700字范文 > 职业资格制度 professional qualification system英语短句 例句大全

职业资格制度 professional qualification system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-10 10:47:04


职业资格制度 professional qualification system英语短句 例句大全

职业资格制度,professional qualification system

1)professional qualification system职业资格制度

1.This paper introduces the situation of carrying out theprofessional qualification system in foreign libraries,expounds the important significance of establishingprofessional qualification system of library in our country,and advances some suggestions on establishingprofessional qualification system of library in our country.介绍了国外图书馆职业资格制度的实施情况,阐述了我国建立图书馆职业资格制度的重要意义,并对我国图书馆职业资格制度的建立提出了一些建议。

2.By comparing and analyzing the origin,process and characteristics of social worker sprofessional qualification system between Hong Kong and Shanghai,this paper concludes thatprofessional qualification system has been set up in Hong Kong with social workers professional education,while it has been established in Shanghai with passing professional examination.文中通过对香港和上海建立实施社会工作者职业资格制度的起源、过程和各自特点的比较分析,得出了香港是通过社会工作从业人员的专业化教育实现其职业化,而上海则是通过从业人员的职业化考试实现其专业化的结论,并在此基础上,提出了我国社工职业化、专业化的路径选择。


1.Talent Assessment System Research of China s Vocational Qualification System;我国职业资格制度人才评价体系研究

2.Promoting the Qualification System in Employment to Cater to the New Situation;适应新形势 推进实施职业资格制度

3.to introduce a vocational qualification credentials system推行职业资格证书制度

4.On Professional Qualification Certificate System with Higher Vocational Colleges高等职业院校职业资格证书制度思考

5.On the construction of vocational qualification certificate system in higher vocational colleges;论高职院校的职业资格证书制度建设

6.Vocational qualification system is a system of vocational accession and vocational promotion.职业资格证书制度是一项职业准入和晋升制度。

7.On the Implementation of Occupational Qualification Authentication System from the View of Disadvantages in Professional Title System从职称制度的弊端论职业资格认证制度的实施

8.Orientation of Employment and the Professional Qualification Certificate System of College Students;就业导向与大学生职业资格证书制度

9.A Study on Connection between Higher Vocational Education and the Certificate System of Vocational Qualifications;高等职业教育与职业资格证书制度衔接研究

10.Study on Professional Qualification Certificate System Implemented in Vocational Schools;职业学校实施职业资格证书制度的研究

11.Vocational schools vocational qualification certificate system in the present situation and countermeasures;职业学校实施职业资格证书制度的现状与对策

12.Accelerating the Establishment of National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ) System in Library加快图书馆职业资格证书制度的建立

13.A Study on Qualification Certificate System in Vocational Education in United Kingdom and Its Enlightenment;英国职业教育中的资格证书制度解析

14.Study on Development Countermeasures of Professional Qualification Certificate System in China;我国职业资格证书制度发展对策研究

15.Production and transformation of our country vocational qualification certificate system;我国职业资格证书制度的生成与变革

16.Establishing Socialized System for Professional Qualification Certificate;建立社会化的职业资格证书制度体系

17.Practice and Exploration of Occupational Skills Credentials System;职业技能资格证书制度的实践与探索

18.Thinking on Occupation Credentials Regulation and Labour Preparation System;关于职业资格证书制度和劳动预备制度的思考


vocational qualification system职业资格制度

1.It is an indispensable requirement to construct a benign interaction betweenvocational qualification system and education and teaching reform in higher vocational education in China in order to promote teaching reform,improve the quality of talent cultivation and refine vocational qualification certification system as well.构建我国职业资格制度与高职教育教学改革的良性互动机制,既是推动高职教育教学改革、提高人才培养质量的需要,也是完善我国职业资格认证制度的需要。

3)vocational qualification certificate system职业资格证书制度

1.Production and transformation of our countryvocational qualification certificate system;我国职业资格证书制度的生成与变革

2.On the construction ofvocational qualification certificate system in higher vocational colleges;论高职院校的职业资格证书制度建设

3.With the development of thevocational qualification certificate system in China s higher vocational education,many scholars began to research in this field.随着职业资格证书制度在我国高等职业教育领域的推行,国内外很多学者开始围绕高等职业教育与职业资格证书制度的衔接这个轴心展开研究。

4)professional qualification system职业资格证书制度

1.Introduces the basic situation of theprofessional qualification system in our country, dissects its signification and basic characteristic, in the last, gives a brief analysis to its certification system and its total target.介绍了我国推行职业资格证书制度的基本情况 ,剖析了推行职业资格证书制度的意义和职业资格证书制度的基本特征 ,最后对我国职业资格证书认证体系以及推行职业资格证书制度工作的总体目标进行了简要分析。

2.Taking the development of architecture working enterprise as the chance,to enhance rural labourers positivity by boostingprofessional qualification system,and the following measures can be taken: strictly implementing relative policy and regulations;carrying out true name card of rura.可采取实行就业准入制度,推行职业资格证书制度,实施农民工实名制卡,加大培训经费补贴力度等措施,来提高建筑行业农民工参加培训的积极性。

3.This article analyzes the importance of carrying outprofessional qualification system from the aspect of the training goal in higher vocational education.本文从高等职业教育的培养目标出发,分析了实施职业资格证书制度的重要性,探讨了我国高职教育职业资格证书面临的问题,提出了与职业资格证书制度衔接的有效途径。

5)professional qualification certificate system职业资格证书制度

1.On the establishment of theprofessional qualification certificate system for librarians;试论中国图书馆职业资格证书制度的建立

2.Along with the implementation ofprofessional qualification certificate system in higher vocational education in China,many scholars have studied the topic that how to achieve linkage between higher vocational education andprofessional qualification certificate system.随着职业资格证书制度在我国高等职业教育领域的推行,国内很多学者开始围绕高等职业教育与职业资格证书制度如何实现衔接这个轴心展开研究。

6)the press professional qualification system出版职业资格制度

1.The time of initiatingthe press professional qualification system is comparatively late and its reception of the society is not well too.出版职业资格制度建立的时间比较晚,社会对其认知程度较低。


