700字范文 > 治疗与康复 cure and rehabilitation英语短句 例句大全

治疗与康复 cure and rehabilitation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-31 08:42:17


治疗与康复 cure and rehabilitation英语短句 例句大全

治疗与康复,cure and rehabilitation

1)cure and rehabilitation治疗与康复


1.Three Year Plan for Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Services in Hong Kong香港的戒毒治疗与康复服务三年计划

2.A Study on Rehabilitation Programe of Knee Joint Meniscus Injury;半月板损伤的治疗与康复的运动处方

3.Treatment and Rehabilitation of Three Cases of Common Sports Injuries;三例常见运动损伤的治疗与康复观察

4.Articular release and rehabilitation of extension-contracture ankylosis of knee膝关节伸直位僵硬的松解治疗与康复

5.Clinical Therapy and Recovery Training of Overactive Neurogenic Incontinence;反射亢进型神经源性尿失禁的临床治疗与康复

6.The Self-efficacy Model of Treatment and Rehabilitation of Disease and Its Implication;疾病治疗与康复的自我效能模式及其意义

7.Curative Effects of Early Rehabilitation and Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments on Acute Cerebral Infarction早期康复与高压氧治疗急性脑梗死疗效观察

8.Effectiveness of Community Rehabilitation and Community Family Rehabilitation for Patients with Cerebral Palsy社区与家庭结合康复治疗脑瘫患儿的疗效观察

9.drug treatment and rehabilitation programme戒毒治疗和康复计划

10.drug rehabilitationph.1. 对吸毒者的康复治疗;康复训练

11.Treatment or care given to convalescent patients after release from a hospital.愈后治疗与护理对康复期病人出院后进行的治疗与护理

12.Surgery and Rehabilitation of obstruction due to Carcinoma of Colon梗阻性结肠癌手术治疗与临床康复研究

13.Clinical Observation and Experimental Research on Therapy of Primary Liver Cancer with Ganfukang Dropping Pill;肝复康滴丸治疗原发性肝癌的临床与实验研究

14.On the Effect of Taijiquan and Acupuncture in Chinese Medical Recovery Service;论太极拳与针灸在中医康复学中的治疗效果

15.Stenting and rehabilitation treatment of patients with cerebrovascular disease脑血管疾病患者的支架置入与康复治疗

16.Discussion on day rehabilitation and employment of psychosis patients精神疾病患者日间康复治疗与就业探讨

parative Study of Kangjingtang Prescription and Jingfukang-granule Treating the Cervical Spondylosis with the Neck Type康颈汤与颈复康颗粒治疗颈型颈椎病的比较研究

18.The Clinical Study on Treatment of Oxygen Acupuncture Therapy with Rehabilitation Training in the Cerebral Infarction氧针疗法与康复训练相结合治疗脑梗塞的临床研究


treatment and rehabilitation of disease疾病治疗与康复

1.The patients self-efficacy influenced their behavior and physical function intreatment and rehabilitation of disease directly or indirectly,and then influenced the effect oftreatment and rehabilitation of disease.患者的自我效能预期能以直接或间接的方式影响其行为表现和生理机能,从而影响到疾病治疗与康复效果。

3)Treatment and rehabilitation in hand治疗与康复并进

4)Rehabilitation treatment康复治疗

1.The effectiveness of electrotherapeutic combined with regular rehabilitation treatment on hemiparalysis in acute cerebral infarction;电刺激配合常规康复治疗急性脑梗死偏瘫疗效观察

2.Effects of standardized three stage rehabilitation treatment on motor function in ischemic stroke patients;规范三级康复治疗对缺血性脑卒中患者运动功能的影响

3.Effect of standardized three stage rehabilitation treatment on cognitive function in stroke patients;规范化三级康复治疗对脑卒中患者认知功能的影响


1.Effect ofRehabilitation on Unilateral Spatial Agnosia in Post-Stroke Patients;脑卒中后单侧空间失认患者的康复治疗

2.Appraisal andRehabilitation on Senile Cerebral Apoplexy Patients Dysphagia;急性脑血管病患者吞咽困难的评价与康复治疗

3.Spinal column and spinal cord hurt of rehabilitation scheme;脊柱和脊髓损伤的康复治疗方案

6)Rehabilitative treatment康复治疗

1.Rehabilitative treatment and experience in nursing care of 98 patients after injured flexor tendons being repaired;屈指肌腱修复术98例术后康复治疗及护理体会

2.Rehabilitative treatment after artificial total hip joint replacement;人工全髋关节置换术后的康复治疗

3.Application of the hypoxia stress peptide in the high altitude disease rehabilitative treatment;应激肽在高原病康复治疗中的应用


