700字范文 > 药学信息资源 Pharmaceutical information resources英语短句 例句大全

药学信息资源 Pharmaceutical information resources英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-18 10:37:21


药学信息资源 Pharmaceutical information resources英语短句 例句大全

药学信息资源,Pharmaceutical information resources

1)Pharmaceutical information resources药学信息资源

1.In this paper,the author analyzes characteristics of the distribution of pharmaceutical resources on internet,and discusses the ways and methods of acquisition of pharmaceutical information resources on the network.分析了Internet上药学资源的分布特点 ,探讨了网上药学信息资源的获取途径与方


1.Pharmacy Information Resources for the Consumer/Patient in America美国面向消费者/病人的药学信息资源

2.Evaluation of information resources on medical Blog医药学术性Blog信息资源的评价

3.A Study on the Biopharmaceutical Information Consulting Strategy and Resources;生物医药信息咨询策略及相关信息资源研究

4.Information Resource Management in the Construction of Pharmaceutical Enterprises Informatization;谈医药企业信息化建设中的信息资源管理

5.Information Resource Description and Organization of Subject Information Gateway学科信息门户的信息资源描述与组织

6.On the Share of Documents in Data Room of University Journals;论高校学报资料室文献信息资源共享

7.Information Teaching to Teachers of Primary and Middle Schools and Resources Sharing;中小学师资队伍信息教育与资源共享

8.Digital information resource needs of undergraduates in medical university and their information literacy training医学大学生数字信息资源需求与信息素质培养

9.Information Education in the Information Resources Management College of U.S. National Defense University美国国防大学信息资源管理学院的信息教育

10.Development and Utilization of Information Resources for New Drug R&D;新药研发信息资源开发与利用的策略研究

11.Innovation of Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medicine Information Resource Network Sharing Service Platform Innovation广西中药信息资源网络共享服务平台创新研究

12.The Information Resources Guarantee for University Students Research-type Learning;大学生研究性学习中的信息资源保障

13.The infornation quality and the information resources guarantees on research learning;研究性学习中的信息素质和信息资源保障

14.Research on Information Resources Construction of the Middle School Library;中学图书馆(室)信息资源建设问题研究

15.On the Development and Share of Course Teaching Information Resources in Colleges and Universities;论高校课程教学信息资源建设与共享

16.Development of Information Navigation System for Chemistry Education;化学教育信息资源网络导航系统开发

17.On the Copyright Problem Study in Network Academic Information Resource Preservation;论网络学术信息资源保存的版权问题

18.On the PE Curriculum Based on Information Resources;基于信息资源的体育课程学习的探讨


information resource of TCM中医药信息资源

3)Medical information resources医学信息资源

1.Integration of Medical Information Resources and Personnel stuff Education;医学信息资源的整合与人员素质教育

2.The paper discusses the principle to proˉvide personalized knowledge service of medical information resources under network environment with the result of anˉalyzing such resources and characteristics and presents relevant measures for the service.文献简要地介绍了网络环境下医学信息资源和个性化知识信息服务的涵义 ,分析了影响医学个性化知识信息服务的环境要素 ,提出了网络环境下医学信息资源个性化知识信息服务的原则和相关对策。

3.Methods The writers made the best use of the medical information resources with general medical searching means and accumulated skills.方法利用常用的医学检索工具 ,介绍一定的检索技巧 ,及时快捷地获取网上医学信息资源。

4)bioinformatical resource生物信息学资源

5)Web medical information resourceWEB医学信息资源

6)medical information resource医学信息资源

1.Inquire about themedical information resource on Internet;互联网上的医学信息资源查询

2.Unbalanced distribution ofmedical information resources;医学信息资源的不均衡分配问题

3.This artical reports the characteristics and classification ofmedical information resources in Internet.文章论述了网上医学信息资源的特点和类型,介绍了获取医学信息的常用工具和几个国外常用的搜 索引擎。


森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resourcessen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。
