700字范文 > 户外游戏场地 Outdoor Playground英语短句 例句大全

户外游戏场地 Outdoor Playground英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-18 17:32:17


户外游戏场地 Outdoor Playground英语短句 例句大全

户外游戏场地,Outdoor Playground

1)Outdoor Playground户外游戏场地


1.Coupling Research on Children Outdoor Amusement Place and Children Activity Psychology儿童户外游戏场地设计与儿童行为心理的耦合性研究

2.The Study on Preschool Children s Outdoor Play and Playground in Urban Residential Areas;城市居住区的学前儿童户外游戏与游戏场地的研究

3.an outdoor game played on a field of specified dimensions.一种户外游戏在一个特定尺寸的场地中进行。

4.a game played on a large open course with 9 or 18 holes; the object is use as few strokes as possible in playing all the holes.一种在一个户外有九或十八个洞的场地上的游戏。

5.It was too wet to go outside, so the children had to be contented with playing indoors.户外太湿,孩子只好在户内游戏玩耍。

6.Based on Design of Psychological and Behavioral Characteristics of Children in Outdoor of Playground Residential Areas基于儿童心理行为特征与居住区户外游戏场设计探析

7.indoor play area [child care centre]室内游戏场地〔幼儿中心〕

8.Mother objected that the weather was too wet to play outdoors.母亲反对说,雨太大不能做户外游戏。

9.Design of Children s Playground in Community;居住区中儿童户外游戏环境设计探讨

10.The "Game" Thought in Modern Outdoor Advertising Design l Ma Zhenlong现代户外广告设计中的“游戏”思维

11.On Design of Children s Outdoor Playing Space in Urban Residential District--Take the city of Huzhou as an example;体验生活情感 学会想象与创造——城市居住区儿童户外游戏场所设计探析

12.A Ddiscussion and Analysis on the Layout of Enfant s Outdoor Playing Space in Commercial Walking Street;商业步行街户外儿童游戏空间规划设计探析

13.The broom used to sweep the ice from the path of a curling stone.扫净溜石饼游戏中场地上冰块的扫帚。

14.The creation of new playgrounds will benefit the local children.新游戏场的建立将有益于当地的儿童。

15.An Interesting Game --Opinions on Artistic Markets;有趣的游戏——关于艺术市场之外的一些想法

16.This action/shooting game places the strongest soldiers on earth, the Contra?, in an occupied city shell as they take on alien forces.这个行动/射击游戏场所最强战士在地球上在一个被占领的城市空壳,因为他们采取的外来势力。

17.An outdoor game in which the players drive wooden balls through a series of wickets using long - handled mallets.槌球游戏一种用长柄木槌击打木球并使其穿过一系列球门的户外游戏

18.The user gets a token at the start of a level.在每一个新的等级上,用户都会得到额外的游戏币。


Children Outdoor Amusement Place Design儿童户外游戏场地设计

3)outdoor playing space户外游戏场所

1.for children soutdoor playing space in the residential district in compliance with children s outdoor behavior psychology by taking the design of children s playing space in the residential district in Huzhou as an example and in comparison with the excellent design of children s outdoor paying space abroad so as to change the situ.本文以儿童的户外行为心理特征为依据,以湖州市居住小区儿童户外游戏场所的设计为案例,结合国外优秀居住区儿童游戏场所的设计,对其选址布局、空间设计、游戏设施等提出设想建议,以期改变儿童户外游戏在狭缝中生存或被室内游戏、虚拟游戏所取代的现状。

4)outdoor game户外游戏

5)Residential area playground design居住区户外游戏场设计

6)outdoor play environment户外游戏环境

1.How to createoutdoor play environment suitable to children is a significant issue.游戏对儿童发展的重要性已成共识,如何创设适合儿童的户外游戏环境非常重要,其中涉及的重要因素有:儿童参与,游戏空间,游戏材料,假期(自由)游戏,自然、奇幻特性。


