700字范文 > 预报 forecast英语短句 例句大全

预报 forecast英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-02 20:22:21


预报 forecast英语短句 例句大全



1.Construction of Forecast Mode for Multiple Regression Statistics of Ambient Air Quality During Heating Period in Anyang City;安阳市采暖期环境空气质量多元回归统计预报模型的构建

2.Study and application of the real-time engineering abnormalforecasting system;实时工程异常预报系统研究及应用

3.Analysis andforecast of Haizhou Open-pit Mine landslide disaster origin;海州露天矿气象因素滑坡灾害成因分析及预报


1.Tomorrow is going to be fine according to the forecast.据天气预报报道, 明天晴.

2.a meteorological chart, forecast, etc气象图、 气象预报

3.monitoring and forecasting of plant diseaseand insect pest植物病虫害预测预报

4.The weather forecast predicts sunshine for tomorrow.天气预报预测明天天晴。

5.earthquake [weather] prediction地震预测 [天气预报]

6.How well does the ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System predict blocking?ECMWF 集合预报系统预报阻塞的状况如何?

7.Short-term and imminent earthquake prediction shall be released by the people"s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the State Council.地震短期预报和临震预报,由

8.Studies of Predictability Problems for Zebiak-Cane ENSO Model;Zebiak-Cane ENSO预报模式的可预报性问题研究

9.Study of Predictability and Predictive Capacity of T63L16 Climate Model;T63L16气候模式预报能力和可预报性研究

10.One who reports and forecasts weather conditions, as on television.天气预报员报告和预告天气情况的人,如电视气象预报员

11.The Basic Topics of Prediction and Forecast for Geomorphic Hazards --Taking Debris Flow as an Example地貌灾害预测预报的基本问题——以泥石流预测预报为例

12.ballistic missile early warning system [BMEWS]反弹道导弹预报系统

13.forecast center气象中心气象预报中心

14.Don"t you trust the weatherman?你不相信气象预报员吗?

15.radon effect seismic predictor氡效应地震预报装置

16.The weatherman predicted showers today,气象员预报今天有阵雨,

17.I don"t set store by weather forecasts.我认为天气预报靠不住.

18.Weather forecast says it will be sunny tomorrow.天气预报说明天是晴天。



1.Predictions of surface subsidence and application of rational fraction to thepredictions;地表沉陷空间预报及其有理分式解法的应用

2.Summarizing of the existing state of study onprediction of coal and gas burst;煤与瓦斯突出预报研究现状综述


1.Monitoring andforecasting technology of spontaneous combustion in roadway of high-toughness inflammable very thick seam;高韧性易燃特厚煤层巷道自燃监测预报技术

2.Study on the Analysis of Air Pollution Forecasting by Models-3/CMAQ Model in Zhengzhou;Models-3/CMAQ模式对郑州市大气污染物的预报分析研究

3.Study andforecasting on red tide caused by marine physical factors;探讨影响赤潮的物理因子及其预报


1.Application of support vector machine method inprediction of groundwater level;支持向量机在地下水位预报中的应用研究

2.Towing state and pulling forceprediction of physical prospecting ship;物探船拖缆姿态及拉力预报

3.Neural networks used inprediction of Si content in molten iron of blast furnace;神经网络方法在高炉铁水硅含量预报中的应用


1.The Correlation Analysis Between Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome(HFRS) and Meteorological Factors and Forcast of HFRS;肾综合征出血热与气象因子相关性分析及其预报研究

2.Provided that the three preconditions of organisms,chemistry and hydrology coexist at the Sishili Bay sea area by utilizing the changes of meteorological factors,red tide of the waters can beforcasted.对烟台市四十里湾海域-5-10月的水文气象、表底层的水质、底质、贝类及赤潮生物的实际观测与监测数据进行计算统计分析,总结出在四十里湾海域生物、化学、水文条件已具备的情况下,利用海域气象因子的变化特征预报赤潮发生的方法为:当海域春夏秋季,雨水充沛,降雨过后的5-7 d,天气一直晴朗、光照充足、风向为NE、平均风速稳定在2-5 m。

6)forecast message预报报文


预报1.预先报告。 2.预先的报告。
