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解蔽 uncover英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-02 01:54:26


解蔽 uncover英语短句 例句大全



1.But this kind of cover is in fact a kind ofuncover, a kind of reveal.近年来的建筑常常被各种各样的表皮所遮蔽,其表皮呈现出自在化、媒体化、虚拟化、智能化、非物质化、临时化的趋势,但这种"遮蔽"却是一种"解蔽",一种"呈现"。


1.The Mistakes of "Xunzi·Mistake-correcting" From the History of Xunzi and Western "Mistake-correcting";从荀子与西方“解蔽”史看《荀子·解蔽》之蔽

2."Covering" and "Uncovering"--Heidergger s Theory of Truth;“解蔽”与“遮蔽”——论海德格尔的真理观

3.Reveal the collision of interaction between teachers and students in educating context;学校教育情境中师生人际冲突的解蔽

4.On Understanding the Distinction between Heaven and Human from the Perspective of "Disclosing One-sidedness";论“解蔽”意义上的“明于天人之分”

5.An Analysis of the Hermeneutics of Jiebi;试析《荀子·解蔽篇》中的诠释思想

6.The Recovery towards the Simplicity of Technology and It s Uncover Effect on the Human Nature;技术的简单化复归及其对人性的解蔽

7.The Real Meaning of Aesthetical Intuition: Mind Clear and Matter Exposed;审美直觉之真义:心的敞亮与物的解蔽

8.Solve and cover the subject covered--Ontology of the aspect of epistemology is criticized;解蔽被遮蔽了的主体——兼论认识论层面的本体论批判

9.Selective Comp lexometric Determination of Copper with Thioglycollic Acid as Demasking Agent用巯基乙酸作解蔽剂选择性络合测定铜

10.Uncovering and Integration of Human Nature--a further argument on the conception of human nature of the author of Jinpingmei;人性的解蔽与整合——再论《金瓶梅》作者的人性观

11.Jiebi: An Interpretation of Xunzi s Digestion and Development of Taoism;从《解蔽》看荀子对道家思想的融会与发展

12.Blind and explanatory Undo隐蔽撤销和解释性撤销

13.Calculation of magnetic field and shield loss for shielded motor屏蔽电机的磁场与屏蔽层损耗的解析计算

14.Between Concealing and Uncovering--An Interpretation of Heidegger s Phenomenology;在遮蔽与无蔽之间——海德格尔现象学的一种理解

15.You can think of shielding as serving two purposes.屏蔽的作用可以从两方面来理解。

16.Privates, Loincloth and Castration─A Cultural Understanding of the White Deer Hill羞涩、遮蔽与阉割──《白鹿原》的文化解读

17.Research on Solving Heat-Well Cealment Using the Ejecting Mixer;喷射混合器解决热阱隐蔽技术的研究

18.The Life Exploration Under the Covering of Idealism--The Explanation of Qingyi;理想主义遮蔽下的生命探问——《青衣》解读



1.Un-concealing the "Feibai" World of Education;解蔽教育的“飞白”世界


1.In view of theuncovering and integration of human nature,the conception of human nature of the author of Jinpingmei is manifested in four aspects,namely,the revelation of nature,the caution of moral and regression of sense,the relation between the duality tensions of human nature and the tendency of their integration and humanist care,among which the third is more prominent.从人性的解蔽与整合角度来看,《金瓶梅》作者的人性观具体体现在自然性的揭启、德性的警示和理性的回归、人性的二元张力关系与整合趋向、人道主义关怀四个层面,其“回归理性与德性”的思想倾向尤其突出,可见《金瓶梅》作者有全面的并不偏颇的人性观。


5)screen and unscreen掩蔽与解蔽

1.It is reported that determinate copper in the soda slag in the paper,The method ofscreen and unscreen copper in the soda cinder bave primary reserched:The precision and accuracy could meet the require of producing and reserching .本文提出EDTA解蔽法测定苏打渣中的钢量,着重研究了如何将苏打渣中的铜掩蔽与解蔽的方法。

6)Conceal and Reveal遮蔽与解蔽


