700字范文 > 隐式迭代 Implicit iteration英语短句 例句大全

隐式迭代 Implicit iteration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-09 07:04:30


隐式迭代 Implicit iteration英语短句 例句大全

隐式迭代,Implicit iteration

1)Implicit iteration隐式迭代

1.For the sake of the stability of its solution, the increment of each step is given by the implicit iteration method.在实际计算中采用有限维试验函数空间对模型进行离散,每次迭代的增量由隐式迭代方法给出,以增强求解的稳定


1.Nonlinear Implicit Iterative Method for Solving Nonlinear Ill-Posed Problems求解非线性不适定问题的隐式迭代法

2.Implicit iterative methods for general mixed quasi-variational inequalities一般混合似变分不等式的隐式迭代算法

3.Nonlinear Implicit Iterative Method and Regularization GMRES Method for Solving Ill-posed Problems求解不适定问题的非线性隐式迭代法和正则化GMRES方法

4.A Class of Implicit Iterative Scheme for Approximating Fixed Points of Nonexpansive Mappings and Strictly Pseudocontractive Mappings非扩张与严格伪压缩映像不动点的一类隐式迭代算法

5.On Strong Convergence of an Implicit Iteration for a Finite Family of Asymptotically Non-expansive Mappings in the Intermediate Sense按中间意义的渐近非扩张有限簇的隐式迭代的强收敛性

6.Iterative Methods for Implicit Symplectic Schemes of Four Order Rod Vibration Equation;四阶杆振动方程隐式辛格式的迭代解法

posite Implicit Iteration Processes for Common Fixed Points of a Finite Family of Nonexpansive Mappings;非扩张映像公共不动点复合隐格式迭代算法

8.A Class of Iterative Algorithm for Generalized Set-Valued Mixed Implicit Variational Inequalities一类广义集值混合隐变分不等式的迭代算法

posite Implicit Iteration Processes for Common Fixed Points of a Finite Family of Asymptotically Nonexpansive Mappings;渐近非扩张映像公共不动点复合隐格式迭代算法

10.A New Iterative Scheme Based on G-S Iteration Method基于G—S迭代法的一种新的迭代格式

11.The Convergence of Implicit Iteration Process for Strictly Pseudocontractive Maps;严格伪压缩映像隐迭代过程的收敛性

12.Improvement for the Iterative Algorithm of Implied Volatility of Warrant认股权证隐含波动率迭代算法的改进

13.The Convergence of an Implicit Iteration Sequnces for Strictly Asymptotically Pseudocontractive Mappings;严格渐近伪压缩映象隐迭代序列的收敛性

14.Convergence Analysis of an Implicit Iteration Process for (?)-Strictly Pseudocontractive Mappings;φ-强伪压缩映象隐迭代过程的收敛性分析

15.The Convergence of Implicit Iteration Process for a Finite Family of Accretive Mappings;有限个增生算子族隐迭代过程的收敛性

16.Converging Problem of Strictly Pseudocompress Mapping s Implicit Iteration Sequence;严格伪压缩映射隐迭代序列的收敛性问题

17.Strong Convergence of An Implicit Iteration Process for A Finite Family of Nonexpansive Mappings;隐迭代序列的有限族渐近非扩张映像的强收敛

18.The Iteratively Degree-Preserving Planar Maps and the Solutions of One Iterative Equation;迭代保次的平面多项式映射及一个迭代方程的解


implicit iterative method隐式迭代法

1.Numerical tests and application ofimplicit iterative methods;隐式迭代法的数值试验与应用

2.Theimplicit iterative method was applied to the linearized Newton equation, and the key step in the process was that a new reasonable a posteriori stopping rule for the inner iteration was presented.对线性化后的Newton方程用隐式迭代法求解,关键的一步是引入了一种新的更合理的确定(内)迭代步数的后验准则。

3.On the basis of animplicit iterative method for ill-posed operator equations, we introduce a relaxation factor w and a weighted factor μ, and obtain a stationary two-stepimplicit iterative method.[8]中讨论了如下的隐式迭代法其中常数α>0称为控制参数。

3)implicit iteration隐迭代格式

1.Let x-0(∈K) and α-n(0,1),theimplicit iteration sequence{x-n}defined by x-n=α-nx-(n-1)+(1-α-n)T-nx-n,n≥1.对x0∈K与{αn}[0,1],隐迭代格式{xn}定义为xn=αnxn-1+(1-αn)Tnxn,n≥1。

4)implicit iteration method隐迭代格式

1.In this paper,a new class of three-orderimplicit iteration method with a finite family of Lipschitz mappings on a nonempty,closed and convex subset of a Banach spaces X is introduced,the reasonability of it is proved by using Banach fixed point theorem and the convergences of the iterations in it are proved respectively under suitable conditions.在Banach空间X的非空闭凸子集上引入了一类新的带有限李普希兹算子集三阶隐迭代格式,借助于压缩映像原理证明了迭代格式定义的合理性,在适当的条件下,证明了该迭代格式中各个点列的收敛性。

5)implicit iterative scheme隐式迭代格式

6)system of implicit iteration process隐格式组迭代

1.The purpose of this paper is to establish thesystem of implicit iteration process for common fixed points of a finite family of strictly pseudocontractive mapings and to prove the convergerce theorems and some results of the implicit iteration process for common.本文建立了严格伪压缩映像族的隐格式组迭代过程,进而证明了隐格式组迭代过程逼近严格伪压缩映像族的收敛定理及相关结果。


