700字范文 > 环城公园 park around town英语短句 例句大全

环城公园 park around town英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-18 15:55:48


环城公园 park around town英语短句 例句大全

环城公园,park around town

1)park around town环城公园

1.After investigating and studying the present conditions of the park around Jingzhou Town, a plan for thepark around town has been put forward.在对荆州环城公园现状进行考察、研究的基础上,提出了环城公园规划方案,强调以历史古迹为依托、以植物造景为主,创造有文化意蕴的休憩公园。

2.After investigating and studying the present conditions of plant landscape of the park around Jingzhou Town,a plan for thepark around town has been put forward,and the division plan of plant landscape was emphasized.在对荆州环城公园的植物种植现状进行调查和分析的基础上,提出了环城公园植物景观的规划方案,强调了植物景观的分区规划。


position and structure of plant communities in the greenspace of Around-Hefei Park合肥环城公园绿地植物群落结构特征

2.The environment status investigation and transformation suggestion of the park around Xi an;西安环城公园环境状况调查及改造建议

3.A Study on the Construction of the Environmental Interpretation System for Green Park翠湖城市园林休闲公园环境解说系统构建研究

4.Discussion on the urban park built environment subjective evaluation model城市公园建成环境主观评价模式初探

5.The Research on Harmonious Design of Public Environment Facilities of Urban Parks探析城市公园公共环境设施的和谐化设计

6.Environment Assessment and Landscape Planning of Suburban Forest Park--A Case Study of Yiling Forest Park,Yichang城郊型森林公园环境评价及研究——以宜昌市夷陵森林公园为例

7.Application of constructed wetlands parks in Chongqing eco-environment;人工湿地公园在重庆城市生态环境中的应用

8.Eco-environmental Water Demand in Parks:A case from Jinan City,Shandong Province of China济南市泉城公园生态环境需水量初步研究

9.Monitoring of Eight_borough Parks Green Land and Relation Research with City Environment, Beijing;北京城八区公园绿地监测及与城市环境关系研究

10.The Influences of Urban Ecological Planning and Design on the Urban Environment--Taking Pingwang Garden of Datong City as an Example城市生态规划设计对城市环境的影响——以大同市平旺公园为例

11.An Equity Evaluation of Urban Park Location-Allocation--A Case Study Within the Outer Ring of Shanghai City城市公园区位分配公平性评价研究——以上海市外环线以内区域为例

12.a belt of parks or rural land surrounding a town or city.环绕市镇或城市的由公园、农田和未开垦地组成的地带。

13.Application of the Environmental Perception Experience in the Urban Park Design;环境知觉体验及其在城市公园设计中的应用研究

14.Study of Factors on the Scope of Construction Sites that Influence Urban Park’s Landscape and Environment影响城市公园景观及环境的周边建设用地范围确定因子的初探

15.Application of Circular Economy Theory in Park Site Selection and Facilities--A Case Study in Overseas China Town east Shenzhen循环经济理论在公园选址和设施上的应用——以深圳东部华侨城为例

16.Two memorial parks shall be set up, one of the Old Imperial City and the other of the Beijing City Walls of the Ming Dynasty.建立皇城遗址公园和明北京城墙遗址公园。

17.On urban park and public space from the New York central park由纽约中央公园谈城市公园与公共空间

18.A beautiful river runs through the city limits, and so do fine parks and even wild outdoor areas.一条美丽的河流贯穿整个城区,城市中遍布各式精致、秀美的公园,甚至还有大片的户外野生环境。


The round-city-park in Xi an西安环城公园

3)Around-Hefei Park合肥环城公园

position and structure of plant communities in the greenspace ofAround-Hefei Park合肥环城公园绿地植物群落结构特征

4)The Urban Waterfront Environment城市公园滨水环境

5)Urban park城市公园

1.On the human landscape design in the urban park;浅谈城市公园人文景观设计

2.Construction and management of urban park afforestation;谈城市公园的绿化建设与管理

6)city park城市公园

1.Research on landscape planning of moderncity park;现代城市公园景观规划初探

2.Ancient Landscape Preservation and Large Concentrated Green Space Construction——With the Construction of the North Second Ring Road City Park,Beijing as the Example;古都风貌保护与大型集中绿地建设——以北京北二环城市公园建设为例

3.Discussion on the development trend ofcity park——taking Beijing as an example;以北京为例对城市公园发展趋势的探讨




