700字范文 > 血糖监测 Blood glucose monitoring英语短句 例句大全

血糖监测 Blood glucose monitoring英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-08 02:39:16


血糖监测 Blood glucose monitoring英语短句 例句大全

血糖监测,Blood glucose monitoring

1)Blood glucose monitoring血糖监测

1.Methods 48 cases qualified for the standard of inclusion in this study were all,two weeks after being admitted,offered the same insulin treatment,blood glucose monitoring and exercising treatment.方法对符合入选标准的48例脆性糖尿病患者入院后2周均采用相同的胰岛素治疗、血糖监测(动态血糖监测和末梢血糖监测)和运动治疗。

2.Conclusion:Systematic health education for diabetes patients can significantly enhance management ability of them on self-blood glucose monitoring.[目的]探讨健康教育对糖尿病病人自我血糖监测管理能力的影响。


1.Investigation on the Rate of Possessing Blood Glucose Meters and on Blood Glucose Monitoring in Diabetic Patients糖尿病患者血糖仪持有及血糖监测状况调查

parison analysis of early blood glucose monitoring on cord blood and peripheral blood of newborns新生儿脐血与外周血早期血糖监测190例分析

3.Investigation of Fabricating Microneedles for Blood Sugar Monitoring Microsystem血糖监测微系统中微针头的制作研究

4.Study on the Clinical Use of Continuous Glucose Monitoring System;动态血糖监测系统临床应用初步研究

5.The Research and Design of Dynamic Glucose Monitoring Device Based on ARM;基于ARM的动态血糖监测装置的研制

6.Design of Dynamic Glucose Monitoring Device Based on ARM基于ARM的动态血糖监测仪的设计

parison of the continuous glucose monitoring system(CGMS) and other different blood glucose monitorsCGMS系统与其它血糖监测方法的比较

8.Characteristics of glycemic excursions in pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus应用持续动态血糖监测系统分析妊娠期糖尿病血糖波动特征

9.Effects of Insulin Pump Combined with Continuous Glucose Monitoring System on Hypoglycemia Incidence Rate in Patients with Diabetes胰岛素泵联合动态血糖监测系统对糖尿病低血糖发生率的影响

10.The continuous glucose monitoring of hypoglycaemia reaction to type 2 diabetes mellitus patients treated with insulin intensification therapy动态血糖监测2型糖尿病胰岛素强化治疗中的低血糖反应

11.The Clinical Use of Continuous Glucose Monitoring System in Impaired Glucose Regulation Subjects;动态血糖监测系统在糖调节受损人群中的应用

12.Clinical Observation of 31 Cases of Continuous Glucose Monitoring System in Type 2 Diabetics31例2型糖尿病患者动态血糖监测观察

13.The Application of continuous glucose monitoring system(CGMS) in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus动态血糖监测在初诊2型糖尿病患者中的应用

14.Nursing care of 2 children with type 1 diabetes during continuous glucose monitoring2例幼儿糖尿病患者动态血糖监测的护理

15.Drift of glucose in patients withT2DM with continuous glucose monitoring system连续动态血糖监测在2型糖尿病中的临床价值

16.Application of continuous glucose monitoring system(CGMS) in treatment with continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion(CSⅡ) in diabetes mellitus动态血糖监测在糖尿病胰岛素泵治疗中的应用

17.Application of disposable blood collecting needle in blood sugar monitoring for hepatogenous diabetes patients一次性采血针在肝性糖尿病病人血糖监测中的应用

18.The Hardware Design of Dynamic Glucose Monitoring Device Based on ARM;基于ARM的动态血糖监测装置的硬件设计


Blood sugar monitoring血糖监测

1.Application of disposable blood collecting needle in blood sugar monitoring for hepatogenous diabetes patients一次性采血针在肝性糖尿病病人血糖监测中的应用

2.[Objective] To observe the effect of blood sugar monitoring to drug therapy compliance in patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus.目的观察分析2型糖尿病患者血糖监测对药物治疗依从性的影响。

3.It summarized research progress on health education of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients from composition of health education group of type 2 diabetes mellitus,education mode,educational content(hazards,prevention,diet,sport,psychology,drug and blood sugar monitoring of type 2 diabetes mellitus) and effect evaluation.从2型糖尿病健康教育团队的组成、教育模式、教育内容(2型糖尿病的危害、预防、饮食、运动、心理、药物及血糖监测的护理)及效果评价概括2型糖尿病健康教育的研究进展,归纳总结出2型糖尿病健康教育中存在的不足,并提出相关对策,以提高2型糖尿病健康教育的质量。

3)Monitoring of blood sugar监测血糖

4)blood glucose monitor血糖监测仪

1.Evaluation on performance of theblood glucose monitor and its related influencing factors;血糖监测仪性能评价及相关影响因素探讨

5)continuous glucose monitoring system动态血糖监测

1.Effects of glargine on type 2 diabetes mellitus detected bycontinuous glucose monitoring system in the elderly;动态血糖监测甘精胰岛素治疗老年2型糖尿病的研究

2.5% underwentcontinuous glucose monitoring system(CGMS) for three days.目的探讨动态血糖监测系统(CGMS)监测下减少血糖波动对老年2型糖尿病患者血管内皮功能的影响。

6)blood glucose self-monitoring血糖自我监测


胰高血糖素 ,高血糖素药物名称:高血糖素英文名:Glucagon别名: 升血糖素;胰高血糖素 ,高血糖素外文名:Glucagon适应症: 本品现主要用于低血糖症,在一时不能口服或静注葡萄糖时特别有用。不过,通常低血糖时仍应首选葡萄糖。近来亦用于心原性休克。 用量用法: 肌注、皮下注射或静注,用于低血糖症,每次0.5~1.0mg,5分钟左右即可见效。如20分钟仍不见效,则应尽快应用葡萄糖。用于心原性休克,连续静脉输注,每小时1~12mg。 注意事项: 1.如对危急病例仅怀疑低血糖而尚未肯定时,不可代替葡萄糖静注。 2.使用本品后,一俟低血糖昏迷病人恢复知觉,即应给予葡萄糖(如可能,最好口服),以防再次陷入昏迷。 3.用本品时,需警惕血糖过高,有时可见低血钾。 规格: 针剂高血糖素:每支1mg、10mg。 类别:胰岛素及其他影响血糖药
