700字范文 > 相对论平均场 relativistic mean field英语短句 例句大全

相对论平均场 relativistic mean field英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-23 06:51:27


相对论平均场 relativistic mean field英语短句 例句大全

相对论平均场,relativistic mean field

1)relativistic mean field相对论平均场

1.Research on the excited states in ~(209)Pb withrelativistic mean field theory;~(209)Pb激发态的相对论平均场理论研究

2.Systematic investigation of shape-coexistence in Se,Kr,Sr and Zr isotopes withrelativistic mean field theory;相对论平均场理论对Se,Kr,Sr和Zr同位素链形状共存的系统研究

3.The clustering phenomenon in heavy nuclei is discussed in this paper within therelativistic mean field(RMF) approach.用相对论平均场理论结合结团模型对重核结团现象进行了研究。


1.Describing Proto-Neutron Stars with the Relativistic Mean Field Theory;相对论平均场对热中子星性质的描述

2.A systematic study on nuclear pairing energy under the relativistic mean-field model相对论平均场理论框架下对能的系统研究

3.Relativistic mean field theory of electron and first-,second-order Rashba effects电子的相对论平均场理论与一阶、二阶Rashba效应

4.Inner Crust of Neutron Stars in a Relativistic Mean Field Approach;中子星内壳层物质的相对论平均场研究

5.Thermal Neutron Stars with Strong Hyperon-Hyperon Interaction in Relativistic Mean Field Theory相对论平均场理论下包含强超子-超子相互作用的热中子星

6.Chiral Doublets for ~(104)Rh in Triaxial Relativistic Mean Field Theory;三轴形变的相对论平均场理论对~(104)Rh手征性研究

7.Applications of Nilsson and Axial Relativistic Mean-field Plus Nearest-Orbit Pairing Interaction Model to Well-deformed Nuclei;Nilsson及轴对称相对论平均场加邻近轨道对力模型对大形变核的应用

8.Applications of Nilsson and Relativistic Mean-field Plus Nearest-orbit Pairing Interaction Model to Well-deformed Nuclei;Nilsson及相对论平均场加邻近轨道对力模型对大形变核的应用

9.Besides, the applicability of Relativistic mean field theory in this region was tested.同时,也检验了相对论平均场理论在该区域的适用性.

10.The Effect of the Softening of the Symmetry Energy on the Ground-state Properties and Giant Resonance of Finite Nuclei as Well as Shape Coexistence in Neutron-deficient at Isotopes in Relativistic Mean Field Theory;在相对论平均场框架内研究软化对称能对核性质的影响及砹缺中子同位素的形状共存

11.The Average Lorentz Factor in Relativistic Plasma;相对论性等离子体中平均洛仑兹因子

12.Effects of traffic lights period and application of mean-field theory in two dimension traffic flow红绿灯周期对二维交通流的影响及平均场理论

13.age absolute relative error平均相对误差绝对值

14.average absolute relative deviatio平均相对离差绝对值

15.Under the Principle of Relativism,Search for an Movement Orbit of an Electrified Particle in the Electromagnetic Field相对论原理下带电粒子在均匀电磁场中的轨迹

16.A Discussion of the Differences and Applications on the Average andthe Relative figure of Intensity;试论平均数与强度相对数的区别及应用

17.Applications of Mean-field Plus Nearest-orbit Pairing Interaction Model to Actinide Nuclei平均场加邻近轨道相互作用对力模型对超铀区大形变核的应用

18.Applicaions of Mean-field Plus Nearest-orbit Pairing Interaction Model to Well-deformed Nuclei;平均场加邻近轨道相互作用对力模型在大形变核中的应用


relativistic mean field theory相对论平均场

1.With the deformedrelativistic mean field theory the properties of the superheavy nuclei 294118 and 292116 are studied.用形变的相对论平均场理论对超重核294118及292116的性质进行了研究。

2.The theoretical results show that therelativistic mean field theory with non-linear self-interactions of mesons provides a good description of the binding energy and neutron separation en.运用变形的相对论平均场理论研究了Pb同位素链的基态性质。

3.Higher order contributions to the in medium quark condensate are evaluated based onrelativistic mean field theory, in which the meson nucleon coupling constants are made density dependent and obtained from the relativistic Brueckner Hartree Fock results of nuclear matter.基于相对论平均场理论计算了核物质中夸克凝聚的高阶贡献,其中考虑了介子-核子耦合常数的密度相关性,这种相关性是由核物质的相对论Brueckner-Hartree-Fock理论结果得到的。

3)relativistic mean-field相对论平均场

1.Properties of the ground states and low-lying excited states of nuclei ~(69,70)Ni are investigated in spherialrelativistic mean-field theory with NL3 force parameter.在球形相对论平均场模型下,采用NL3相互作用,对69N i、70N i基态以及第一、第二激发态进行计算。

2.We have carried out a study of A~50 isotopes in the framework of axially deformedrelativistic mean-field theory.利用轴向形变相对论平均场理论计算了A~ 5 0区的核基态性质 ,结果表明 ,在Fe同位素链中最稳定的核是56Fe和58Fe而不是通常的54Fe ;给出了46Cr,50 Fe和54N(N =Z - 2 ) ,45Cr,49Fe和53 Ni(N=Z - 3)核的质子和中子分离能 ,分析了它们的稳定性 。

3.The binding energies and root-mean-square radii of 26-32S and 22-28Si are calculated by therelativistic mean-field model with two sets of parameters TM2 and NL-SH.用相对论平均场计算了26,28,30,32s和22,24,26,28Si的结合能,均方根半径,质子皮厚度,单粒子能级等。

4)relativistic mean-field theory相对论平均场

1.In the framework ofrelativistic mean-field theory, the strength of the pairing force is systematically studied for several isotope chains of rare-earth nuclei.在相对论平均场框架下系统地研究了稀土区同位素链的对力强度,首次发现了中子的对力强度 Gn在中子幻数N=82处突然增大以及质子的对力强度Gp和中子的奇、偶性有关的特性,证明了对力强度本质上是和核的壳层结构紧切相关。

2.The ground state properties of the four isotope chains, 28Ni, 54Xe, 78Pt, 94Pu are studied in therelativistic mean-field theory by using two sets of parameters, NL-3 and NL-Z.在相对论平均场理论框架下,用NL-3和NL-Z两组相互作用参数研究了4个同位素链28Ni,54Xe, 78Pt,94Pu的基态性质。

3.The average binding energy,the radius of proton distributions and the radius of neutron distributions for the nucleus 100Sn have been calculated by therelativistic mean-field theory and the nonrelativistic mean-field theory.用相对论平均场理论和非相对论平均场理论计算了双幻核100Sn的结合能,核物质分布半径,中子分布半径和质子分布半径等,并对这两种理论计算结果进行了比较和讨论。

5)nonrelativistic meanfield theory非相对论平均场

6)relativistic mean field相对论平均场理论

1.Based on the constrainedrelativistic mean field (RMF) theory, the superdeformed states of 196Pb are systematically investigated with four different interactions, TMA, PK1, NL3 and NL-SH.在形变约束的相对论平均场理论框架下,用TMA,PK1,NL3和NL-SH相互作用对196pb的超形变态进行了系统研究。

2.The influence of effective interactions including NL1,NL3,NLSH,TM1 and GL-97 on the properties of neutron star matter and its global structure is studied in the framework ofrelativistic mean field theory.基于相对论平均场理论,研究了各种相互作用参数组(NL1、NL3、NLSH、TM1和GL 97)对中子星物质的性质和中子星整体结构的影响。

3.Properties of nuclear matter and neutron star are described inrelativistic mean field theory with density-dependent effective interactions.基于密度相关有效相互作用的相对论平均场理论 ,研究了核物质和中子星的性质 。


相对分子量平均分子式:CAS号:性质:又称相对分子量平均(relative moleculat-mass average),分子量平均(molecular-weight average)。是多分散聚合物的摩尔质量或相对分子质量(分子量)的任一平均。物质的摩尔质量(分子量)和相对摩尔质量(相对分子量)在数值上是相等的。聚合物科学中,摩尔质量的单位推荐使用g/mol,相对摩尔质量是纯数字,与任何单位无关。商品聚合物一般是聚合度或分子量不同的同系物分子的混合物,分子量大小及分布的宽窄与聚合物的物理力学性能、加工性能有密切关系。分子量分布遵循统计原理,得到的分子量分布与分析有关,必须注明所用方法。通常使用数均、重均和黏均三种摩尔质量平均。
