700字范文 > 和声算法 harmony search algorithm英语短句 例句大全

和声算法 harmony search algorithm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-19 01:55:21


和声算法 harmony search algorithm英语短句 例句大全

和声算法,harmony search algorithm

1)harmony search algorithm和声算法

1.Slope stability analysis based onharmony search algorithm in evolutionary strategy method基于进化策略的和声算法分析边坡稳定性

2.In order to overcome the problem of being trapped into local minima encountered in applying ordinary genetic algorithm to search the critical slip surface of slope,an improved procedure based onharmony search algorithm is proposed.针对简单遗传算法容易陷入局部最优值的缺陷,借鉴和声算法产生新解的方式来产生遗传算法中的子代个体。


1.Slope stability analysis based on harmony search algorithm in evolutionary strategy method基于进化策略的和声算法分析边坡稳定性

2.Adaptive echo cancellation and noise reduction algorithm一种自适应回声抵消和噪声消除算法

3.The Adaptive Noise Canceller Based on Back Propagation Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm;基于BP算法和遗传算法的自适应噪声抵消器

4.Study on Adaptive Echo Cancellation and Noise Reduction自适应回声抵消和噪声消除算法的研究

5.Research on the Imaging System and Reconstruction Algorithm of Photoacoutic and Thermoacoustic Tomography;光声和热声成像系统及图像重建算法研究

6.Research on G.729A Vocoder Standard and Implementation on DSPs;G.729A声码器算法研究和DSPs实现

7.Sound system equipment explanation of general terms and calculation methodsGB/T12060-1989声系统设备一般术语解释和计算方法

8.Study and Design Acoustic Echo Canceller Based on Decorrelating Algorithm with Variable Step Size基于变步长解相关算法回声抵消器研究和设计

9.Research on System Design and Image Reconstruction Algorithms for Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Sonar;干涉合成孔径声纳系统设计和成像算法研究

10.Research on the Application of Harmony Search Algorithm in Function Optimization Problems和声搜索算法在函数优化问题中的应用研究

11.An Improved NAS-RIF Algorithm Based on Support Estimation and Noise Removal改进的基于支持域估计和噪声去除的NAS-RIF算法

12.Analysis of performance of page′s test used to detect active sonar signals累积和检验算法应用于主动声纳检测时的性能

13.Noise Estimation Algorithm Based on Speech Frame Detection and Subband Spectral Tracking基于语音帧检测和子带谱跟踪的噪声估计算法

14.Harmony search algorithms for no-idle flow shop scheduling problems求解零空闲流水线调度问题的和声搜索算法

15.Text Watermarking Algorithm Based on the Tone of Chinese Characters and Genetic Algorithm一种基于遗传优化和汉字声调的文本水印算法

16.Hybrid Algorithm Based on Discrete Harmony Search and Simulated Annealing基于离散和声搜索与模拟退火的混合算法

17.Solving Traveling Salesman Problem by Hybrid Discrete Harmony Search Algorithm混合离散和声搜索算法求解旅行商问题

18.An Additive and Convolutive Bias Compensation Algorithm for Telephone Speech Recognition电话语音识别中统一的加性噪声和卷积噪声补偿算法(英文)


harmony search algorithm和声搜索算法

1.The search algorithms involve the modified particle swarm optimization algorithm and the modifiedharmony search algorithm.在非圆临界滑动面的搜索中,先进行圆弧滑动面的搜索,将得到的临界圆弧滑动面作为非圆临界滑动面搜索的初始滑动面,采用改进粒子群优化算法——快速粒子群算法寻优;然后根据搜索到的较优值缩减搜索域的范围,再利用改进和声搜索算法寻优,将得到的结果作为问题的最优解。

2.The search procedure of the originalharmony search algorithm is secondly improved,such that several new harmonies are obtained by exhaustively utilizing better existing harmonies within each iterative step.首先提出了一种产生任意滑动面的策略,对可行的滑动面采用Spencer法计算其安全系数;其次改进了基本和声搜索算法的寻优思路,充分利用较优异的和声信息,在每一迭代步中产生多个新和声,然后重新选择优秀的个体进入和声库,构成迭代。

3)harmony search method和声搜索算法

1.Slope stability analysis using extremum principle by Pan Jiazheng andharmony search method;利用潘家铮极值原理与和声搜索算法进行土坡稳定分析

2.A new kind of chaosharmony search method is developed for the local factor of safety analysis of soil slopes.该算法利用混沌变量的随机、遍历特性在解空间内进行有效探索,同时采用基本和声算法中的和声策略对解空间进行开发,从产生的新解与原和声库内的解中选出较优秀的解重新进入和声库,这样不断迭代就构成了混沌和声搜索算法。

4)Adaptive harmony search algorithm自适应和声算法

5)Harmonic Technique和声手法

6)Harmonic technique和声技法

1.This article chose 23 of these songs as the subject of research, analyzed,disscussed,induced and summarized their characters of harmonic techniques, and made a necessary exploration to the expressional effect of these harmonic techniques.管弦乐是他最主要的创作领域,艺术歌曲创作数量较少,仅有39首,就目前情况来看,国内研究拉威尔艺术歌曲中和声技法的文章目前还为数不多。


