700字范文 > 过境货运交通 transit freight traffic英语短句 例句大全

过境货运交通 transit freight traffic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-03 01:35:25


过境货运交通 transit freight traffic英语短句 例句大全

过境货运交通,transit freight traffic

1)transit freight traffic过境货运交通

2)a through traffic过境交通; 联运

3)transit freight过境货运

4)freight traffic货运交通

1.In comparison to the currentsituations ofcity freighttraffic developing and logistics system con- structing in China,the direction of cityfreight traffic developing was put forward,that is constructing a socialization,communization and modernization logistics system.基于我国城市货运交通发展及物流系统建设的现状 ,提出了我国城市货运交通发展的方向——建立以社会化、共同化、现代化为标志的物流系统 ;设计了现代物流中心管理信息系统的系统功能 ;给出了优化配送径路数学模型和优化算法 。


1.Study on the Freight Transportation Planning Using Cube Cargo;Cube Cargo软件应用于货运交通规划的研究

2.Analysis on Characteristics of Transit & Dredging Port Freight Transportation in Shenzhen深圳市过境与疏港货运交通特性分析

3.Research on Forecasting the Freight Traffic Demand and Simulation of Traffic Assignment in the High-Tech Park;高新科技园货运交通需求预测及交通分配仿真模拟研究

4.Forecast methods research and its application for high-tech park freight traffic generation;高新科技园货运交通生成预测方法研究及应用

5.Issues of Sustainable Urban Freight Transport in China;我国城市货运交通可持续发展问题探讨

6.Study on the Prediction of Freight Traffic Volume in Port Container Logistics Park港口集装箱物流园区货运交通量预测研究

7.To Explore the Responsibility of the Business Enterprise Which Has Been Affiliated by Vehicles in the Road Traffic Accident论公路货运交通事故被挂靠单位风险责任

8.air travel, transport, traffic, freight航空旅行、 运输、 交通、 货运.

9.These goods is forward to your address per rail.该货已通过铁路货运,寄交贵址。

10.If the goods are to be transshipped from one means of transportation to another during the course of the entire voyage, it"s called "combined transportation".如果货物在运输途中交换交通工具,这便是"联运"。

11.If the goods are to be transshipped from one means of transportation to another during the course of the entire voyage, it"s called" combined transport" .如果货物在运输途中交换交通工具,这便是“联运”。

12.We are forwarding the goods by rail to your address.我们正通过铁路货运,将该货寄交贵公司。

13.The freight carried by a ship, an aircraft, or another vehicle.货物船舶、飞机或其它交通工具运载的货物

14.A light automotive transport or delivery vehicle.小型客车一种轻型交通或运货汽车

15.the charge for transporting something by common carrier.一般交通工具运输货物的费用。

16.Please advise us of the dispatch of the goods.请将货物交运时间通知我们。

17.To steal(goods)from a vehicle in transit.从运输途中的交通工具上偷取(货物)

18.An Input-Output Analysis on the Bottleneck Problem in Freightage;交通货运业瓶颈问题的投入产出分析


a through traffic过境交通; 联运

3)transit freight过境货运

4)freight traffic货运交通

1.In comparison to the currentsituations ofcity freighttraffic developing and logistics system con- structing in China,the direction of cityfreight traffic developing was put forward,that is constructing a socialization,communization and modernization logistics system.基于我国城市货运交通发展及物流系统建设的现状 ,提出了我国城市货运交通发展的方向——建立以社会化、共同化、现代化为标志的物流系统 ;设计了现代物流中心管理信息系统的系统功能 ;给出了优化配送径路数学模型和优化算法 。

5)freight transportation货运交通

1.The urbanfreight transportation policy lacks systematization and consistency in many Chinese cities.由于受行业及部门分割的影响,我国城市货运交通政策往往缺乏必要的系统性和统一性,不仅不利于城市货运交通规划的编制与实施,还给城市物流发展带来负面影响。

2.To learn aboutfreight transportation rules and characteristics of distribution activity,the authors firstly analyze the total characteristics of transportation in urban central commercial district.货运车辆的运行已对城市的局部地区产生了一定的交通影响和环境污染,为掌握城市商业中心区的货运交通运行规律和配送行为特点,论文首先分析商业中心区的总体交通特征,接着对商业中心区的货运交通运行规律进行调查分析,进而剖析并总结商贸物流所产生的配送行为与交通特征,进一步对现行城市货运组织管理政策和措施进行评估,并对共同配送策略的实践意义进行了初步思考。

6)transit traffic过境交通

1.Starting with the serious traffic problems faced by the river-valley cities and through the introduction of definition and characteristics of the river-valley cities, the article analyzes the influence of thetransit traffic of the river-valley cities on the urban inner traffic.该文从河谷性城市所面临的严重交通问题入手,通过介绍河谷型城市的定义和特征,分析了河谷型城市过境交通对城市内部交通的影响。

2.The article introduces the traffic investigation method commonly used in the study of thetransit traffic, and puts forward the selecting principle of the investigation places and investigation time period in the investigation of the urbantransit traffic investigation, taking the record of the vehicle license plate for the investigation as the focal point.介绍了过境交通研究中通常采用的交通调查方法,并以记录车辆牌照法调查为重点,提出城市过境交通调查中调查地点和调查时段的选取原则。

3.This article expounds the changes of regional traffic condition and affects intransit traffic The author gives the best model of combining the express way and the road system of city.通过实例阐明了区城交通条件的变化,对城市过境交通的影响。


