700字范文 > 成长历程 growing course英语短句 例句大全

成长历程 growing course英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-22 11:25:59


成长历程 growing course英语短句 例句大全

成长历程,growing course

1)growing course成长历程

1.Seeing through hisgrowing course and social background, we can see that creative sense has placed a great influence on him and it also left us countless treasures.德彪西 ,十九世纪末二十世纪初 ,享有盛誉的印象主义作曲家 ,他的音乐语言大胆突破浪漫主义以来的陈规 ,为我们展现了一幅幅动人的印象主义画卷 ,透过他的成长历程及其同时代的社会背景 ,我们看到创新意识对他的影响 ,也看到创新给世人留下无尽的精神财


1.Research on the Growing Course and the Developing Strategy of Dawncom Corporation;和光公司成长历程及发展战略的研究

2.The Battler: an Initiation Story of an Innocent Child;《拳击家》——纯真少年的成长历程

3.Self-Actualization as a Bildungsrowoman--Janie Crawford s Development into a Feminist Heroine;女性成长 自我实现——析简妮·克洛福德的女性成长历程

4.Sustained Innovation and the Growth of the firm--Some Lessons from the Rapid Growth of Haier Group Corporation;持续创新与企业成长——海尔集团公司的成长历程及其启示

5.The Growing Course of Chinese College Industry and Deliberation of Developing Countermeasure;中国高校产业成长历程及发展对策研究

6.Analysing Sister Carrie s Growing Process from the Perspective of Feminism;从女性主义角度看嘉莉妹妹的成长历程

7.Entrepreneurs" Development Experience and Cultivating Measures in China"s Reform and Opening-Up Process改革开放中企业家成长历程与培育措施

8.The Spiritual Growth of Malamud"s Heroes马拉默德作品中主人公的精神成长历程

9.On Murdoch"s Ethics through the Hero"s Growth in Under the Net由《网下》主人公的成长历程解读默多克的伦理观

10.A Self-Study Concerning Teachers" Teaching Professional Growth Process教师的教学专业成长历程:一项自我研究

11.By analyzing his growing course, we can find that his personality experienced a gradually accumulating course.追溯其成长历程,可以发现其人格经历了一个从量变到质变的异化过程。

12.It consists of the archetypal structure of initiation story: innocence-ordeal-epiphany-maturity.西娅的成长历程体现了成长小说的原型结构模式:天真—考验—顿悟—成熟。

13.This Academy was established to compliment the developmental process of youth athletes.该研究院的建立是为了表彰年轻运动员的成长历程。

14.The Cultural Evolution of the "First Portal of the Yangtze River":History,Phase and Orientation;“长江第一门户”吴淞的文化成长:历程、阶段及取向

15.In Chinese history, the process of the formation and development of the organizational system of the painting academy is of long standing.中国历史上画院建制的形成、发展过程渊远流长。

16.The Course of Psychological Growth--On Willa Cather s My Antonia;成长的心路历程——读薇拉·凯瑟的《我的安东妮亚》

17.The Process of Political Culture:The Growth of New China Legal System;政治文明逐步实现的历程:新中国法治的成长

18.Growing Up Along the Mississippi River --Analysis on Spiritual Course of Huckleberry Fin沿着大河成长——浅析赫克贝里·费恩的心路历程


growth process成长历程

1.With thegrowth process,analaysis of human nature and social communication as the main clues,he portrays the individual psychological traits of two generation godfathers Tang Kleo and Mike Kleo.普佐在《教父》中,以宏大的叙事结构为艺术形式载体,以成长历程、人性分析和人际交往等为主要线索,全面刻画维托。

3)self-growing course心灵成长历程

4)growing experience成长经历

1.In the interview,master architect Xu Shangzhi talked about hisgrowing experience, study course,and the master works which he presided at during his practicing years.建筑大师徐尚志给我们讲述了他的成长经历、求学过程以及执业后的几十年间他主持创作的重要作品。

5)Growth Process增长历程

1.Spatial Distribution,Growth Process and Dominant Industries of Province-level Development Zones in China中国省级开发区的区位分布、增长历程及产业定位研究

6)Synthesizing mechanism合成历程


