700字范文 > 收入再分配 Income Redistribution英语短句 例句大全

收入再分配 Income Redistribution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-29 16:23:45


收入再分配 Income Redistribution英语短句 例句大全

收入再分配,Income Redistribution

1)Income Redistribution收入再分配

1.Social Pension Insurance andIncome Redistribution;养老社会保险与收入再分配

2.There are two reasons for income redistribution s inefficiency in current fiscal system.现行财政制度的收入再分配职能效果不佳,原因在于两点,一是收入分配秩序的不规范,使累进性税收难以发挥缩小收入差距的作用;二是收入再分配过程中存在"逆向调节"问题,即低收入者所获转移性收入比高收入者所获转移性收入少,从而收入再分配扩大了收入差距。

3.Another is to attain the goal of diversification of the risk on individuals,social equity and income redistribution.我国养老保险制度存在的一些缺陷,使得它的收入再分配功能不能有效发挥。


1.The Thinking about Perfecting Individual Income Redistribution Regulation System;健全个人收入再分配调控体系的思考

2.The Analysis of Skill of Labor Force,Mobility of Labor Force and Income Redistribution;劳动者技能、劳动力流动与收入再分配

3.Policies to redistribute income do not adequately reduce inequalities.收入再分配政策仍不能充分消除不公正。

4.Redistribution in the Current Social Pension System in China我国社会养老保险制度的收入再分配效应分析

5.New Characteristics of National Revenue Redistributionin Contemporary Capitalist Countries当代资本主义国家国民收入再分配的新特点

6.The most direct approach to income redistribution is to levy progressive taxes.收入再分配的最直接的方法就是推行累进税。

7.On the Effect of Household s Income Reallocation by the Government s Transfer Payment;政府转移支付的居民收入再分配效应研究

8.Study on Road Congestion Pricing Revenue Redistribution Model and Simulation;道路拥挤定价收入再分配建模与仿真研究

9.A Study on Redistributive Effect of China s Pension System;我国城镇养老保险体系的收入再分配效应研究

10.Developing the Function of Income Redistribution on Endowment Insurance in China;浅析我国养老保险收入再分配功能的完善

11.The Theory and Empirical Research on Income Redistribution"s Contribution to Economic Growth收入再分配对经济增长影响的理论与实证研究

12.The expansion effects of income redistribution on the aggregate demand of consumption of Chinese residents收入再分配对我国居民总消费需求的扩张效应

13.Social guarantee as being a kind of means for allotting again the civil income, it is consistent with the revenue in fair allotment.社会保障作为实施国民收入再分配的一种手段和方式,与收入公平分配之间存在正相关。

14.The Distributional Effects of the Financial System:on the View of Financial Transfers金融系统的收入再分配功能:金融转移的分析视角

15.The Core of Income Distribution Is to Straighten out Income Distribution Relations再论收入分配的核心是理顺收入分配关系

16.distribution and redistribution of socialist national income社会主义国民收入的分配和再分配

17.Unfairness in Resources Distribution Determine the Unfairness in Income Distribution;资源分配不公决定收入分配不公——再论公平与分配不能联姻

parison on the Income and Expenditure of Redistribution Mechanism"s Regulation to Urban Resident"s Income Inequality再分配收入和支出调节城镇居民收入差距的比较


revenue redistribution收入再分配

1.In order to design a reasonable strategy about road congestion pricingrevenue redistribution,and win public support for implementation of road congestion pricing.为了制定合理的道路拥挤定价收入再分配策略,以获得公众对道路拥挤定价政策的支持,增强该政策实施的可行性,在对道路拥挤定价与该政策所产生收入之间关系进行分析的基础上,运用公共经济学相关理论与方法对道路拥挤定价收入再分配的内涵和原理进行分析,并提出该政策的实施准则和方式。

2.And on the basis of constructing road congestion pricingrevenue redistribution bi-level programming model based on extending net- work capacity,this paper designs the model solution algorithm.本文在分析道路拥挤定价收入用于道路扩容后对交通出行者效用的影响的基础上,构建了基于道路扩容的道路拥挤定价收入再分配双层规划模型,并给出求解算法和实证分析。

3)redistribution of national income国民收入再分配

4)Review on The Income Distribution再读收入分配

5)income distribution and redistribution收入分配与再分配

6)income distribution收入分配

1.To reduceincome distribution gap and promote social harmony;缩小收入分配差距 促进社会和谐

2.An Analysis of the Effect of Transfer Payments on China Income Distribution Differences;转移支付缩小中国收入分配差距的效果分析

3.The Long-term Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on Host Country Income Distribution:by Data of China;外商直接投资对东道国收入分配影响的长期效应:以中国为例


