700字范文 > 长城 the Great Wall英语短句 例句大全

长城 the Great Wall英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-15 01:27:31


长城 the Great Wall英语短句 例句大全

长城,the Great Wall

1)the Great Wall长城

1.Damage of the Ecological Environment and Location Change ofthe Great Wall;长城沿线环境破坏与长城位置移动

2.Research on the Historic Feature and Protection Project of Natural Environment forthe Great Wall;长城自然地理环境的历史特征及保护规划初探

3.Analysis on the Issue "Can Astronauts Seethe Great Wall with Naked Eyes from the Lower Orbit Round the Earth" As Viewed from Military Theory;用军事理论分析“航天员从地球低轨道上裸眼看到过长城”的事实


1.The Great Wall Appears On The List Of Endangered Sites长城被列为濒危古城

2.You"re not a true man until you get to the Great Wall.“不到长城非好汉”。

3.Unless you reach the Great Wall, you are not a true man.“不到长城非好汉。”

4.Great Wall-Jiayuguan万里长城──嘉峪关

5.Great Wall - Badaling万里长城──八达岭

6.Great Wall - Shanhaiguan万里长城──山海关

7.The Great Wall looks splendid.长城如此辉煌。??

8.In China, the Great Wall is known as the Ten-thousand-Ii wall.在中国,长城叫做万里长城。

9.The Great Wall is a must.不到长城非好汉!(长城一定要去!)

10.The South Great Wall and the Development of Tourism of the Great Wall Culture;南方长城与“长城文化之旅”的开发

11.The Great Wall was built in brick and stone .长城是用砖石建造的。

12.I"m planning to visit the Great Wall.我打算去参观长城。

13.Not the moon, Simon. The Great Wall!不是月球,西蒙。是长城!

14.I"ve learned about the Great Wall and the Yellow River.我熟知长城和黄河,

15.It"s about a trip to the Great Wall.是关于去长城旅游的。

16.We find ruined sites of the Great Wall我们发现长城的遗迹

17.it was called Wan Li Changcheng or @the Long Wall of 10,000 [email protected]它又被称为“万里长城”。

18."Old Battles, waged by those long walls, Once were proud on all men"s tongues."昔日长城战, 咸言意气高;


Great Wall长城

1.Problems and Suggestions for the Conservation and Tourism Development of World Heritage Site——TheGreat Wall of China;长城保护与利用中的问题和对策研究

2.Study on extracting great wall object based on knowledge from high-resolution image;基于知识的高分辨率影像长城目标提取方法研究

3.An Analysis on the Issue of “Seeing theGreat Wall from Space”;进一步剖析“从太空看长城”的争论

3)The Great Wall is too long!长城太长了!

4)How long is the Great Wall?长城有多长?

5)Great Wall zhuangyuan长城庄园

1.A preliminary discussion on the secondary fermentation ofGreat Wall zhuangyuan sparkling wine;长城庄园香槟法起泡葡萄酒二次发酵工艺浅析

6)Changyuan town长垣县城

1.By using HS6288 noise analyzer,the noise monitoring is carried on inChangyuan town.借助HS6288系列噪声分析仪,对河南省长垣县城区噪声进行了实地监测。


