700字范文 > 使命 Mission英语短句 例句大全

使命 Mission英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-10 05:22:54


使命 Mission英语短句 例句大全



1.On Drug ControlMission of China;对我国药品管理使命的思考

2.Exploration of mission statement from theory and practice;企业使命的概念和应用研究

3.The Responsibilities andMissions for Urban Planning and Design Institutes;城市规划设计院的责任与使命


1.The business with which such a body of persons is charged.使团的使命外交使团所负的使命

2.a confidential mission to London; his charge was deliver a message.我担负着光荣的使命,他的使命是送信。

3.a mission to capture or defend something.俘获或防护某事的使命。

4.He decided to see his mission out.他决定完成他的使命。

5.He went to Japan on a special mission.他去日本负有特殊使命。

6.To diminish or destroy the strength or vitality of.使失去生命;使伤元气使生命失去生命力或使伤元气

7.an attack of fever carried her away一场高烧使她送了命。

8.Use &Windows Shel使用Windows命令解释器

9.Use Command &Interpreter:使用命令解释器(&I):

10.You have filled them with a madness for pleasure.你使他们拼命寻欢作乐。

11.The machine"s life is very long.这机器使用寿命很长。

12.To help ensure its longevity为保证该机的使用寿命,,

13.Cholera carried him off that year.那年霍乱使他丧命。

14.operational life proof cycle使用寿命,保证周期

15.could have been responsible for the extinction of many life forms,使得很多生命绝迹,

16.The plague swept off multitudes.这场瘟疫使许多人丧命。

17.By the sinking of the ship eighty souls were launched into eternity.沉船使80人丧了命。

18.He is accredited to the United Nation.他被任命为联合国大使。



1.To learn to conduct oneself is the importanttask for the youths of today;学会“做人”是当代青年的重大使命

2.This paper explains the basic difference of eastern and western art culture in terms of historical materialism,analyzing the historicaltask that contemporary lacquer painters should carry out.应该从历史唯物主义角度去历清东西方艺事的根本区别,分析当代漆画家应履行的历史使命,把握好漆画展现时代风貌和时代精神内涵的方向性问题,努力拓展漆画的表现形式和题材范围,才能更好地为经济建设服务。

3.The futuretask of nationalities universities and the development of Dalian Nationalities University are predicted.阐述了民族大学在全球化和高等教育大众化、国际化进程加快的时代背景下的办学功能;认为大学必须坚持以人为本的教育理念,大学要彰显个性、办出特色;对今后一个时期民族大学的使命和大连民族学院的发展作出了展望。

3)Postmission orbit lifetime使命后寿命

4)service life使用寿命

1.Main factors influencing theservice life of solid caustic soda pots;影响固碱锅使用寿命的主要因素

2.Discuss on how to improve theservice life of injection mold;如何提高注塑模具使用寿命

3.Experiences of Prolonging Service Life of Profiled Reed of Air-jet Loom;延长喷气织机异形筘使用寿命的体会

5)working life使用寿命

1.Study on technology of increasingworking life of cold extrusion terne die;提高冷挤压凸模使用寿命的工艺研究

2.Ways to improve theworking life of casting roller;提高铸轧辊使用寿命的途径

3.The effect of surfacing process technology on theworking life of a cylinder sleeve;表面加工工艺对气缸套使用寿命的影响


1.Thelife of die and choosing and treatment of die materials;模具的使用寿命与模具材料的选用和处理

2.A large-scale study on the extension of activated carbon′slife;延长活性炭使用寿命的生产性实验

3.After improvement of heat treatment of sliding boots bottom in MG300/700-WD coal-winning machine,organization of sliding boots" bottom could be improved,rigid and wear-resisting of sliding boots" bottom could be raised very much,sliding boots have high fatigue limit,life of sliding boots could be raised,productivity could be raised.经过对MG30 0 70 0—WD型电牵引采煤机滑靴底面热处理工艺的改进 ,能够改善滑靴底面的组织 ,提高滑靴底面的硬度和耐磨性 ,使滑靴具有高的疲劳极限 ,提高了滑靴的使用寿命 ,提高了生产效


