“来生”的重构——以建国后十七年英美文学翻译为例

12.Criticisms on Literary Classics and Tendency to Classical Literary Criticism;文学经典的批评与文学批评的经典化——以建国后十七年文学经典的批评为中心

13.The Soviet Union established diplomatic relations with the United States seventeen years after the October Revolution.苏联跟美国建交,是在十月革命之后十七年。

14.Creation and Theory of Modern Essays of the 17-Year after the Founding of the P.R.C;论建国后“十七”年现代随笔的创作与理论

15.This is a question of great concern to us all.对建国以后的十七年怎样估计,这是大家很关心的问题。

16.The Illustration Dissect of Chinese Literature at the Early 17 Years of Foundation of Our Country建国“十七”年我国文学作品插图剖析

17.Mean- While, in Europe itself, the peace with Russia which is assumed to have been constructed in the late 1960s and early 1970s can be kept intact.同时,在欧洲本身,据认为在六十年代后期和七十年代初期与俄国建立起来的和平仍将原封不动。

18.Study on the Success and Frustration of Law Construction of China from 1949 to 1966;建国初十七年我国法制建设成败的理论探索


historiography of 17 years after the establishment of PRC建国后十七年史学

3)"17 years after the founding of China"建国十七年

1."17 years after the founding of China" points to the period of time from the founding of the People s Republic of China in 1949 till the eve of Cultural Revolution in 1966.建国十七年指从1949年中华人民共和国建立到1966年文革前夕这一段时间,其显著特点是政治性强。

4)17 years after liberation建国十七年间

1.Culinary recipes published in the17 years after liberation are classified and the authors,units of publication and years of publication are listed,among which some representatives are analyzed meticulously.对建国十七年间(1949-1966)期间公开出版的菜谱进行了分类,详数了菜谱的作者、出版时间、出版单位,其中对一些有代表性的菜谱做了较为细致的分析。

5)the first seventeen years after the foundation of PRC建国初十七年

1.Duringthe first seventeen years after the foundation of PRC, the college entrance examination in Puxian has distinctive regional characteristics, which make it great academic and practical sense to study it.建国初十七年,莆仙高考富有鲜明的区域性特点,有着重要的学术价值和实践意义。

6)Post-1970 s七十年代后

1.Abnormal Writing: Missing Significance and the Fault on the Sexual Theme ——Pondering Over thePost-1970 s Writer and Their Works;“意义”的消解及“性而上”的迷失——关于卫慧、棉棉等“七十年代后”作家及其写作的思考


