700字范文 > 随机谐振 stochastic resonance英语短句 例句大全

随机谐振 stochastic resonance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-24 20:01:39


随机谐振 stochastic resonance英语短句 例句大全

随机谐振,stochastic resonance

1)stochastic resonance随机谐振

1.Application ofstochastic resonance in signal reception;随机谐振在信号接收中的应用研究

2.The phenomenon ofstochastic resonance (SR) based on the correlation coefficient in a parallel array of threshold devices is discussed.基于相关系数讨论了并行阈值阵列中的随机谐振现象。

3.To discuss further the dependence ofstochastic resonance on signals,nonlinear systems and noise,especially on noise,the binary input signal buried in Gaussian mixture noise through a nonlinear threshold array is studied based on mutual information.为了探讨随机谐振现象的发生对信号、非线性系统和噪音的依赖性,特别是对噪音的依赖性,以互信息量为测度研究了二进制信号在非线性门限阵列的传输问题。


1.Fault Diagnosis on Resonance in Power System of Large Enterprise Based on Fuzzy Expert System;基于模糊专家系统的大型企业电网随机谐振故障诊断

2.The Research of Parameter-tuning SR (PSR) via ANN;参数调谐随机共振(PSR)的神经网络实现研究

3.Stochastic Resonance in Underdamped Harmonic Oscillator with Time Modulated Cross-correlated Dichotomous Noise周期调制互关联双态噪声驱动欠阻尼谐振子系统的随机共振

4.tunable laser local oscillator可调谐激光本机振荡器

5.rated broad band random force额定宽带随机激振动力

6.stochastic excitation NMR随机激发核磁共振(法)

7.The Random Vibration Study on the Damp Seat of Agricultrue Vehicle;农用运输车减振座椅的随机振动研究

8.Research on Random Vibration Analysis and Active;随机、智能结构随机振动分析与主动控制研究

9.Research on Axial Random Vibration Performances of Piles with Random Parameters;含随机参数基桩轴向随机振动性态研究


11.Random Vibration Analysis of Mounting Rack for Helicopter-Borne Equipment直升机载设备安装架的随机振动分析

12.Mechanism of parameter-adjusted stochastic resonance based on Kramers rate基于Kramers逃逸速率的调参随机共振机理

13.Torsional Vibration Analysis of Turbo-Generator Shaft by Electrical Grid Sub-synchronous;电网次同步谐振下汽轮发电机组轴系扭振分析

14.The Research of Summation of Random Harmonic Current of Multi-Harmonics Sources;多谐波源随机谐波电流叠加问题的研究

15.The Vibration Isolation Performance Analysis of Vibration Isolation System with Stochastic Parameter and Its Optimal Design;含随机参数隔振系统隔振性能分析及优化设计

16.Study on Acting Factors of Coupling Vibration of Vehicle-Bridge and Analysis of Random Vibration;车桥耦合振动影响因素研究及随机振动分析

17.Analysis of the Vibration Isolation System and Study of the Vibration Isolator under the Condition of the Random Driving;随机激励下隔振系统分析及隔振器的研究

18.Stochastic Resonance in a Linear Oscillator Driven by Multiplicative Noises;具有乘性色噪声的线性振荡器的随机共振


parameter-tuning SR参数调谐随机共振(PSR)

3)random disorder随机失谐

1.Due to the wide use of piezoelectric materials and therandom disorder in periodic structures which results in the wave localization, it is important to investigate the elastic wave propagation and localization in intelligent band gap materials.以压电材料为代表的智能材料的广泛应用,以及结构中存在随机失谐时而引起的弹性波局部化现象,使得弹性波在智能声带隙材料中的传播及局部化问题的研究具有重要意义。

4)mechanical resonance机械谐振

1.Research on control algorithm in lowermechanical resonance frequency of the theodolite;对于低机械谐振频率经纬仪控制算法的研究

2.Mode frequencies ofmechanical resonance thermoacoustic refrigerators;机械谐振式热声制冷机模态频率研究

3.Suppression ofmechanical resonance based on higher-order sliding mode and acceleration feedback基于高阶滑模和加速度反馈的机械谐振抑制方法

5)resonant mechanism谐振机理

1.Taking the drive motor and the mechanism as an integrated system,theresonant mechanism of the system is studied.以三相交流电动机-弹性连杆机构系统为研究对象,考虑三相交流电机转子振动偏心时不均匀气隙的气隙磁场对系统的影响,用有限单元法建立了系统的耦合动态方程,并将驱动电机和机构作为一个完整的系统对其谐振机理进行了研究。

6)mechanical and electromechanical resonance机电谐振


随机数和伪随机数随机数和伪随机数random and pseudo-randan numbers随机数和伪随机数【喇间佣1 al川牌”山一喇闭..m.山娜;cJI了,a如曰e”nce,口oc月卿成.以叹“c月a】数亡。(特别,二进制数:。),其顺序出现,满足某种统计正则性(见概率论(probability Uleory)).人们是这样区别随机数(mndomn切mbe比)和伪随机数(PSeudo一mn由mn切mbe岛)的,前者由随机的装置来生成,而后者是用算术算法构造的.总是假设(出于较好或较差的理由)所得(或所构造)的序列具有频率性质,这些性质对于具有分布函数F(z)的某随机变量心独立实现的一个序列来说是“典型的”;因此人们称作根据规律F(习分布的(独立的)随机数.最经常使用的例子为:在区间【O,l]上均匀分布的随机数亡。,尸(亡。
