700字范文 > 操作法 operation method英语短句 例句大全

操作法 operation method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-17 08:26:11


操作法 operation method英语短句 例句大全

操作法,operation method

1)operation method操作法

1.A coordinationoperation method for three group parameters of regenerative heating furnace was summarized.针对蓄热式轧钢加热炉在生产中由于操作不当而造成升温慢、空燃比配合不当和能耗高的问题,总结出一套“三协调”操作法。

2.In accordance with these reasons,some corresponding countermeasures are put forward and then a malfunction judgment andoperation method to the instability of the rotational speed is formed so as to enhance the malfunction treatment ability.通过总结GK1F型调车机车运用经验,全面找出该型机车柴油机转速不稳的原因,针对这些原因,提出了具体解决措施,并形成了GK型机车柴油机转速不稳故障判断操作法,提高了故障处理能力。

3.The definition,content and way of theoperation method for a boiler to change combining using pulverized coal with gas to fully using blast furnace gas were presented.阐述了混烧锅炉全烧高炉煤气操作法的定义、内容和具体做法,取得了显著的经济效益,说明了该操作法对煤粉、煤气混烧锅炉具有推广价值。


1.batch method of operation分批作业法, 间歇操作法

2."The Heimlich maneuver!""海姆利克氏操作法!"

3.The Use of Graphics in Shortcut to the Method of Taxs Impacting Accounting;《纳税影响会计法》核算中的表格操作法

4.Unable to display action properties. Bad action format.无法显示操作属性。不正确的操作格式。

5.Please note how the machine is operated.请注意机器的操作方法。

6.Algorithmic Language & Computers Practise算法语言与计算机操作

7.This is an one-way operation only, it cannot be undone. Back up the server farm before continuing.此操作为单向操作,无法撤消。请在继续操作前备份服务器场。

8.Training fitter how to use the jig rightly.培训操作人员工装夹具正确的操作方法。

9.Establish operating method and operating instructions of various steps.规范操作方法,制订各道工序操作指导书.

10.Cannot move "%1". This operation requires you to be working online.无法移动“%1”。此操作要求联机工作。

11.Unable to retrieve the job"s schedule(s). The operation is cancelled.无法获取作业的计划。取消操作。

12.Cannot perform this action on a job you do not own.无法在不属于您的作业上执行此操作。

13.The enabling bits could not be decrypted. You cannot perform this operation.无法解密激活位。无法执行此操作。

14.Fast Comb-multiplication without Shift Operation无移位操作的快速comb乘法算法

15.The operation cannot be performed because child objects exist. This operation can only be performed on a leaf object.由于存在子对象,无法执行操作。这个操作只能在叶对象上执行。

16.This node cannot interoperate with the sponsor cluster due to an operating system version incompatibility.由于操作系统版本不兼容,此节点无法同发起群集进行交互操作。

17.Cannot complete operation: Select the entire list, including the insert and total row if present, and retry the operation.无法完成操作: 选择整个列表,同时包括插入和总计行,然后重试操作。

18.The operation failed because the operation cannot be performed on the specified property.由于无法对指定的属性执行此项操作而导致操作失败。


operating method操作法

3)operational method操作方法

1.The text analyzed the reasons of the low quality and efficiency,and took scientific measures according to the concrete case in the process of production,set about improving it from technological equipment andoperational methods,and thus not only improved the quality but also raised the efficiency substantially.对树脂铸件质量差、生产效率低的原因进行了分析;并提出了在生产过程中根据铸件具体情况,采取科学措施,从工装及操作方法着手进行改进的方法。

4)operating method操作方法

1.Study on theoperating method of preparative experiment of acetidin;乙酸乙酯制备实验的操作方法研评

2.The present paper discusses the dry cake quenching process,material flow of the coke,gas circulation and certain problems easy to be neglected in the boiler system in connection with the practical operating process for dry coke quenching,analyzes the harmfulness of the abnormaloperating method and puts forward the improvement measures.结合干熄焦的实际生产操作,对干熄焦工艺中焦炭物流、气体循环及锅炉系统中一些容易忽视的问题进行探讨,对一些不规范的操作方法的危害性进行分析,并提出改进的措施。

3.On the basis of improving cutting-tool angle andoperating method,the machining efficiency is raised,the difficulties in processing inside whorl are also solved.通过改进刀具角度及操作方法,提高了加工效率,解决了内螺纹加工的难点。

5)Operation Method操作方法

1.Operation Method and Nursing Experience of Hearing Screening of Newborn Babies;新生儿听力筛查的操作方法和护理体会

2.The text introduces the structure,function and operation method of BATAC jigger,which can help everyone know how the BATAC jigger works.介绍了BATAC跳汰机的结构功能及操作方法,从而使大家了解了BATAC跳汰机是如何工作的,对提高跳汰机的操作水平很有帮助,并有利于提高洗煤的质量。

6)operating process操作方法


