700字范文 > 人化自然 humanized nature英语短句 例句大全

人化自然 humanized nature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-02 08:48:08


人化自然 humanized nature英语短句 例句大全

人化自然,humanized nature

1)humanized nature人化自然

1.Protecting a harmonious nature should be the basic standpoint for modern philosophy as the traditional opinion of "humanized nature"and its maximum are fully reviewed.因此,重新审视西方近代人文主义传统意义上的"人化自然"观点,重新考虑自然的人化的限度,从而保有自然本身的和谐之美是当代哲学必须持有的立场。

2.Firstly, Marx advancedhumanized nature concept that removed from the opposition between human and nature.马克思提出了人化自然概念,消除了人与自然的对立。

3.Through studying "humanized nature," Marx reveals the essence of the relation between man and nature, one of the fundamental problems in the world, laying a solid basis for historical materialism.人与自然的关系是世界最根本的问题之一,马克思通过对"人化自然"的研究,揭示了人与自然关系的本质,为唯物史观的确立奠定了坚实的基础。


1.More understanding on the connection between the natural beauty and "humanized nature;对自然美与“人化自然”内在关联的再认识

2.Oneness of Heaven and Men: New Research on the View of Humanized Nature;“天人合一”:马克思人化自然观新探

3.Humanization of Nature and Nature Itself--An explanation of Economic Philosophy manuscript in 1844人化自然与自在自然——对《1844年经济学哲学手稿》的现代性解读

4.The Dual Character of the Logical and Natural Premises of Alienated Labour--An Analysis on Marx s Statement of “Humanized Nature”;异化劳动逻辑自然前提的二重性特征——马克思“人化自然”命题探析

5.Disscussing The lively natural world of Yang Wan-li s Landscape Poets;浅论诚斋山水景物诗的人化自然世界

6.Natural Humanization and Natural Person--Introspection on Atheletic Sports;“自然的人化”与“人的自然化”——人类对体育的反思

7.physical [cultural, social] anthropology自然 [文化,社会] 人类学

8.Dialectical Unity of Natural Human Culture and Human Culture Nature;浅谈“自然的人化”与“人化的自然”的辩证统一

9.On Colonization of Human-Nature Relationship by Interpersonal Relationship;人与人关系对人与自然关系的殖民化

10."Humanization of the Nature" and the Logic Development of Natural Beauty Theory in New China“自然的人化”与新中国自然美理论的逻辑进展

11.Poetic Humans and Humanized Nature--A Brief Analysis on Humans and Nature in Tagore s Prose Poems;诗化的人与人化的自然——论泰戈尔散文诗中的人与自然

12.The beauty of nature is the co-produce of naturalization and nature humanization, with wildness as its foundation.自然美是自然创化与自然人化共同的产物,自然性即野性是它的基础。

13.A Comparative Research between Artificial Nature Evolution and Ecosystem Evolution;人工自然演化与生态演化的对比研究

14.Man is an integral part of nature:the cultural connotation of harmony between man and nature;天人合一:人与自然和谐的文化意涵

15.Nature,Culture,and Natural Heritage:Toward a Culture of Nature自然、文化和自然遗产:走向自然之文化

16."Organic Nature" and "Capitalist Nature": Grassland Desertification in the Perspective of Environmental Anthropology;“有机体自然”与“资本化自然”——环境人类学视野中的草原沙漠化问题

17.A bodily manifestation of a supernatural being.化身超自然物以人身显形

18.On the Cultural Traits of the Harmonious Co-existence between the Hani People and Nature;哈尼族人与自然和谐相处的文化特征


Humanization of Nature自然人化

3)naturalization of human人自然化

4)personification of nature自然人格化

5)humanization of nature自然的人化

1.Discussion onhumanization of nature in practical aesthetics;论实践美学的自然的人化学说

2.The practical aesthetics based on the practice and unified “humanization of nature” and “naturalization of humanity”,which makes human s comprehensive and free development and nature’s continuing healthy development for a harmonious interaction.马克思主义哲学是关于人的学说,是人论与实践论的同一体,建立在其基础之上的实践美学在实践的基点上把“自然的人化”和“人的自然化”统一起来,使人的全面自由发展与自然的持续健康发展和谐互动,在审美价值论和自然生态美学等维度体现着对人与自然的人文关怀。

3.The anthropological theme of “humanization of nature” is unfolded into “the natural form of beauty”, “new perception” and artistic accumulation.“自然的人化”这一人类学主题分别展开为“美是自然的形式”、“新感性”和艺术积淀 ;审美本体论是主体性实践哲学的总结形态。

6)humanized nature world人化自然界

1."Nature" can not be identified with "nature world",while "humanized nature world" and "artificial nature world" can not be identified with "humanized nature" and "artificial nature".不能把"自然"等同于"自然界",也不能因此而随意地把"人化自然界"和"人工自然界"简化为"人化自然"和"人工自然"。


