700字范文 > 经贸类 Economical and Trade英语短句 例句大全

经贸类 Economical and Trade英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-25 09:35:45


经贸类 Economical and Trade英语短句 例句大全

经贸类,Economical and Trade

1)Economical and Trade经贸类


1.Exploration of the Teaching Model of Debate for Business Specialty;经贸类专业课“辩论赛”教学模式探讨

2.The Primary Foundation of Practice Teaching System for Economy and Trade Majors;经贸类专业实践教学体系的初步构建

3.WTO & Study of Reform in Economic and Trade Curriculums in Colleges and Universities of China;WTO与高校经贸类课程改革的研究

4.Discuss the Choice of Teaching Mode of Economic Law of Economic and Trade Speciality;浅谈经贸类专业《经济法》教学方式的选择

5.Valuation of Praotice outside the School in Colleges’ Track & Commerce Department;高职经贸类专业校外实践教学评价存在的问题

6.Discuss on Economic Trade Professional Network-teaching Mode of Calculator Course;经贸类专业计算机课程的网络教学模式探索

7.English Acronym and Neologism of Foreign Economy-trade in Internet-time;网络时代的外经贸类英语缩略词及新词

8.Personnel Training and Innovative Model of Regional Economic Development Study of Higher Vocational Economic Professionals;高职经贸类专业创新人才培养模式与区域经济发展研究

9.Enterprises in Hebei province actively apply for foreign trade rights河北省各类企业积极申报外贸经营权

10.We need to bring forth, through training, a contingent of people who are well acquainted with the WTO rules and international economic cooperation and trade.加快培养熟悉世贸组织规则和国际经济贸易的各类专业人才。

11.Joint OECD-EUROSTAT Trade in Services Classification经合组织 -欧共体统计局联合服务贸易分类

12.The service department of the municipal foreign trade company deals in home-made and imported commodities.市外贸公司服务部经营各类国产和进口商品。

13.Intra-Industry Trade in Different Type of Market For Chinese Manufacturing Industry;中国制造业对不同类型经济体的行业贸易

14.The Construction of Curriculum Model of Finance-Business Specialty in Secondary Vocational School under Credit System;学分制下中职财经商贸类专业课程模式的构建

15.A Classification & Translation of Words Denoting Major Positions in Business English;经贸英语中主要职务用词的分类与翻译

16.The necessity of signing CEPA or similar economic and trade arrangement between Mainland China and Taiwan;浅谈两岸签署CEPA或类似经贸安排的必要性

17.The Influence of Entering the WTO on Economic and Management Education in China;加入世贸组织对中国经济管理类教育的影响

18.second, the pattern of diversified operators of foreign trade and economy has taken initial shape, which represents an unprecedented incentive to all types of foreign trade and economic enterprises;二是外经贸经营主体多元化格局初步形成,从而空前调动了各类外经贸企业的积极性;


the economic trade professional经贸类专业

1.According to the present condition and development trend ofthe economic trade professional calculator training,we should raise the point of departure and the teaching level of the course.根据经贸类专业计算机的现状与发展趋势,经贸类专业应提高计算机教育课程的起点和档次。

3)finance and business specialty财经商贸类专业

4)economic and trade curriculums高校经贸类课程

5)specialty on international trade and economy外经贸类专业

6)elective courses in economy and trade经贸类选修课教程


