700字范文 > 山歌 Folk song英语短句 例句大全

山歌 Folk song英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-07 19:16:28


山歌 Folk song英语短句 例句大全

山歌,Folk song

1)Folk song山歌

1.Exploration of Guizhou Tun Pu Folk Songs——in Comparison with Buyi national minority folk songs;贵州屯堡山歌探析——与布依族山歌比较

2.Artistic generality of paper-cut and folk song in the north Shaanxi;陕北剪纸与山歌的艺术共性

3.The folk song of Huayao,a special branch of Yao Minority(one of the fifty-five minorities in China),enjoys not only great significance in Chinese history and art but also special function in the life of Huayao people.花瑶山歌不但具有极高的历史价值和艺术价值,而且在花瑶生活中具有独特的实用功能。


1.Exploration of Guizhou Tun Pu Folk Songs--in Comparison with Buyi national minority folk songs;贵州屯堡山歌探析——与布依族山歌比较

2.Examples are Climbing Mount Jia and North-South Road Mountain Song of the Zhuang and the Butterfly Song of the yao.如壮族的"上甲山歌"、 "南北路山歌",瑶族的"蝴蝶歌"等。

3.the morning songs (also called "sacred"songs) of the area where Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan provinces meet; the Dading mountain songs; the Midu mountain song s;云、贵、川交界地带的"晨歌"(又名"神歌")、大定山歌、弥渡山歌,

4.The Heritage of Xinguo Folk Song from Hakka Folk Music Culture;论兴国山歌《打支山歌过横排》与赣南客家山歌音乐文化之传承

5.the jie"erge, maoshange and bei"erge of the southern part of Shaanxi and the northern part of Sichuan provinces;陕南、川北的"姐儿歌"、"茅山歌"、"背二哥",

6.On the Woman s Consciousness of Love Song s in "Shan Ge;《山歌》中私情歌谣的女性意识研究

7.New Research on Secrets of Succeeding Mountain Folk Songs of Zhuang Nationality;壮族山歌传承奥秘新探——以百色壮族山歌为例

8.Hakka s Folk Songs,Ancient and Energetic--The Research from Fans of Guangdong Hakka s Folk Songs;客家山歌夕阳正红——广东客家山歌民众考察

9.another school of thought would include in this genre herders" songs from the grasslands, including songs of praise of heroes and banqueting songs;另一种看法认为,山歌包括,草原上牧民传唱的牧歌、赞歌、宴歌,

10."The folk songs of the Chinese include haozi, shange, ditty etc. Now there"s a heat for folk songs from the western part of China over the country."中国民歌包括号子、山歌、小调等。时下,西北民歌盛行中国歌坛。

11.the manganniu of the Dabie Mountains;the wushange of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang region;the Hakka mountain songs of the area where Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangxi and Guangdong provinces meet;大别山区的"慢赶牛",江、浙一带的"吴山歌",赣、闽、粤交汇区的"客家山歌",

12.Relation Between Hakka Folk Songs and Revolutionary Songs in Soviet Area客家山歌与中央苏区红色歌谣孕育关系浅析

13.On the Music Features and Teaching of the Hakka Folk Song;浅谈客家山歌的音乐特征及其歌唱教学

14.A Brief Exploration on the Art Skill and Style Characteristics of Gannan Hakka Folk Songs Lyrics;赣南客家山歌歌词艺术手法与风格特征探微

15.the various songs of this type produced by the ethnic minorities, notably those of the Tibetans, and the various minority groups in the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous Region.各少数民族山歌,各藏族聚居区的"藏族山歌"及广两的各少数民族山歌等。

16.These songs are also called field-planting or weeding drum songs.这些又称秧田歌、田山歌、插田歌、蓐秧鼓、蓐草锣鼓等,

17.the Gedongdai and Luoguche of Jiangsu province, the Qingpu folksongs of Shanghai, the Calling the Crops and Weeding the Crops songs of anhui Province,江苏的格冬代、锣鼓车,上海的青浦田山歌、安徽的喊秧歌、薅秧歌,

18.Pastoral songs in Hunan are the songs sung by shepherd boys while herding cattle.湖南牧牛山歌(下简称湖南牧歌)湖南牧童牧牛时唱的歌曲。


folk songs山歌

1.The auther firstly points out that as the outcome merging form the Chinese Centure with its local one,the Hakkasfolk songs of Jaing Le county bears its unique musical style.将乐客家山歌作为中原文化和本土文化相融合的产物,具有自己独特的个性风格,文章就将乐客家山歌的形成、类型与词曲特点进行一番初浅的探讨。

2."Liuzhou style"should be done in order to createfolk songs of Liu Sanjie folk culture as the core brand,incorporate rich Guangxi folk culture elements,build a hundred miles of the city as the center Liujiang tourism clusters."风情柳州"应以打造柳州山歌这一刘三姐民俗文化品牌为核心,融入桂中地区丰富的民俗文化元素,构建百里柳江为中心的城区旅游集群,在促进旅游产业发展的同时,促进桂中非物质文化遗产的保护与传承。


1.Narrative Perspective inShanGe of FENG Meng-long;冯梦龙《山歌》的叙事视角

2.In the late of Ming Dynasty, Feng Menglong had collected an abundance of Love Songs and had editedShanGe.在封建社会里,主流文学中的女性一直处于失语的境地,晚明冯梦龙所编的《山歌》中收集了大量的私情歌谣。


1.This paper is aiming at the sound of folk songs,looks intoBAIMAOSHANGE s structure by computer audio software COOLEDIT,and finds the symmetry and golden section in the SIJUTOU melody ofBAIMAOSHANGE.本文直面民歌音响本体,运用音频软件COOLEDIT对白茆山歌的结构规律进行了观察研究,结果发现白茆山歌"四句头调"兼含对称结构和黄金分割比例结构两种结构规律。

5)Gele Mountains of Chongqing歌乐山

1.Evaluation of Forest Ecosystem Services inGele Mountains of Chongqing City;重庆市歌乐山森林系统生态服务功能价值评估

6)folk songs in west Fujian Province闽西山歌

1.On the foundation of Chinese traditional culture and national spirits,the paper explored and analysed thefolk songs in west Fujian Province.以中国传统文化精髓和民族神韵为基点,对闽西山歌进行挖掘和剖析,并适当吸收西洋某些可用的技术对闽西山歌旋律中特有的气质和神韵应用钢琴丰富的和声织体和表现手段予以再创造,力求对闽西山歌进行全新的诠释。


